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でも 仕事の帰りは タクシーを使いますって英語でなんて言うの?

仕事に行くときは 電車ですが 仕事終わりは遅いのでタクシーを利用します
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2017/08/21 13:45
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  • I usually take the train in the morning, but I return home by taxi at night.

  • I usutally take the train to work, but I go home by taxi at night.

「朝は普通電車に乗りますが、夜はタクシーで帰宅します」「通常、電車で仕事に行きますが、夜はタクシーで帰宅します」という2つの言い方をご紹介します。昨日や今日のような特定の日の出来事ではなく、全般的にタクシーを使うことが多い、という言い方であれば、「use」よりも「go home by taxi」などの方が一般的です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I usually take the train to work in the morning, but take a taxi going home because I often work late.

  • By the time I get off work there are no trains so I take a taxi home.

  • I take a taxi home after work because I often work late.

I usually take the train to work in the morning, but take a taxi going home because I often work late. By the time I get off work there are no trains so I take a taxi home. I take a taxi home after work because I often work late. I take the train to work in the mornings but take a taxi after work because it is usually late.
I usually take the train to work in the morning, but take a taxi going home because I often work late. (普通朝は電車で仕事に行きますが、帰りは遅くなることが多いのでタクシーに使います) By the time I get off work there are no trains so I take a taxi home. (仕事が終わる頃には電車がなくなっているので、タクシーで帰ります) I take a taxi home after work because I often work late. (仕事で遅くなることが多いので帰りはタクシーを使います) I take the train to work in the mornings but take a taxi after work because it is usually late. (朝は電車で仕事に行きますが、帰りは遅くなることが多いのでタクシーに使います)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I go by train in the morning, but come back by taxi at night.

  • I often use the train to go to work, and take a taxi home late at night.

I go by train in the morning, but come back by taxi at night. - this is a simple way of expressing how you go to and from work each day, and is used as a answer without explicitly stating work. Sometimes they'll ask you what you mean by this, and it's a great way to continue and build upon a conversation. I often use the train to go to work, and take a taxi home late at night. - this tells the person that you use the train to go to work, but hen you take a taxi home later during the nighttime.
I go by train in the morning, but come back by taxi at night.(朝は電車で行って、夜はタクシーで帰ります) - これは毎日の通勤について伝えるシンプルな言い方です。明確に「仕事」とは言っていません、これは質問に対する答えとして使います。この理由について尋ねられることもあるでしょうが、会話を広げるチャンスです。 I often use the train to go to work, and take a taxi home late at night.(仕事に行くときには電車をよく使います、夜遅く家に帰るときにはタクシーに乗ります) - これは「仕事に行くときは電車を使うけど、夜家に帰るときにはタクシーに乗る」と伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I go to work by train, but I go home by taxi since I finish late.

  • In the morning I train, but in the evening I taxi.

  • I usually ride the train to work in the morning and then in the evening I take a taxi.

You can say any of the above phrases to explain your way of commuting. You can even explain later in the conversation why you commute this way. For example, in addition to the statements above, you can say, "I take the train to work in the morning because it's the fastest way to get to work." Then you can also explain your evening commute by saying, "Since I finish work late, I usually have to take the taxi home." Or you can say, "I work late hours in the evening, and since there are no trains at that hour, I have to catch a taxi home."
上記どの文を使ってもあなたの通勤スタイルについて説明できます。この後、なぜそのように通勤するのか伝えることもできます。 例えば、上記の文に加えて次のように言えます。 "I take the train to work in the morning because it's the fastest way to get to work." (電車が1番時間がかからないので朝は電車を使います) それから、夕方の通勤についても説明できます。 例えば: "Since I finish work late, I usually have to take the taxi home." (仕事が終わるのが遅いので、たいていはタクシーで帰らないといけません) もしくは: "I work late hours in the evening, and since there are no trains at that hour, I have to catch a taxi home." (仕事が夜遅くて、その時間に電車がないので、タクシーで帰らないといけません)
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • I commute to work by train in the mornings, but by the time I finish there are none so I get a taxi back

Commute - a distance travelled
Commute - 移動距離。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • To return home from work I have to catch a taxi, there are no trains at that time.

  • In the morning I can catch the train to work, at night I work late so I have to catch a taxi.

  • At night, I work late so I have no choice but to catch a taxi, there are no trains so late.

#1 and #3 is explaining your journey about the catching a taxi. The taxi is the main subject here. #2 explains your journey from the morning. These explain your journey either way whether the train or taxi is your primary explaination.
一つ目と三つ目の例ではタクシーでの移動について伝えています。タクシーが主題です。 二つ目の例では朝の移動について伝えています。 これで、行きと帰りどちらに重点を置くにしてもその移動について説明できます。
Karie DMM英会話講師
  • I take the train on my way to work and the taxi on the way home.

  • When I go to work, I take the train but because I work late, I go home by taxi.

The first sentence shows how you go home without giving an explanation. While the second one explains that because you are working late, you have no choice but to take the taxi. I take the train means you ride the train. People use the word 'take" to mean a lot with transportation. For example: I'm taking a cab. I'm taking the plan. I'm taking the bus. Hope this helps!
一つ目の文では、理由は説明せずどのように通勤しているかのみを伝えています。 一方、二つ目の文では、遅くまで仕事をするのでタクシーを使わなければならないと伝えています。 "I take the train" は「電車に乗る」という意味です。"take" は乗り物に関してよく使われます。 例えば: I'm taking a cab.(タクシーに乗る) I'm taking the plane.(飛行機に乗る) I'm taking the bus.(バスに乗る) 参考になれば幸いです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • I go to work by train but I take a taxi on my way home.

I go to work by train but I take a taxi on my way home. 電車で出勤しますが、帰りはタクシーに乗ります。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 go to work = 出勤する、仕事に行く take a taxi = タクシーに乗る お役に立てればうれしいです。
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