I became even more sensitive about the cleanliness as the last roommate was an organized person.
As my previous roommate was organized, I feel the room is in such a mess all the more so with the current one.
The mess stands out now as the last one was organized.
I became even more sensitive about the cleanliness as the last roommate was an organized person.
As my previous roommate was organized, I feel the room is in such a mess all the more so with the current one.
The mess stands out now as the last one was organized.
というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ
even more = さらにいっそう/余計に
cleanliness = 清潔さ
organized = 整理整頓好き/まめな/きれい好き
mess = 乱雑/散乱/汚さ
all the more so = ますます強まって/なおさら強まって/余計に強まって
previous = 前の
current = 現在の
stand out = 目立つ
以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
My previous sharemate liked to keep things clean, which makes me feel that way even more.
「make」は「させる」ですね。そのかわりに「because of that, I feel that way even more」と言えますが、よく会話でこの「make」を使います。