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maika kinoshitaさん
2017/08/22 01:03
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  • The price depends on the type of product.

  • The value is determined by the product.

  • The price is dependent on the product.

In order to inform someone that the price of something depends on the type of product they want, you can say: The price depends on the type of product. This is very straight forward and means that the depending on the item, the price can be higher or lower. A more formal way of saying it is: The value is determined by the product The value - The cost, the expense, the price Determined - In this case it means to be decided. The price is dependent on the product. Dependent means to rely on or to be decided by. I hope that helps!
欲しい商品の種類によってその値段が変わることを伝えるには、こう言うことができます。 The price depends on the type of product. これはわかりやすい言い方で、商品によってか値段が高かったり低かったりすることを意味します。 よりフォーマルな言い方は、 The value is determined by the product. the value - 値段、費用、価格 determined - この場合は「決められる」という意味です。 The price is dependent on the product. dependent は、「〜による」や「〜によって決められる」という意味です。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Prices vary according to the type of product.

  • Product prices are not uniform

In the first sentence, you have used the verb to 'vary' which in this context means to 'differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class', in this case, the type of product. In the second sentence, you have used the adjective 'uniform' which in this context means 'constant; unvarying; undeviating'. So, you may say: Product prices are not uniform. This is the same as saying: Products vary according to the type of product but said in an informal way.
最初の文では動詞'vary'(異なる)を使用しました。これはこの文脈では大きさ、量、度合いまたは性質によって異なるという意味です。この場合は商品の種類です。 2文目ではこの文脈では不変、同質、逸脱しないという意味の形容詞'uniform'(均一)を使用しました。したがって次のように言うことができます: Product prices are not uniform. (商品の値段は均一ではありません) これはProducts vary according to the type of product(商品の値段は種類により異なります)と言うことと同じですが形式張っていません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Different products has various prices!

  • Prices are determined on the quality of a product!

Prices will always vary for different products, even if it is the same product, that is, because the brand(name) is different. Example: Apple iPhone will not cost the same as a Nokia iPhone, the price will be different, one is of a better quality than the other or has more features. "Different products has various prices!" "Prices are determined on the quality of a product!" "Quality" meaning if it is a good or bad product.
料金は製品が異なるごとに常に変わります。 同じ製品であっても、ブランドが異なるので料金が異なります。 例文としてアップルのiPhoneはノキアの携帯とコストが同じではありません。 値段も異なりますし、質も良いですし、より特徴的です。 Different products has various prices! Prices are determined on the quality of a product! 「Quality」とは良い製品か悪い製品かを意味します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The price varies with the type of product.

  • The price is dependent on the type of product.

Varies with means it changes with. For example: The construction varies with the site, obviously with a view to the best use of the ground from a strategic point of view. Dependent on means based on. For example: The various benefits will be dependent on length of service.
"Varies withとは、~によって異なる、変わるという意味です。 例えば: The construction varies with the site, obviously with a view to the best use of the ground from a strategic point of view. 現場によって工事は、戦略上の観点から土壌の最良の使い方によって全く異なります。 Dependent onとは、~に基づくという意味です。 例えば: The various benefits will be dependent on length of service. いろいろな収益は、サービスの長さによる。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The price depends on the product you choose.

  • The price will be based on the type of product.

  • The price may change subject to the type of product.

>The price depends on the product you choose. *be controlled or determined by >The price will be based on the type of product. *Based=starting point for something >The price may change subject to the type of product. *subject= (used as an adjective) dependent or conditional upon
The price depends on the product you choose. ~によってコントロールされたり、決定されることを意味します。 The price will be based on the type of product. *Based=何かの出発点という意味です。 The price may change subject to the type of product. *subject= 従属または条件(形容詞として使われます)を意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Every product has a different price - of course!

  • Well a drinking glass will not cost the same a motor car, will it?

The obvious way to address such unnecessary explanation in the UK is to use sarcasm and answer ironically! "I was wondering why the beds are a different price to the chairs? Isn't that strange?" "What are you talking about? Have you become completely detached from reality? Why, on earth would a chair cost the same amount as a bed!" "I thought they would be a similar price." "Well, that's crazy! Every product has a different price - of course!" sarcasm = a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: "It was a review full of sarcasm."
イギリスでこういった不必要な説明について言及するあからさまな方法は、皮肉がよく疲れ和ます。 例 "I was wondering why the beds are a different price to the chairs? Isn't that strange?" なんでベッドと椅子の値段って違うんだろう、おかしくないか? "What are you talking about? Have you become completely detached from reality? Why, on earth would a chair cost the same amount as a bed!" なんのこと?夢の世界でもいっちまったのかい?なんでベッドと椅子の値段が一緒になるんだよ。 "I thought they would be a similar price." 同じくらいの値段だと思ってたんだ。 "Well, that's crazy! Every product has a different price - of course!" そんなのありえないよ。どんな商品も違う値段でしょ、当然だけど。 sarcasm = 鋭い皮肉的な発言 例 "It was a review full of sarcasm." そのレビューは皮肉でいっぱいだった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The prices may differ from product to product.

  • Each product differ in price/cost.

  • Depending on the product, each will have a different price.

The term "differ" means different or that there is a difference between things.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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