世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/24 02:40
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  • I prefer working than studying.

*If you prefer someone or something, you like that person or thing better than another, and so you are more likely to choose them if there is a choice. *You use than after a comparative adjective or adverb in order to link two parts of a comparison. 'I prefer working than studying.'
誰かや何かを好む場合で、他のものより好きであり、選択肢があるなら、それらを選ぶ可能性が高くなります。 2つ以上の比較に関連する比較のための形容詞や副詞の後に「than」を使うことができます。 I prefer working than studying. 勉強より働くことを好みます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer working rather than studying.

  • I like working more than studying.

1. I prefer working rather than studying. To prefer something means to like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose. 2. I like working more than studying. This means that i find working more enjoyable than studying.
1. I prefer working rather than studying. 「To prefer something」とは、他より好きであるので選びがちということを意味します。 2. I like working more than studying. これは、勉強より仕事が好きだということ意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Working is so much better than studying.

  • I much prefer working life over student life.

Working is so much better than studying – so much better is a casual expression to express you like working better than studying. It also expresses that the difference is significant. I much prefer working life over student life – prefer, the more favoured option. We use the expressions “working life” and “student life”; to indicate the period of time when you worked or studied.
Working is so much better than studying - so much better 勉強より働く方がずっと良いというカジュアルな表現です。 また、勉強と仕事の差が非常に大きい事を表しています。 I much prefer working life over student life – prefer . より好ましい選択。 人生の中での学生時代、社会人を“working life” 「働く人生」と“student life”「学生生活」という表現で言います。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer work to study

  • I'd rather work than study

I prefer _____ to _____. This is a great way to say that you have a preference for one thing compared to another thing: "I prefer staying at home to going to the cinema." I'd rather ____ than _____. This is an alternative way of expressing your preference. "I'd rather kiss you than hold your hand!"
I prefer _____ to _____. これは一つのことと比べて別のことを好むことを伝えるのによい表現です。 【例文】 "I prefer staying at home to going to the cinema."(映画に行くより家にいるほうがいい) I'd rather ____ than _____. これは好みを表す別の表現です。 【例文】 "I'd rather kiss you than hold your hand!"(手をつなぐよりキスをしたい)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I much prefer working than studying.

  • Working life is far better than student life

In order to say that you like working better than studying, you can say: I much prefer working than studying. 'Much prefer' - This means to like something much better or a lot better than something else. You can also say: Working life is far better than student life Working life - This means to be employed Far better - much better, a lot greater in value or quality Student life - A life of education, study and exams. I hope that helps!
勉強するより働くことのほうが好きだと言うには、こう言うことができます。 I much prefer working than studying. much prefer - これはあることを、もうひとつのものよりもずっと好きだという意味です。 また、こういう言い方もあります。 Working life is far better than student life. working life - これは雇用されていることを意味します。 far better - ずっといい、価値や質がずっといい。 student life - 教育を受けたり、勉強したり試験を受けたりする生活のこと 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I am more in favor of working, than studying!

  • I prefer working above studying!

As people we all have our own personal preferences of what we like and dislike. This includes food, wine, clothes, music, sports and studying. We all learn new things all the time, but for some us, we do not like studying. We all did our fair share of studying at school and university/college. "I am more in favor of working, than studying!" Meaning that you like working more than you like to study. "I prefer working above studying! "Above" in this sentence means, that you will choose working over studying.
人々はそれぞれ個人的な好き嫌いがあります。 これは、食べ物やワインや服、音楽、スポーツ、勉強を含みます。 新しいことをいつも学びますが、勉強が嫌いな人もいます。 学校や大学でそれなりの勉強をしました。 I am more in favor of working, than studying! は勉強より働くことが好きだということを意味します。 I prefer working above studying! この文章の「Above」は勉強より働くことを選ぶということを意味します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer working to studying

  • I enjoy working more than studying

  • I like working better than studying

If you like to do something better than something else then you can say 'i like working better' you can also say 'i enjoy........... more than ......................' or 'i like...........................better than .......................'
何かが別のことよりも好きなら、'I like working better'(仕事の方が好き)と言えます。 他に、 'I enjoy ........... more than ...........'(~より~の方が好き) や、 'I like ........... better than ...........'(~より~の方が好き) と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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