世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/21 23:14
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  • Please point that elsewhere!

  • Never aim at someone's face!

  • Keep that thing out of my face!

When playing such games, short and clear instructions are key as people are running, falling, dodging and probably out of breath. Politeness also is not as necessary as usual on the sports field. "Hey, let's all shoot at James!" "Just keep that water away from my face OK!" If you are a parent imparting advice to a child, you may say, "Never aim at someone's face,' as being a useful message for them to carry into adulthood.
そういうスポーツをやっているときは遊んでいる皆に注意を促すには、短くて的確な指示が大切です。丁寧さは、スポーツの場ではそぐわないこともあります。 "Hey, let's all shoot at James!" ジェームスを狙え! "Just keep that water away from my face OK!" 水を顔にかけるのだけはやめて! 子供へ声をかけるのなら、"Never aim at someone's face,' というのが一般的に使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Don't aim at my face!

  • Don't shoot in my face!

  • Don't throw it in my face!

When playing a sports game and you don't want someone to throw or aim something in your face, you can say: Don't aim at my face! To aim is to position something in a particular direction. If you are playing with water guns, you can say - Don't squirt water in my face! To squirt - to eject water from an opening. Don't shoot in my face! To shoot in this case means to spray water. When playing a game of dodge ball, you can say: Don't throw it in my face! I hope that helps!
スポーツをしていて、ものを顔に投げたり狙ったりしてほしくないとき、このように言うことができます。 Don't aim at my face! aim とは特定の方角に向けて狙うことです。 水鉄砲で遊んでいるとしたら、こう言ってもいいですね。 Don't squirt water in my face! squirt - 水を発射させる Don't shoot in my face! この場合 shoot とは、水はかけることです。 ドッジボールをしているとしたら、こう言うことができます。 Don't throw it in my face! (顔に投げないで!) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Please do not hit me in the face!

  • Please do not point that in my face!

  • Please do not direct it at my face!

There is always some danger when we play sports, things happens accidentally. Some people do not intend to harm you, but it happens, but we can take precautions in letting others know that we do not want to be hit or harmed in certain areas of our bodies. So, when we play dodgeball, we can use the following sayings: "Please do not hit me in the face!" "Please do not toss the ball in my face!" This means that you do not want to be harmed in your face. When we are playing with a water gun, this can be said: "Please do not point that in my face!" "Please do not direct it at my face!" This is telling the person that they should not squirt water in your face.
スポーツをするとき突発的に何かが起きる危険性はいつもあります。 あなたを傷つける意思がなくとも起きることがありますが、ある体の場所は傷つけたり打ったりしないように知らせて、注意を喚起しておくことができます。 そのため、ドッヂボールをするとき、以下の表現を使うことができます。 Please do not hit me in the face! Please do not toss the ball in my face! これは、顔を傷つけたくないということを意味します。 水鉄砲で遊ぶ時、このように言うことができます。 Please do not point that in my face! Please do not direct it at my face! これは、顔に水をかけるべきではないということを言います。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Please do not hit my face!

  • Do not aim for my face please!

  • Leave my face out!

You can use any of these expressions to let someone know that you do not want your face to be hit. 1. Please do not hit my face. This statement will let the other person know not to hit your face. 2. Do not aim for my face please! To aim for something means to point or direct something. This statement will let the other person know that you do not want them pointing the dodgeball or water gun at your face. 3. Leave my face out! This will let the other person know that they can shoot at other areas of your body but not your face.
これらの表現はどれも、あなたが顔をめがけてほしくないことを相手に伝えるのに使うことができます。 1. Please do not hit my face. この文は相手にあなたの顔を狙わないように伝えています。 2. Do not aim for my face please! aim for 〜は、〜にめがけたり狙ったりすることを意味します。この文は相手に、ドッジボールや水鉄砲を顔に向けて打たないでほしいことを伝えています。 3. Leave my face out! これは相手に、顔以外の部位に向けて売ってもいいよと伝えています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My face is out of this game, body shots only!

  • Don't even try to aim at my face.

>My face is out of this game, body shots only! *This is telling them, whatever game you are playing, you face is out of the game. Saying indirectly that they are not allowed to hit or aim at your face. And that only "body" shots are allowed. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >Don't even try to aim at my face. *This is saying directly that they should not aim at your face or there will be trouble.
My face is out of this game, body shots only! どの試合であろうとも、顔は無効であることを意味します。顔を狙って打つことは許されないことを暗に意味します。「体」に打つことだけが許させれていることを意味する表現です。 Don't even try to aim at my face. 問題になるので、顔を狙うべきではないことを直接言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Don't throw it at my face.

「それを私の顔めがけて投げないで」の意味です。 throw A at B「AをBめがけて投げる」
  • You can fire anyway else but not my face

Another word for fire is shoot. This means you want them to shoot anyway on your body but you will appreciate it if they avoid your face.
"""fire""の他に""shoot""を使う事もできます。 これは、どの体の部分を狙ってもいいけど、顔は辞めてね、という意味になります。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please mind the face.

  • Please avoid my face.

  • No aiming above the shoulders

Please mind the face. Mind – take care of, be careful. In other words, be careful of my face. Please avoid my face. Avoid – try not to hit that area. No aiming above the shoulders. – Only aim at the body, not above the shoulders reduces the chance of being hit in the face.
Please mind the face. Mind - 気を付ける。注意する。 他に be careful of my face.(顔に当たらない様、気をつけてください。)と言う事もできます。 Please avoid my face. Avoid – ある場所を避け、ぶつからない様にする。 No aiming above the shoulders. – 肩から上を避け、体だけを狙ううことで、顔に当たる可能性が減ります。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Don't aim at my face!

  • Aim at my body!

  • Watch out for my face!

When I used to play with water guns as a kid, I would commonly use the third expression, but all three will do if you want to keep your head safe. Take care!
子どもの頃に水鉄砲で遊んだ時は三つ目の表現をよく使っていました。 ただ、三つどれを使っても「顔を狙わないで」と伝えられます。 気をつけてくださいね。
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • Hey !Watch out for my face!

  • Keep it away from my face!

  • Body shots only!

These are all suitable expressions to use when playing with someone inorder to tell them not to aim at your face. If you want to set the rules before the game begins you could say: -Please aim away from my face. -You are not allowed to spray me in the face. -Make sure you only spray my body and not my face. If you are in the middle of the game and you don't have much time to stop the game to give instructions you may say: -Hey !Watch out for my face! -Keep it away from my face! -Body shots only!
これらはどれも、顔を狙わないでと遊んでいる相手に伝えるために使えるときに適しています。 もしゲームが始まる前にルールを決めたければ、こう言うことができます。 - Please aim away from my face. - You are not allowed to spray me in the face. - Make sure you only spray my body and not my face. もしゲームの最中で、ゲームを止めて指示する時間も無ければ、こう言うかもしれません。 - Hey! Watch out for my face! - Keep it away from my face! - Body shots only!
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't aim for my face.

  • Please avoid shooting at faces.

To tell somebody not to aim at your face when playing, you can tell them: "Please don't aim for my face." "Please avoid shooting at faces."
遊んでいるときに「顔は狙わないで」とお願いしたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Please don't aim for my face." "Please avoid shooting at faces." (顔は狙わないで)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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