世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/02 04:18
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  • Stay positive.

  • Be self-assured.

  • Always have faith and believe in yourself.

>Stay positive. *Positive=constructive, optimistic, or confident. ..............#..................... >Be self-assured. *Self-assured=self-confident ............#............................ >Always have faith and believe in yourself. *faith=complete trust or confidence in someone or something. ................***................
Stay positive. *Positive=前向きで楽観的な意味です。 Be self-assured. Self-assured=自信を意味します。 Always have faith and believe in yourself. *faith=何かを信頼していること。信仰を意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Be a confident go-getter!

  • Try being more confident and strong!

1番目の"Confident"は自信に満ちた、"go-getter"は何でも進んでこなす人という意味です。 2番目は「もっと自信を持って強気になってみなさい」という意味です。 相手をさらに励ましたい時には"You can do it!"(あなたならできるはず!) または"I believe in you!"(私はあなたを信じていますよ) というフレーズを使うこともできます。
Karen I English teacher
  • Be encouraged

you could say 'be encouraged.. you are good at your job'
”be encouraged”(勇気を出せ)と言います。 仕事ができるということです。
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • I know you can do this.

  • You know the work. You just have to be a bit more confident in what you know

When you're trying to encourage a team member who is not confident, then you can do so in the following ways: -I know you can do this. -You know/have done the work. You just have to be a bit more confident in what you know -I am confident that you can do this. I need you to believe in yourself.
自信のないチームのメンバーを励ましたい時は、以下のように言えます: I know you can do this. (あなたならきっとできますよ。) You know/have done the work. You just have to be a bit more confident in what you know. (その仕事は知っている/したことがあるじゃないですか。もう少し自信を持ってください。) I am confident that you can do this. I need you to believe in yourself. (きっとあなたならできます。自信を持ってください。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Breath in, chest out, head up, kick ass!

  • You're as good as anyone else. We all rely on you as a team member. Let's do it!

Kick ass = (SLANG) Punish or discipline harshly; also, defeat soundly. For example, "That foreman's furious; he's going to kick ass before the day is over," or, " Our team is out to kick ass today. "Let's do it!" = Lets do it means, 'let's get on with this and complete it.' "I wanna go to the shopping centre.". "OK, lets do it!"
Kick ass =罰する、厳しく叱る又は潔く負ける。 例えば "That foreman's furious; he's going to kick ass before the day is over," or, " Our team is out to kick ass today. 主任は激怒している。今日が終わる前に叱られるか、 チームが外に出されて説教だね。 "Let's do it!" = Lets do it means, 'let's get on with this and complete it.' それをしよう。意味は「そのことに手をつけてやりきろう」 ということです。 "I wanna go to the shopping centre.". ショッピングセンターに行きたい。 "OK, lets do it!" 分かった。そうしよう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You can do it!

  • Don't worry, you've got this!

  • Just be confident because you can do this!

When a team member is feeling unconfident it is usually because they feel like they can't do something. "You can do it," or "Just be confident because you can do this," is about letting the person know that you believe in their abilities. "Don't worry, you've got this," is about encouraging someone to overcome their negative feelings so they can be confident. You can also say to someone who is not feeling confident, "Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You can do this. I believe in you." Sometimes people feel less confident because they compare themselves with others.
チームのメンバーが自信がなさそうな時は、たいていは彼らが何かをできないと感じているからです。「You can do it.」または「Just be confident because you can do this.」は、あなたが彼らの能力を信用しているということを伝えることができます。「Don't worry, you've got this.」は、誰かに否定的な感情を克服するように促しています。自信がないと感じている人に以下のように言うこともできます。 Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You can do this. I believe in you. (他の人のことは気にしないで。できますよ。私はあなたを信頼しています。) 時々、人は他人と比較することで自信を失います。
Alathia DMM英会話講師
  • Keep your chin up!

  • Come on, your as strong as an ox!

  • Get your head out of the clouds!

Keep your chin up! - Quite a nice phrase with a literal meaning. People who are not confident seem to 'hang their head' in shame. If you tell someone to keep their 'chin up' you're telling them to be proud, confident or not to worry. As in "I know she left you, but, keep your chin-up, there's plenty of more fish in the sea!" :D Come on, your as strong as an ox! - 'Come on' being motivational & 'as strong as an ox' is a metaphor that can be physically, confidently, etc. As in "You've been having a hard time at work recently, but come on, your as strong as an ox!" Get your head out of the clouds! - could be a bit harsh on that person but you're basically telling them to have a 'reality check'. As in "Will you get your head out of the clouds & concentrate!"
Keep your chin up! 文字通りの意味のとてもいい言い回しです。自信がない人は、恥ずかしくて顔を伏せているように見えます。誰かに「chin up」と言うと、心配せずに自信をもつように言っています。 例) I know she left you, but, keep your chin-up, there's plenty of more fish in the sea! (彼女はあなたを捨てたかもしれないけど、自信をもって。いい人はたくさんいますよ!) Come on, your as strong as an ox! 「Come on」は自信を持たせることで、「as strong as an ox」は、身体的に 自信をもつことの例えです。 例) You've been having a hard time at work recently, but come on, your as strong as an ox! (最近仕事で大変そうだけど、自信持って!) Get your head out of the clouds! は、その人にはやや厳しいかも知れませんが、根本的には、現実を見るように言っています。 例) Will you get your head out of the clouds & concentrate! (目を覚まして、集中して!)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
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