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25分のDMM英会話レッスンで, あとレッスンが一分で終わるくらいのタイミングで質問したいとき。
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2018/01/11 19:31
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  • Is there time for one more question?

  • Can I quickly just ask another question?

As both you and the teacher would know the lesson is coming to an end, you can just say "is there time for one more/another question?". To indicate that you will be quick with your question and the answer will be short, you can ask "can I quickly ask one more/another question?".
あなたと先生どちらもレッスンの時間が少なくなっているとわかるでしょうから、"Is there time for one more/another question?" だけでも問題ありません。 手短な質問で、長くかからないと伝えるなら: "Can I quickly ask one more/another question?" 「すぐに終わるのでもう一つ質問していいですか」
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Can I ask one more question before our time's up?

  • Can I squeeze in one more question before the end of our lesson?

  • We only have one minute left, but can I ask another question?

"Can I ask one more question before our time's up?" - The English idiom "time's up" means the the period of time allowed for something is ended. In this sentence, the time for the class is coming to an end. Therefore, you are saying that you would like to ask one more question before the class ends. Example of Idiom: "Turn in your papers, students; time is up." "Can I squeeze in one more question before the end of our lesson?" - The word squeeze means to manage to get something into a restricted space. The restricted space in this case would be the amount of time remaining. Since there is very little time remaining for the class, it is as if you're squeezing in your last question before the class ends. Example: We all squeezed into Steve's van.
"Can I ask one more question before our time's up?" - "time's up" は英語のイディオムで、与えられた時間が終わることを表します。ここでは授業の時間のことです。授業が終わる前にもう一つ質問をしたいと言っています。 例: "Turn in your papers, students; time is up." 「テストを出してください、時間です」 "Can I squeeze in one more question before the end of our lesson" - "squeeze" は「狭い空間にものを入れる」という意味です。「狭い空間」とはここでは「残された時間」です。残りわずかな時間に質問を入れることを "squeeze" を使って表しています。 例: "We all squeezed into Steve's van." 「全員で何とかSteveのバンに乗った」
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if I can quickly ask one last question?

  • I know it's almost time but I have one burning question. Is it okay if I ask?

*Is it okay if I can quickly ask one last question?- This means you would like to know if it's okay with the teacher if you can or there is not enough time. *I know it's almost time but I have one burning question. Is it okay if I ask?- "I know it's almost time "- this means that you are letting the teacher know that you are aware that there is not enough time. "burning question'- this is an important or urgent question that requires an answer.
*Is it okay if I can quickly ask one last question? 〔訳〕すぐ終わるので一つだけ質問いいですか -先生に質問してもいいか、時間があるのか確認しています *I know it's almost time but I have one burning question. Is it okay if I ask? 〔訳〕もう時間がありませんが、一つ聞きたいことがあります。いいですか "I know it's almost time"- 時間が少ないことはわかっていると(先生に)伝えています。 "burning question"-「大切な質問、今すぐに尋ねたいこと」という意味です
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • In our last minute, I'd like to ask this question: ________

You want to ask if you can ask a question as there is only a minute of the lesson left? Well, if there is a minute left, then just ask the question. If you ask someone about asking a question, then you are just wasting time!
レッスンの残りが1分しかないので、質問してもいいか尋ねたいのですか? あの、1分しかないのでしたら、単純にその質問をしましょう。質問してもいいかどうか尋ねるのなら、それは単に時間を無駄にしているだけです!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do we have time for me to ask one more question?

  • Is there enough time for me to ask just one more question.

If you are in a lesson and time is almost finished, but you want to know if you have time to ask one last question, you can ask "Do we have time for me to ask one more question?"
レッスン中、残り時間がほとんどないとき、もう一つ質問してもいいか尋ねたいなら、 "Do we have time for me to ask one more question?"(あと一つ質問する時間がありますか?) と聞けます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • We only have one minute left, but can I ask another question please?

  • Is there enough time for me to ask another question?

  • Can I quickly ask another question, I know we only have a minute left?

If you only have a minute left of the lesson but want to ask another question then by saying 'We only have one minute left' you are letting the teacher know that you know there is not much time left so you would add ' but can I ask another question?' You could also ask 'Is there enough time for me to ask another question?' this is a polite way of saying you know but the time but want to ask a question you could also say ' can I quickly ask another qustion?'
レッスンの残りが1分しかない中で、もう一つ質問したい場合ですね。 'We only have one minute left'は、時間がないことをこちらが承知していることを先生に伝えます。それから、 'but can I ask another question?'(もう一つ聞いてもいいですか) と続けています。 他に、 'Is there enough time for me to ask another question?'(もう一つ質問する時間はありますか) と聞いてもいいです。時間はないけども質問をしたいと伝える丁寧な言い方です。 また、 'Can I quickly ask another qustion?'(ササッともう一つ聞いていいですか) と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • May I ask one more question?

  • I have one more question.

  • I have another question...

When you want to ask the teacher if you can ask one more question (before the end of the lesson), then you may ask?say it in the following ways: -May I ask one more question? -I have one more question. -I have another question...
(レッスンが終わる前に)もう一つ質問していいか先生に確認したい時は、以下の表現が使えます: May I ask one more question? (もう一つ質問していいですか?) I have one more question. (もう一つ質問があります) I have another question... (もう一つ質問があります)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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