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商品の宣伝文句などで、出てくる表現 例) このカメラ、使い易さが自慢です。 このテレビ、質の良い液晶が自慢です。
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2017/08/18 06:47
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  • We're proud of its ease-of-use.

  • Its ease-of-use is worth boasting about.

DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • We are proud of its state of the art display.

  • I want to show off how easy it is to use.

We are proud of its state of the art display. State of the art – means – up-to-date, new and advanced. The quality of the display is brilliant therefore you are proud of it. You worked hard to develop the product and you want to show it off and express your happiness. I want to show off how easy it is to use. Show off – show to many people, big it up (give it a lot of praise). When you are proud of something you usually want to show it off and get compliments.
"We are proud of its state of the art display. State of the art –最新で高度なもの。展示品の品質は素晴らしいもので、 この開発に懸命に取り組んできたあなたは、それを誇りに思い満足な気持ちを表したいです。 I want to show off how easy it is to use. Show off –多くの人にみてもらい沢山の称賛を得たい。自慢したい。 自分が何か誇りに思っている時は、通常それを見せて褒められたい気持ちになります。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • We are so proud of it's ease of use and incredible, high quality display!

  • It's user-friendly, stylish and crystal clear, and we are extremely proud to be selling it!

Ease of use = this is sometimes referred to as 'usability' and so something with a high usability rating would be effective in terms of that line of products. User-friendly = easy to use or understand: a user-friendly dictionary. 2. (of a computer system) easily operated and understood by means of a straightforward guide in jargon-free language, user-friendliness. "I quite like this laptop." "Yes, it's one of our best sellers. We are so proud of it's ease of use and incredible, high quality display!"
Ease of use = これはusabilityという言葉で表されます。 high usabilityといえば、その製品の宣伝文句としては効果的だと思います。 User-friendly = 簡単に使える、理解できる。 a user-friendly dictionary. 2. (コンピュータのシステムが)簡単に操作できて、難しい言葉などがなく理解しやすい。 "I quite like this laptop." このラップトップかなり気にいった。 "Yes, it's one of our best sellers. We are so proud of it's ease of use and incredible, high quality display!" ああ、それはベストセラーの一つです。簡単な使い方と、ディスプレーのクオリティの高さが売りです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We are really proud of the high quality display and how user friendly the product is.

I am going to help structure your sentences: Instead of saying " we are proud of easy to use " you should say "We are proud of how easy to use the product is." Instead of saying " I want to show off easy to use " you should say "I want to show off how easy to use the product is." Instead of saying " I can not tell more about this high quality display " you should say "I cannot say more about the high quality display of the product." Instead of saying " I feel pride about this high quality display " you should say "I feel proud about this high quality display."
文章を作る手伝いをしますね。 "we are proud of easy to use"を使う代わりに"We are proud of how easy to use the product is."を使うことが出来ます。 "I want to show off easy to use"を使う代わりに"I want show off how easy to use the product is"とするべきです。 "I can not tell more about this high quality display"の代わりに"I cannot say more about the high quality display of the product."にしましょう。 "I feel pride about this high quality display”の代わりに"I feel proud about this high quality disply.”と言うようにしましょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I can say with confidence that it is a high quality display screen.

  • This device is very user friendly and easy to use.

>I can say with confidence that it is a high quality display screen. *confidence=the state of feeling certain about the truth of something. .................. >This device is very user friendly, let me show you how easy it is to use. *user friendly means that any user will be able to navigate the device without a struggle. .............................***.......................
I can say with confidence that it is a high quality display screen. *confidence=自信をもつこと。 This device is very user friendly let me show you how easy it is to use.  *user friendly とは、ユーザー(利用者)が使いやすい、という意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We pride ourselves on its user-friendliness.

  • Our superb displays boast sharper and clearer images.

We pride ourselves on its user-friendliness: This means that we are proud of how easy it is to use. Our superb displays boast sharper and clearer images: Our excellent displays boast (can brag) about delivering clear and well-defined pictures.
We pride ourselves on its user-friendliness: これはユーザーにとってのつかいやすさを追求してそこに自信を持っているという意味です。 Our superb displays boast sharper and clearer images: 我々の優れた液晶はシャープで綺麗なイメージが自慢です。 Our excellent displays boast (can brag) about delivering clear and well-defined pictures. 我々の素晴らしい液晶は解像度の高い綺麗な写真を画像を写すことが自慢です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • You will never find another device as user friendly as this one.

  • This is a state-of-the-art device, presently unmatched in quality and ease of use.

If a device is user friendly, what this means is that users find it very easy to use. The steps to follow when using it are easy and uncomplicated. Some devices are very complicated to use and users may find such devices not user friendly. If the device is state-of-the-art, it means that the device is very modern and incorporates the most recent ideas and features and is of high quality. The phrase 'state-of-the-art' can be applied to any item. It can be a product, a building, etc. So, you may say: You will never find another device as user friendly as this one. or This is a state-of-the-art device, presently unmatched in quality and ease of use.
 「user friendly」な機器(device)とは、使いやすい機器のことです。 使い方が簡単で複雑でないことを表します。複雑で使いにくい「not user friendly」な機器も中にはありますね。 「state-of-the-art」な機器とは、最先端の特徴を備えた、高品質な機器のこと。 「state-of-the-art」は、製品、建物など、あらゆるものについて使えます。 You will never find another device as user friendly as this one. (これほど使いやすい機器はほかにありません) This is a state-of-the-art device, presently unmatched in quality and ease of use. (これは最先端の機器です、品質・使いやすさにおいて匹敵する物は今のところありません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We are proud of how easy it is to use.

  • It is of the highest quality, guarenteed.

  • You won't find better quality elsewhere.

The first talks about how, "proud," you are of the product because it is one of the best. The second talks about that it is the highest quality, "guaranteed," or to be assured that it is the best. Lastly we can talk about how you wont find better quality, "elsewhere," or within other products.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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