世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/30 00:48
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  • I feel like my English is not improving.

Sometimes when you are learning a new language you may feel like you are not getting any progress. However this may not be true. It is not easy to learn a new language. It requires patience and practice for you to be come fluent. I hope this advice has given you some encouragement.
時々あなたは、新しい言語を学んでいる時、自分が進展していないように感じるかもしれません。 しかし、それは正しいとは限りません。 流暢になるには忍耐と練習が必要です。 この助言があなたを励ましますように。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm struggling to improve my English.

  • My English hasn't been improved much.

日本語の直訳ではありませんが、自然に聞こえる表現をご紹介します。 ☆I'm struggling to improve my English. 英語を上達させるのに苦労しています。 ☆My English hasn't been improved much. 私の英語はあまり上達していない。 「私は~に苦労している」は、I'm struggling to~という表現を使います。 例:I'm struggling to remember everyone's name. みんなの名前を覚えるのに苦労している。
Ami オンライン英会話講師、翻訳家、英語習得カウンセラー
  • I am disappointed with my English conversation skills. I cannot find much improvement at all.

  • My progress seems to be so slow. This is so frustrating.

  • I seem to be progressing at snail's pace! This is not what I was expecting.

I've been practicing so hard but I don't seem to be going anywhere with my speaking skills. This is so discouraging.
他の例文です。 -I've been practicing so hard but I don't seem to be going anywhere with my speaking skills. This is so discouraging. 私は一生懸命練習しています。でも、スピーキングの能力がどうにも上がっている気がしません。 とても落ち込みます。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • My English is not improving as much as I want it to.

  • I find it challenging to improve my English faster.

▪ My English is not improving as much as I want it to. Improving=make or become better This indicates that you have expected to be better with your English by now. ▪ I find it challenging to improve my English faster. challenging=testing one's abilities; demanding' This sentences explains that it is difficult to improve you English quicker.
▪ My English is not improving as much as I want it to. Improving=良くなる、向上する これは今までにあなたの英語がもっと良くなっているはずだったと期待していたことを暗示しています。 ▪ I find it challenging to improve my English faster. challenging=人の能力を確かめていること、demanding この文はあなたが英語をよりはやく向上させていくのは難しいことだと説明している。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like my English hasn't improved very much.

  • Right now, my English level isn't where I want it to be.

Hello, Nao! 1. "I feel like my English hasn't improved very much." ✰ "I feel like" = This is a common expression used to express thoughts, feelings, and opinions. ----- Example: "I feel like my friend does not want to hang out with me." ✰ "very much" = This also means "a lot" or "a great amount" or "significantly". 2. "Right now, my English level isn't where I want it to be." ✰ "Right now" = This means "currently" ✰ "my English level isn't where I want it to be" = This means "I am not happy with my English skills" I hope this helps! Good luck! ✰✰
Naoさん、こんにちは。 1. "I feel like my English hasn't improved very much." 私の英語はあまり上達していない気がします。 ✰ "I feel like" = 考え、感情、意見を表現するためによく使われます。 例文 "I feel like my friend does not want to hang out with me." 私の友人は私と出かけたくないような気がする。 ✰ "very much" = "a lot" 、 "a great amount" 、 "significantly"と同じ意味です。. 例文 2. "Right now, my English level isn't where I want it to be." 現在は、私の英語のレベルは、自分が望んでいるレベルではない。 ✰ "Right now" = "currently"(現在)という意味です。 ✰ "my English level isn't where I want it to be" = 自分の英語のレベルに満足していないということです。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • I wish my English were improving more!

  • I'm a little disappointed my English in improving so slowly

  • I feel I have reached a plateau in my English learning

To reach a plateau = to reach a state or level of little or no growth or decline, especially to stop increasing or progressing; remain at a stable level of achievement; level off: "After a period of uninterrupted growth, sales began to plateau." I wish...... = We use this expression when expressing a disappointment or missed opportunity or desire for an alternative: "I wish we were on a tropical beach lazing in the sun!"
To reach a plateau = ほとんど又は全く成長しない状態・レベルになること、低下すること。特に増加が止まったり、進歩が止まること。 成果が一定のレベルで停滞すること。横ばいになること。 例文 "After a period of uninterrupted growth, sales began to plateau." 一定期間成長が続いた後で、売上は停滞し始めた。 I wish...... = この表現を使うのは、失望や機会を逃したこと、代替案を採用したい気持ちを表す時です。 例文 "I wish we were on a tropical beach lazing in the sun!" 太陽が照りつける熱帯のビーチにいれればなぁ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me teacher, it seems my English is not improving as much as I would like it to.

  • Excuse me teacher, my English has not improved an inch.

Self checking is a very important virtue. If one can be able to identify flaws in one's abilities to do anything, one is destined for success. Why is it so? This is because one can only correct oneself if he/she can see where he/she is gong wrong. In this case, you have noticed that your ability to effectively communicate in English is not improving as fast as you would like it to. The expression 'not improved an inch' means your English has not improved even by a small distance. An inch a linear measure in the Imperial System and is the equivalent of 2.54cm in the Metric System. So, you may say to your teacher: Excuse me teacher, it seems my English is not improving as much as I would like it to. or Excuse me teacher, my English has not improved an inch.
自己評価というのはとても重要なことで、自分のできていないことを認識するというのは、成功者の証です。 これは、もし改善が必要な部分を自分で見つけられないと、向上することもできないからです。この質問の場合は、ご自分が希望するほど英語力が向上していないということなのですね。 'not improved an inch' と言うのは、少しも上達してないという意味です。 ”An inch ”というのは1インチの事で、メトリック法では2.54cmです。 例 Excuse me teacher, it seems my English is not improving as much as I would like it to. (すみません先生、私の英語が思うように上達してないみたいなんですけど) Excuse me teacher, my English has not improved an inch. (すみません先生、私の英語が少しも 上達していないです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It seems to me that my English is not progressing as I would like it to

  • I am hitting a wall with my English

Learning a language is no easy task. We always want to progress more than we do. For some people, it takes a long time to progress. We need to practise every day and when we come across new expressions we should take note of them. "Progressing" has the same meaning as "improving". We can also use this as a noun "progress" "I am not making very much progress with my English skills" "To hit a wall" is an idiom and it basically means that you are unable to progress as something is impeding you. "To impede" means to stop or prevent something from happening. Therefore, we are unable to advance our English skills. "I am hitting a wall with my English. I find phrasal verbs very confusing and I make mistakes with then all the time".
外国語を学ぶのは簡単なことではありません。「もっと早くうまくなりたい」という気持ちは常にあると思います。人によって上達に時間がかかることもあります。毎日練習して、新しい表現と出会ったら、チェックするようにするといいでしょう。 "Progressing" は "Improving"(上達する)という意味です。これは "progress" と名詞としても使えます。 "I am not making very much progress with my English skills"(英語があんまり上達していない) "To hit a wall" は「壁にぶつかって上達しない」という意味のイディオムです。ここでは、「英語」が上達しないと伝えています。 ※ "To impede" は「~を妨げる」という意味。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I'm very frustrated because my progress is very slow.

  • My English is improving slower than I had hoped.

1. I'm very frustrated because my progress is very slow. To be frustrated means to be annoyed or miserable about a situation that you are finding yourself in. The word progress means to get better or do better. Slow progress means that there is improvement but that it is taking very long to get where you want to be. 2.My English is improving slower than I had hoped. This means that you had set yourself a certain goal regarding your English learning but that the goal was taking longer to reach than expected.
1. I'm very frustrated because my progress is very slow.(なかなか上達しないので悔しい) "To be frustrated" は「〔思い通りにいかず〕イライラする/悔しい」という意味です。 "Progress" は「上達する/うまくなる」という意味です。 2. My English is improving slower than I had hoped.(英語が思い通りに上達しない) これは、英語学習についての目標があって、そこになかなか到達できないということです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • After the lessons I keep taking, I thought I may have been more advanced than I am

  • I don't feel like I am improving on my lessons like I would of hoped.

  • I feel my English hasnt improved much

If you feel like you have been studying English and don't feel like you are at the standard of where you should be, you could feel a little disappointed and slightly unmotivated. There are a few ways of telling your teacher that you dont feel as up to speed as what you thought in these three different ways: - After the lessons I keep taking, I thought I may have been more advanced than I am - I don't feel like I am improving on my lessons like I would of hoped. - I feel my English hasnt improved much This will let your teacher know you are not happy and they might offer some suggestions on how you could you do extra to improve.
一生懸命勉強しているのになかなか上達しないと、落ち込んだり、やめたくなったりすることもあるかもしれませんね。 「なかなか思うように上達しない」と先生に伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 - After the lessons I keep taking, I thought I may have been more advanced than I am(レッスンを続けていればもっと上達すると思っていました) - I don't feel like I am improving on my lessons like I would of hoped.(レッスンをしていてもあまり上達を感じられない) - I feel my English hasnt improved much(あまり英語が上達していないように感じる) このように言えば、現状に対して不満を持っていることが伝わり、先生から何かしら提案があるかもしれません。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • My English isn't improving as quickly as I expected.

  • I'm not improving my English as I had expected.

  • I expected my English to improve more after these lessons.

My English isn't improving as quickly as I expected. I'm not improving my English as I had expected. I expected my English to improve more after these lessons. One of these three sentences should help you out, and get your message across to the teacher. Personally, I would use the third one, but they are all saying the same thing, basically. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
My English isn't improving as quickly as I expected.(英語が思ったほど上達していない) I'm not improving my English as I had expected.(英語が思ったほど上達していない) I expected my English to improve more after these lessons.(レッスンを受ければもっと英語がうまくなると思っていた) 三つ例をご紹介しました。どれか一つ選んで使ってみてください。先生にこの気持ちが伝わると思います。私なら三つ目の例を使うかなと思いますが、基本的にはこれらは全て同じ意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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