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2017/09/11 15:50
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  • The campaign awareness ratio

  • Campaign awareness

Well, you could ask a hundred people and see how many know about the campaign. Then you would have a ratio of 'know about the campaign' and 'don't know about the campaign.' It could be for example 67 know and 33 don't. So the awareness ratio would be two to one (2:1). Alternatively, you could express this as a percentage of those surveyed, so in this case there would be 67% campaign awareness at the time the survey was taken.
百人に聞けば何人がキャンペーンのことを知っているか分かります。 そうすればキャンペーンについて知っている人と知らない人の 比率が分かります 例えば67人が知っていて、33人が知らないとします 認知している人としてない人の比率は2:1です また調査結果を%で表すこともできます。その場合は調査をした時点では キャンペーンの認知率は67%となります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • the percentage of people whom knew about the campaign

  • recognition rate / percentage of the campaign

この場合は直訳でrecognition rate と表現してもいいですが アンケートを答えられた人のうちにどれくらいの人たちがキャンペーンをしっていたかなので the percentage of people whom knew about the campaignがいいと思います
  • The campaign has a very high recognition rate.

  • The recognition percentage of the campaign is very high.

>The campaign has a very high recognition rate. >The recognition percentage of the campaign is very high. ............................. Both sentences clearly indicate that the recognition rate of the campaign is very high. This means that the campaign is well known by the people. ..................***............***...........***...........
>The campaign has a very high recognition rate. このキャンペーンの認知率はとても高い >The recognition percentage of the campaign is very high. このキャンペーンの認知率はとても高い どちらの表現もキャンペーンの認知率が高いということを明確に表しています。 キャンペーンは、人々によく知られているということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • recognition rate of the campaign

recognition rate of the campaign this is used to express the percentage of people that were aware of the campaign. For example: "This weekend's recognition rate of the campaign was quite high."
キャンペーンの認知率はキャンペーンを知っている人の割合を表す時に使われる言葉です。 例えば、今週末のキャンペーンの認知率はすごく高かった。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Public awareness %

  • The campaign was very successfull indeed with a high % of public awareness!

Awareness: Is the knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Consciousness, recognition, realization, cognizance, perception "we need to raise public awareness of the new product line" "The campaign was very successfull indeed with a high % of public awareness!"
Awareness: 状況や事実を知っていたり、認識していること。同義語 Consciousness, recognition, realization, cognizance, perception 例文 "we need to raise public awareness of the new product line" 新しい製品の一般の認知度を上げる必要がある "The campaign was very successfull indeed with a high % of public awareness!" そのキャンペーンは大成功で、一般の認知度は○○%だった
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Campaign awareness

  • Campaign awareness rate

Awareness is when people know or get to know about something happening so if you are running a campaign you would want as many people to know about it as possible this is called 'campaign awareness' campaign awareness rate tells you how many people know about it
awareness' は、ある状況を知っていることをいいます。もしキャンペーンを行っているなら、できるだけ多くの人にそれについて知ってもらいたいですね。これは 'campaign awareness'(キャンペーンの認知度)といいます。 'campaign awareness rate'(キャンペーンの認知率)は、どれくらいの人がそれについて知っているかをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The recognition rate of the campaign was high.

  • There was high awareness of the campaign. .....people knew about it.

  • The percentage of people who knew about the campaign was...

You can say specifically how many people knew about the campaign in whichever way you have calculated it, for example, 'the recognition rate of the campaign was high. 80% of people knew about it!'. Or use the final example to say the percentage rate. You can also use phrases like the first to express that there was high recognition for the campaign. You could say 'the campaign had a lot of recognition' 'most people knew about the campaign', but these are less specific in terms of numbers.
具体的にどのくらいの人がキャンペーンについて知っていたのか伝えることができます。 例えば、 'The recognition rate of the campaign was high. 80% of people knew about it!'(キャンペーンの認知率は高かったです。80%の人が知っていました) あるいは、最後の例を使ってパーセンテージを伝えることもできます。 また、一つ目の例のように「キャンペーンの認知率は高かった」と表すこともできます。例えば: 'The campaign had a lot of recognition'(キャンペーンの認知率は高かった) 'Most people knew about the campaign'(ほとんどの人がキャンペーンについて知っていた) ただ、これらは数字についてより曖昧です。
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
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