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2016/01/18 12:00
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  • due to the snow

「雪の影響を受ける」はdue to the snow、because of the snowという風に訳すことができます。例えば、 Due to the heavy snow fall, the trains have stopped. 沢山の雪が降ったため、電車が停車になった。 due to はちょっと硬い英語で、以下の文章はよりくだけた感じです。 The trains have stopped because it's snowing. 雪が降っているので、電車が止まった。
  • Snow directly disrupts the traffic in Tokyo.

日本語とは、主語が逆転するのですが、 Snow directly disrupts the traffic in Tokyo. 直訳:雪は直接的に東京の交通機関を混乱させる。 実際の電車の遅れではなく、一般的に雪の影響を受けると伝えたい場合は、おすすめの表現です!
  • Snow may badly affect transport in Tokyo

  • Tokyo citizens relying on public transport may suffer severely due to snow cancellations and delays

"What's London like in the winter? Does the weather badly affect trains or buses or planes at any time?" "Well, usually everything is fine, but sometimes freezing temperatures or snow may cause disruption. heavy snowfall may stop everything, but it's quite rare." "I think it's probably quite similar in Tokyo. We don't get much snow, but if we do, Tokyo citizens relying on public transport may suffer severely due to snow cancellations and delays
例文です "What's London like in the winter? Does the weather badly affect trains or buses or planes at any time?" -ロンドンの冬はどのような感じですか? 天候はいつも電車やバス飛行機に悪影響を及ぼしますか? "Well, usually everything is fine, but sometimes freezing temperatures or snow may cause disruption. Heavy snowfall may stop everything, but it's quite rare." -まあ、通常は全て問題ないのだけれど、時々、氷点下や雪が混乱を引き起こすことがあります。 大雪は全てを停止させますが、それはめったにありません。 "I think it's probably quite similar in Tokyo. We don't get much snow, but if we do, Tokyo citizens relying on public transport may suffer severely due to snow cancellations and delays" -東京もかなり似ていると思います。 それほど多くの雪は降りませんが、 公共交通機関に頼る東京の人々は雪による結構や遅延に深刻に苦しみます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tokyo transport is affected due to the snow.

  • Bad snow weather affected Tokyo transport.

▪Tokyo transport is affected due to the snow. ▪Bad snow weather affected Tokyo transport. Example 1 Friend: Hey, do you know what is happening with the transport in Tokyo? You:Tokyo transport is affected due to the snow. Example 2 Friend: Hey, do you know what is happening with the transport in Tokyo? You:Bad snow weather affected Tokyo transport.
▪Tokyo transport is affected due to the snow. 東京の交通機関は雪の影響を受けています。 ▪Bad snow weather affected Tokyo transport. 大雪が東京の交通機関に影響を与えています。 例1 友人: Hey, do you know what is happening with the transport in Tokyo? ねえ、東京の交通機関に何が起こっているか知ってる? あなた:Tokyo transport is affected due to the snow. 東京の交通機関は雪の影響を受けています。 例2 友人: Hey, do you know what is happening with the transport in Tokyo? ねえ、東京の交通機関に何が起こっているか知ってる? あなた: 大雪が東京の交通機関に影響を与えています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Tokyo commuters face severe delays due to snow

  • Commuters must deal with severe delays caused by the snow

  • There will be travel disruption due to the severe weather...

Some countries have "severe weather ALERTS": Color code, yellow or red Alerts which mean there will likely be major dispution to normal transport sevices! Severe weather warnings are usually reserved for Typhons /Floods or "Heavy Snow". We can say.." there will be disruption to normal services" due to the snow!
一部の国では"sever weather alerts(悪天の警告)"というものがあり、黄色や赤が色として使用されます。公共交通機関に大幅な乱れがあることを警告します。 悪天による警告は台風、洪水また大雪などに使われます。 "There will be disruption to normal service due to the snow"(雪の影響で交通機関に乱れがでています。)と言えば良いでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The Tokyo area was affected by yesterday night's snowfall

In some countries, such as the USA and Canada. the weather gets very harsh in the wintertime and it's normal for lots of snow to fall. These countries are always prepared for heavy snow but, unfortunately, not all countries or cities are. Tokyo is not used to getting heavy snowfall like in the northern part of Japan.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • The public transportation in Tokyo is directly affected by snow.

*The public transportation in Tokyo is directly affected by snow. This means that if there is a lot of snow in Tokyo, the public transport will not function. For example: A:Are you going to work today? B:Last night it snowed a lot and the buses will not be travelling.
”The public transportation in Tokyo is directly affected by snow" この例文は東京では大雪の為、交通機関に乱れがでていると言う意味です。 例 : A : Are you going to work today? 訳 : B : 今日仕事行くの? 例 : A : Last night it snowed a lot and the buses will not be traveling. 訳 : B : 昨日の夜結構雪が降ったから、バスは動いてないだろう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Travel disruptions due to snow

  • Travel is disrupted across Tokyo due to the snow

  • Travel delays due to snow

The phrase 'travel disruptions' in the UK is very familiar. As we get a lot of rain, snow and wind during the winter, travel disruptions and delays are commonplace. It refers to both private and public transport, the key thing here is that the media (news, radio, internet) will announce any issues under the name 'travel disruptions'. Sometimes they may use the term 'travel chaos', but this is used more by the media than by people themselves.
travel disruptions'(交通の混乱)というフレーズは、イギリスではとてもなじみがあります。イギリスは冬の間、雨や雪、風が多いので、交通の混乱や遅れはよくあることです。 民間の移動手段や公共交通機関の両方を指しますが、重要な点は、メディア(新聞、ラジオ、インターネット)は何かあれば、'travel disruptions'という名前を使うということです。 時折、'travel chaos'という言葉を使うこともありますが、これは人の会話よりもメディアでより使われます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Public transport has been affected by the snow.

  • Due to the snow, the trains have stopped running.

  • The trains are unable to run due to the snow.

These are ways that you can say that the snow has affected the transport in your town or city. You can use this with any type of weather condition. Example: Due to the heavy rain, the match has been cancelled. Due to the extreme heat, we were unable to make it to the top of the mountain.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • subject to weather conditions

  • can be affected by the snow

examples "The train was delayed, the snow has caused problems" or "The public transport is subject to changes because of the snow" or "Snow affected the transport system"
"The train was delayed, the snow has caused problems" 雪のせいで、電車が遅れた。   "The public transport is subject to changes because of the snow"  公共交通機関は、雪のため変更されている。 "Snow affected the transport system" 雪が交通機関に影響を与えた。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • "Snow can often directly affect public transportation in Japan"

  • "It is common for travel delays when it snows in Japan"

If you wanted to express that public transportation in Tokyo is directly affected by snow, you could say either of the following to express this: "Snow can often directly affect public transportation in Japan" or "It is common for travel delays when it snows in Japan".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Public transport is not running at the moment due to the snow fall in the city last night.

Examples: The public transport is down in Tokyo at the moment because of the snow fall in the city. Because of the snow fall in Tokyo overnight, the public bus service is not running temporarily. All the public trains and buses in Tokyo are not running at the moment due to the large amount of snow that fell in the city last night.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Public transportation in Tokyo is usually affected by snow

  • When it snows in Tokyo, it affects the efficient running of the transport system.

When you want to explain that public transportation in Tokyo is directly affected by the snow; then you may express this in the following ways: -Public transportation in Tokyo is usually affected by snow. -When it snows in Tokyo, it affects the efficient running of the transport system.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The snow directly affects the snow quite badly and can cause chaos.

  • Due to the snow, public transportation is affected.

  • There may be some difficulties with the public transport due to the heavy snow.

Public transportation is quite widely used across the world and a high volume of people rely on the transport to get them to work, home, different places etc. When there is severe weather, this can directly affect the transportation and can be quite dangerous as places and transport will get very busy and over crowded. 'chaos' - means that it can be a disaster with people all rushing around, 'The tube was chaotic today, due to the weather warnings'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Public transportation is affected the snow.

  • The snow affects public transportation.

These two sentences can be used to describe how the weather can affect public transportation. The main thing to notice is that one of the sentences is using the passive sentence structure whereas, "The snow affects public transportation," is the active version of the sentence.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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