③Please explain what you've said in more detail because I couldn't get it.
①Could you explain ~?
②Please explain ~ ?
→ explain = ~を説明する
it(それ)やthat(それ)の他に, this partはよく使われる表現です。受けた説明全体が分からないのであれば, what you've said(今言ったこと)とするとよいでしょう。
① more simply(もっとわかりやすく)
② with easier expressions(もっと簡単な表現を使って)
③ in more detail(もっと詳しく)
→ ③はもっと詳しく具体例などを聞けば分かりそうな場合に使ってください。分かりやすい言葉を使って説明してもらえるとは限らない表現です。
〇 ③のように理解できていないことはっきり伝えるのが良い
分からないことははっきりと, 「分からないので」と伝えると, 先生も熱をいれて丁寧にゆっくりとしゃべってくれます。ネイティブスピーカーが多用する表現をいくつか紹介ます。
・I couldn't get it.(理解できなかった。)
・I don't get it.(よく分からない。)
・I couldn't catch you.(聞き取れなかった。)
・I couldn't catch what you said.(今言ったこと聞き取れなった。)
explain は説明するという意味がありますよ♬
simplify は〜を簡単にするっという意味です。simplify this partでこの部分をシンプルにしてっっという意味♬
simplify 便利な表現なので是非使ってみてくださいね。
Live with passion♬情熱と生きよう♬
Could you please explain to me as if I were a 5 year old?
Would you please simplify that explanation?
When we speak to young children, we modify our speech so the children may easily understand and even enjoy communicating with us. A teacher usually will attemt to 'grade' their speech according to the best interests of the student. However, it is both positive and necessary to ask the teacher to simplify things if you believe it will be better for your learning:
"Would you please simplify that explanation?"
"Would you please simplify that explanation?"
Could you repeat that for me? I didn't quite understand.
Would you mind explaining what ** means?
Sorry, I didn't catch what you meant there.
When you ask for repetition adding that you didn't understand, the person will either say it again for you in a different way or just repeat what they just said.which might help you to recognize some words you already knew.
You can ask what specific words mean, people won't mind this and it will help you to understand what they said overall.
When you don't catch something, it means the meaning was not understood by you. Usually people won't mind explaining what they meant in a simpler way or repeating what they said to help you understand.
I did not understand, may you please repeat that? - This tells the teacher you did not understand and therefore require them to repeat it.
I am lost, may you explain this again?- This shows you did not understand and need further time and explanation.
I do not follow, can you break this down? - This indicates you did not completely understand what has been said and require the need for the teacher to explain it in simpler terms.
I did not understand, may you please repeat that?(分かりませんでした、もう一度言っていただけますか)
= 理解できなかったのでもう一度言って欲しいと頼んでいます。
I am lost, may you explain this again?(よく分かりません。もう一度説明していただけますか)
= これは、相手の話が理解できなかったことと、より詳しく説明してもらいたいことを伝えます。
I do not follow, can you break this down?(よく分かりません、かみ砕いて説明してもらえますか)
= これは、相手の話がよく分からなかったことと、より簡単な言葉で説明してもらいたいことを伝えます。
When we don't understand something, we can ask for the person to explain it in other words which means that they will change the way that they are explaining it. They should get that you are understanding their explanation and use simpler terms. I hope that this helps. :)