「Can you please cut this (pizza) into ○○ pieces?」になります。
なので、「(このピザ)八つ切りでいい?」は「Can you please cut this into eight pieces?」になります。
「このピザは四つ切りでいいですか?」は「Can you please cut this pizza into four pieces?」になります。
Well, usually when cutting pizzas they are cut into manageable portions to make eating
very simple. Logically, if you cut smaller portions, instead of having one each, people
may then have a second helping if they wish. However, if in doubt, you could simply ask: "Shall I divide it into big or small portions?" and for sure you will receive some useful suggestions for that.
"Shall I divide it into big or small portions?"
"No, small"
"OK - some big, some small!"
もし望むなら、ちょっと助け船を求めることもできます。しかし、質問があれば、単に"Shall I divide it into big or small portions?" ときけば、良い返事がもらえるでしょう。
"OK - 大きいのと小さいのね!"
The word slice is used to describe a normal triangular piece of pizza.
You can ask if the pizza is an eight, four, etc slice pizza. Or you can ask how many slices of pizza comes with a medium, large ect. pizza.
Better cut the pizza into 8 pieces ...or there won't be enough to go around!
Traditionally PIZZA is cut into four pieces (quarters) of eight peices (eights)
This is dependent on how many people are sharing and of course :
Just "how hungry they are" ?
We can ask simply ...Should I cut it into 8 pieces...or just 4 slices?
How many pieces would you like me to cut the pizza into.
Would you like the pizza cut into 4, 6, or 8 slices?
"How many slices shall I cut this pizza into?" We uses slices for foods that are cut into smaller pieces than the original portion. It can be used with pizza, cake or pie along with some other foods.
"How many slices shall I cut this pizza into?"
How many pieces would you like your pizza cut into?
Is it okay if I cut this into eight slices?
Would you like this cut into 8 pieces or 4? - I think this is the easiest way to ask this question. You are giving the customer the option of it being cut into eight pieces or four pieces.
You can also use this to request eight pieces.
''Can you cut it into eight pieces please?''
Would you like this cut into 8 pieces or 4?
- これが一番簡単な聞き方だと思います。お客さんに八つに切るのか四つに切るのか尋ねています。
Can you cut it into eight pieces please?