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2017/08/23 23:54
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  • It takes 30 minutes by train then 5 mins by bus.

  • It takes me 35 mins to get to work, 30 by train and then 5 by bus

In order to explain your work travel itinerary to someone, you can say: It takes 30 minutes by train then 5 mins by bus. This is the most simple way of saying it. You can also say in a fuller sentence: It takes me 35 mins to get to work, 30 by train and then 5 by bus I hope that helps!
仕事への道のりを説明するには、このように言うことができます。 It takes 30 minutes by train then 5 mins by bus. (電車で30分、そしてバスで5分かかります。) これがいちばんシンプルな言い方です。 また完全な文で言うこともできます。 It takes me 35 minutes to get to work, 30 by train and the 5 by bus. (仕事に着くのに35分かかります。30分は電車で5分はバスに乗ります。) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • It takes 35 minutes by train and bus

  • I take a 30 minute train ride followed by a 5 minute bus ride to get to work

  • My commute is 35 minutes

Of course you could also talk about 'the journey time' by saying that "The combined train and bus journey time for my commute is 35 minutes." "It takes ...." When talking about the length of time or the duration of something, we use this construction: "It takes an hour to fly from Gdansk to Warsaw." Commute - This is usually used as a verb but more recently the use of 'commut' as a noun has become popular when talking about the journey time to or from work: "John's daily commute leaves him exhausted."
もちろん、 "The combined train and bus journey time for my commute is 35 minutes."と合計してthe journey timeと表現することもできます。 "It takes ...." 時間の長さ、何かの期間を表すときに使います。 例:"It takes an hour to fly from Gdansk to Warsaw. Commuteとは、通勤するという通常動詞で使われますが、commutを通勤時間という名詞として使うことも多くなってきました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It takes 35 minutes by train and bus.

  • It takes 30 minutes by train and 5 minutes by bus.

You can say : "It takes 35 minutes by train and bus." "It takes 30 minutes by train and 5 minutes by bus. "
以下のように言うことができます。 It takes 35 minutes by train and bus. 電車とバスで35分かかります。 It takes 30 minutes by train and 5 minutes by bus. 電車で30分、バスで5分かかります。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It takes me a total of 35 minutes. I first take a train for 30 minutes and than a bus for 5 minutes.

>It takes me a total of 35 minutes. I first take a train for 30 minutes and than a bus for 5 minutes. Example Him: How long does it take you to get to work? You:It takes me a total of 35 minutes Him:Okay, and how do you get to work? You: I first take a train for 30 minutes and then a bus for 5 minutes.
(例文) Him: How long does it take you to get to work? どれくらかかりますか? You:It takes me a total of 35 minutes. 合計35分くらいかかります。 Him:Okay, and how do you get to work? 了解です。どのようにいくことができます? You: I first take a train for 30 minutes and then a bus for 5 minutes. 最初30分電車に乗って5分バスに乗ります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • To get to work, I have to spend 30 minutes on the train, and then take a bus for 5 minutes.

  • My commute involves a 30-minute train ride and a five-minute bus ride.

Tim Young 主催
  • I take a train first for 30 minutes and then a bus after for 5 minutes.

You can use the above sentence to explain how you travel to work and how long it takes. However you can use words like approximately/about since the time may change to other factors.
"上記の表現を使って、どのくらいの時間をかけて通勤するか表現することが出来ます。 Approximatelyなどを使ってニュアンスを変えることもできます。."
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It takes me 30 minutes by train and then 5 minutes by bus for me to get to work.

  • I have to take the train for 30 minutes and then take the bus for 5 minutes to get to work.

If you would like to explain how you get to work everyday, you can say something like "It takes me 30 minutes by train and then 5 minutes by bus for me to get to work." or "I have to take the train for 30 minutes and then take the bus for 5 minutes to get to work.". These are some easy ways to express this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • It takes me 35 minutes to travel to work!

  • My commute is 30 minutes on the train and 5 minutes on the bus!

Using two different means of transportation to get to work is sometimes difficult. If you miss your train, you have to wait for the next one and you might miss the connection of your bus. You can use the following to express this.
2つの交通手段を使って仕事に行くのは、大変なときもありますね。 もし電車を逃してしまったら、次の電車を待たなくてはいけなくて、バスに上手く乗り継げないかもしれません。 このことを表すのに、これらのフレーズを使うことができます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • It takes 30 minutes by train followed by a 5 minute bus ride to get to work.

  • My total commute takes 35 minutes.

1. It takes 30 minutes by train followed by a 5 minute bus ride to get to work. 2. My total commute takes 35 minutes. This means the total time spent in commute is 35 minutes.
"1. It takes 30 minutes by train followed by a 5 minutes bus ride to get to work. 30分電車に乗りその後5分バスに乗って職場に着きます。 2. My total commute takes 35 minutes. こちらは、通勤に全部で35分かかります、という意味です。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I take a train ride for 30 minutes, and then transfer to a bus which takes 5 minutes to work.

まさにそのままの言い方です。 ポイントとしては接続的な役割を果たす and thenの意味ですがまさにその次にという意味になります。 また、文章がand then以下のtransfer to a bus which takes 5 minutes to workのto workで終われる理由としては前の方で電車で30分ということを強調する形できちんと明示してあるからです。
  • It takes me 35 minutes to get to my workplace, that is, 30 minutes by train and thereafter, 5 minutes by bus.

  • It takes me 35 minutes in total to travel to my workplace by two modes of transport, 30 minutes by train and then 5 minutes by bus.

Since there are two modes of transport that you have to take in order to get to your workplace, it is important to mention the total time it takes you to commute there, and, the time each of the two modes of transport take you. If the journey by train takes you 30 minutes, and the journey by bus which you board after alighting from the train takes you 5 minutes, then the total time of your commute to and fro is 70 minutes. So, you may say: It takes me 35 minutes to get to my workplace, that is, 30 minutes by train and thereafter, 5 minutes by bus. or It takes me 35 minutes in total to travel to my workplace by two modes of transport, 30 minutes by train and then 5 minutes by bus.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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