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2017/09/13 19:48
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  • The machine can only read one card at a time

This is a simple way of saying it.
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • The machine will not read your card if there are others with it.

  • Make sure to use the card separately or the machine will not read it.

The machine will not read your card if there are others with it. When we scan a card or ticket, the machine reads the details. If there are other cards overlapping, the machine cannot read the required card which will result in an error. A simpler and more direct instruction is this – “Make sure to use the card separately or the machine will not read it.” This clearly tells the person to keep the card away from others.
The machine will not read your card if there are others with it. カードやチケットをスキャンすると、マシンは詳細を読み取りますが、他のカードが重なっていると、マシンは必要なカードを読み取ることができず、エラーが発生します。 より簡潔な表現に次のものがあります。 “Make sure to use the card separately or the machine will not read it.”(マシンが他のカードを読み取らない様、使用するカードを一枚でご使用ください。) -カードを重ねて使わないよう明確に指示する表現です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • The machine can only read one card at a time

  • An error will occur is more than one card is being read

An error is when a machine does not do something properly, for something to happen or for it to do something this is called 'to occur' you can simply say 'the machine can only read one card at a time'
機械が何かを正常に行わないことは、'An error' と表せます。 'to occur' は「起こる」「発生する」という意味です。 シンプルに次のように言えます。 'the machine can only read one card at a time' (その機械は一度に一つのカードしか読み込めません)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If you have two cards close together, the machine will show an error

  • You need to completely separate your card from the other for the machine to work

It seems here's the main problem is that people are not separating their cards properly and this point needs to be emphasised to them: "Sorry, but my card isn't working." "If you have two cards close together, the machine will show an error." "OK, thanks!"
主な問題は、その人々がカードをきちんと分けてないことのようです。 この点を強調して言う必要があります。 "Sorry, but my card isn't working." すみません、カードが通らないのですふが。 "If you have two cards close together, the machine will show an error." 2つのカードが重なっていると、機械がエラーになるんです。 "OK, thanks!" ありがとう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You should only use one card otherwise the machine will malfunction.

  • Errors will pop-up from the machine when more than one card is being used at the same time.

▪You should only use one card otherwise the machine will malfunction. malfunction=a failure to function normally ▪Errors will pop-up from the machine when more than one card is being used at the same time. pop-up= message block that will appear on the screen. Both the above sentences clearly indicate that the machine will encounter a error when more than one card is being used.
例文 ▪You should only use one card otherwise the machine will malfunction. 1枚のカードだけをつかうべきだ。 そうしないと機械が誤作動します。 malfunction=上手く作動しない 例文 ▪Errors will pop-up from the machine when more than one card is being used at the same time. 2枚以上のカードを同時に使うと 機械にエラーメッセージが出る。 pop-up= 画面に出てくるメッセージ 上記の両方の文とも、2枚以上 のカードを同時に使うと 機械にエラーが出ることを 表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • An error occurs if you try to touch more than one card at a time.

  • If you have two cards overlapping it will cause an error.

"An error occurs if you try to touch more than one card at a time." This explains to the person that if they try to touch two cards at the same time it will make an error. "If you have two cards overlapping it will cause an error." This explains that if two cards are overlapping the machine will show an error.
An error occurs if you try to touch more than one card at a time. (一度に2枚以上のカードでタッチするとエラーになる) 一度に2枚のカードでタッチすると、エラーになるということです。 If you have two cards overlapping it will cause an error. (2枚のカードが重なっているとエラーになる) 2枚のカードが重なっていると、機械がエラーになるということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • At the turnstile, make sure you use only one proximity card or there will be a reading error.

  • Proximity card is also called a prox card

A proximity card = A "contactless" smart card which can be read without inserting it into a reader device. They are a part of the contactless card technology . Magnetic stripe cards = such as credit cards and "contact" type smart cards.
A proximity card = 改札機に入れなくても 読み取ってくれる触れる必要のない スマートカード Magnetic stripe cards = クレジット カードのような触れるタイプの スマートカード
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • The machine can't read Suica if some other card is with it.

★ポイント:できるだけ短く要点を伝えられるようにしてみました。 The machine can't read Suica if some other card is with it. 英語職人☺
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