世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/12 22:10
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  • Our best efforts are ineffectual

  • The rewards are not in proportion to our efforts

Our best efforts are ineffectual = this means that although everyone may be working well as a team and it may appear that everyone is striving towards success, the actual result of all this energy expenditure is not obvious. "We've been working for weeks on this project and our sales have risen only fractionally!" "Yes, unfortunately the financial rewards are not in proportion to our efforts."
Our best efforts are ineffectual = これは、チームとしてみんな頑張り、成功に向かって努力を続けていたが、実際の結果に努力の代償がはっきり反映されないことを言います。. "We've been working for weeks on this project and our sales have risen only fractionally!"この計画のために何週間もかけてがんばってきたが、売上はこれっぽっちしかあがらなかった。 "Yes, unfortunately the financial rewards are not in proportion to our efforts." ああ、残念ながら財政的なリワードは、我々の努力に比例するものじゃないからね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Our best efforts are not always recognized.

  • Sometimes no matter how much you try you can't please everyone.

"Our best efforts are not always recognized." =This sentence talks about when efforts you put in at work are not recognized by others. Its emphasis is on 'sometimes' and not 'always'. "Sometimes no matter how much you try you can't please everyone." =This sentence refers to a point where in life there are some people who will not be satisfied with our efforts but at the same time, there are other people who will be satisfied with our efforts.
Our best efforts are not always recognized. どんなに努力したとしても、いつも認められるわけではない。 仕事に注いだ労力が他人に認められるわけではないということを言っています。 alwaysではなく、sometimesを強調します。 どんなに努力したとしても、みんなが満足してくれないこともある 人生において、私達の努力に満足してない人もいるけど、同時に満足してくれる人もいるということを表しています。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Usually hard work doesn't pay off.

  • More often than not, hard work goes unrewarded.

二つ訳を作ってみました。 英訳① Usually hard work doesn't pay off. pay offで〔努力などが〕利益[効果]を生む[もたらす]という意味です。 英訳② More often than not, hard work goes unrewarded. unrewardedで「〔努力などが〕報いられてない」という意味です。 いかがでしょうか。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Real talent/effort/passion/hard-work frequently goes unrewarded/unnoticed.

  • Our best efforts are never enough.

  • I tried my very hardest to impressed my boss, but alas real passion often goes unnoticed.

You can say that your efforts go unrewarded or unnoticed. Some people want a physical award for their achievements and others simply want acknowledgement, but it is true that often hard-work goes unrewarded and/or unnoticed and our best efforts "never seem to be enough" to satisfy or impress others.
あなたの努力は報われなかった/注目されずに終わると言えます。 やり遂げたことに対して物質的な報酬を求める人もいれば、単に認めて欲しいという人もいますが、一生懸命やったとしても報われなかったり、注目されずに終わります。 私達がどんなに努力しても、他人を満足させたり印象づけるには十分ではないようです。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • More often than not our/my effort don't pay off.

  • My effort often goes unrecognized.

"More often than not our/my effort doesn't pay off." This explains that most of the time the effort you put into something is not worth it. "My effort often goes unrecognized. " This explains that most of the time people do not notice all the effort you put into things.
"More often than not our/my effort doesn't pay off. 努力が報われないことはよくある しばしば投じた努力が報われないということです。 My effort often goes unrecognized. 私の努力はきちんと認められない 一生懸命努力したとしても人が気付かないことが よくあるということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like sometimes good intentions go unnoticed.

  • I feel like most of the time, our efforts don't pay off.

*I feel like sometimes good intentions go unnoticed. This means that you feel that sometimes people that always doing good are not rewarded most of the time. *I feel like most of the time, our efforts don't pay off. This typically applies in the workplace where you are always trying to do the right things all the time but your supervisor seems like they do notice it.
*I feel like sometimes good intentions go unnoticed. これはあなたが時々、常に良いことをする人々はほとんどの時に報われていないのではないかと感じるということを意味しています。 *I feel like most of the time, our efforts don't pay off. これは、あなたが常に正しいことをしようとしているのに、あなたの監督者が気がついていないような職場で典型的に当てはまります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hard work is not often recognized as it should be.

  • Effort is not always proportional to the reward.

  • Hard work doesn't always pay off.

Usually people work hard to get something in return. That could be a better job, more money, more opportunities. When people work hard but don't see much improvement, we often say the hard work was not recognized, meaning their boss or society did not notice it. You can also say the reward was not proportional, meaning someone might work a lot harder but not see much difference in their circumstances.
普通、人はより良い仕事や、お金、チャンスなど何か見返りを得るために、一生懸命努力します。 熱心に頑張ったにも関わらず、あまり良い変化が得られないとき、" hard work was not recognized"(努力は認められなかった)と言い、上司や社会があなたの頑張りに気づかなかった時に使います。 また、"reward was not proportional'(報酬が見合っていない)とも言います。これは懸命に働いても状況にあまり変化が見られなかったときに使います。
Koda DMM英会話講師
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