世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/21 05:45
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  • It's been 25 minutes already?

  • Already?

It's been 25 minutes already? もう25分たっちゃったの? 「もう時間だよ」、と言われた後に言うには "Already?" だけでも伝わると思います。 Wow, that was fast! あっという間だった! I guess time really flies when you're having fun. 楽しい時間はあっという間というのは本当ですね。 なんて言い方はいかがでしょう?
  • The time went so quick.

  • Has it been 25 minutes already?

  • Time flies when we having fun.

>▪The time went so quick. >This indicates that the 25 minutes went by very fast and you did not realized it. >▪Has it been 25 minutes already? >This is asking in a shocking way because you did not take note of the time and it went so quick. >▪Time flies when we having fun. >This indicates that when the lesson is fun the time goes quick because you do not take note of the time and only concentrate on the nice lesson.
例文 ▪The time went so quick. 時間がとても早く経った。 25分があまりにも早く過ぎて、 そのことに気づかなかったと いうことです。 例文 ▪Has it been 25 minutes already? 25分はもう過ぎたのですか? 時間に気づかず、時間があまりに 早く過ぎたので、驚いたように 尋ねています。 例文 ▪Time flies when we having fun. 楽しいと、時間が早く経つ 時間に気づかず、ただ楽しい レッスンに集中しているので、 レッスンが楽しいと時間が早く 経つということを表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies when you're having fun!

  • I feel like the lesson has flown by!

  • The time has passed so quickly today.

Time flies when you're having fun! = This idiom is used when time has appeared to have passed quickly because you are busy doing something you find interesting or fun. I feel like the lesson has flown by! = Indicating that the lesson has passed quickly but in a good way.
Time flies when you're having fun! = このイディオムは、面白いことや楽しいことをするのに忙しくて、時間がとても早く過ぎたように思える時に使われます。 I feel like the lesson has flown by! =レッスンが良い意味で早く終わったことを表しています。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Time has flown by so fast!

  • It's hard to believe that it's 25 minutes already!

  • Wow! Has it been 25 minutes already! Incredible!!

Time flies! Time has passed very quickly! Doesn't time fly? How time flies! We've come to the end of our exam already. Time and tide wait for no man (idiom) = time is not in our control, we should not waste time.
例文 Time flies! 時間が経つのが早い。 Time has passed very quickly! 時間がとても早く経った。 Doesn't time fly? 時間が早く経ちませんか? How time flies! We've come to the end of our exam already. なんて時間は早いんだろう。 今日で試験は終わりだ。 Time and tide wait for no man (idiom) = 時間はコントロールできないので、 時間を無駄にすべきではない。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Time has really flown this lesson teacher!

This is an adaption of the saying: "Time flies when you are having fun." It means that time passes by quickly when you are enjoying yourself or involved in a pleasurable activity and so, it is a very positive thing to say! The original saying is a little bit of a cliche these days and rarely heard, but to adapt it and come up with a different version would be totally origional and understandable.
この文は"Time flies when you are having fun." という表現からとったものです。 この表現は、楽しく過ごしている時や楽しい活動をしている時は時間が早く経つという意味ですから、とてもポジティブな言い方です。 元々の表現は、最近ではすこし陳腐な感じがして、滅多に聞きませんが、その一部を使い別の表現にすれば、完全にオリジナルの表現になりますし、理解してもらえます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • That lesson flew by.

  • Wow! That didn't feel like 25 minutes.

  • Time flies when you are having fun.

The first phrase, "That lesson flew by" says to the teacher that you felt the lesson went really quickly. "Wow! That didn't feel like 25 minutes" has the same function but has an exclamation (wow!) which shows that you are really surprised that the lesson went by so fast. "Time flies when you are having fun" is an english saying which means that when you are enjoying what you are doing, time seems to go by faster. It is something you can say at the end of the lesson to let your teacher know that you have really enjoyed learning with them. I hope this helps
1つ目のフレーズ "That lesson flew by." は、 講師にレッスンがあっという間に終わってしまったことを伝えます。 "Wow! That didn't feel like 25 minutes" こちらも同じ意味になりますが、"Wow!"という感嘆句があることでレッスンがあっという間に過ぎて驚いたことが伝わります。 "Time flies when you are having fun" これは楽しい時間はあっという間に過ぎることを意味する英語の慣用句です。 レッスンの最後に言って、あなたが講師とのレッスンを楽しんだことを伝えるといいですね。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Has it been 25 minutes already?

  • Time flies when your having fun

  • Time has flown by

You could simply ask "has it been 25 minutes already?" A popular saying in the uk is `time flies when your having fun' which simply means when your are enjoying yourself or doing something you like time seems to go by so quickly and you do not realise you could say `time has flown by today ' meaning the same thing.
シンプルに下記のように聞けます: Has it been 25 minutes already? (もう25分経ったの?) UKで一般的なことわざに、Time flies when you're having fun(楽しい時間はあっという間)があります。楽しんでいる時や、好きなことをしている時は、時間があっという間に過ぎるという意味です。Time has flown by today(今日は時間があっという間に過ぎた)も同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's been 25 minutes already?

  • 25 minutes already? That was fast!

It's been 25 minutes already? もう25分経ったんですか? 25 minutes already? That was fast! もう25分?はやかった! 他には: Time flies when you're having fun. Time goes by so quickly when you're having fun. 楽しんでいるときは時間はあっという間ですね。
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