Both sentences are a simple way to explain how you get home; which road you take to get there.
You can use either ‘I use’ or ‘I take’. Take is normally used in directions, “take the first road, and take the second left”.
Therefore, take is the more common, natural phrase.
どのような手段で帰宅するかの表現で、‘I use’ と ‘I take’のどちらかを使用できます。
Takeは通常、“take the first road, and take the second left”「最初の道を進み、2番目の道を行く」のように方角の指示で使用されます。
Instead of saying " I go home by highway " you should say "I use the highway to go home."
This means that when you are going home you use the highway to get home.
" I go home by highway "の代わりに"I use the highway to go home."というべきですね。
"I am using the highway to get home."
You are going home, by way of the highway.
You are using the highway to get back to your home.
You could also say....
"I am traveling home on the highway."
In this sentence you are traveling home and you are using the highway to get there.
"I am using the highway to get home."
"I am traveling home on the highway."
In the UK, 'highway' just means any 'road.' If you are driving a car, or travelling by car, you must use a road, so there is rarely any need to mention the road.
However, if you are on a fast road such a motorway, it may sometimes be mentioned to show that you will arrive quickly at your destination.
If you have been going slowly through country lanes and then suddenly find a bigger 'main' road, then you may say:
"I'm taking the main road home right now," and again, this is to infer that you should arrive quickly.
"I'm taking the main road home right now," and again, this is to infer that you should arrive quickly.
1)/2)I'm going to take the highway to home/ to the airport.
'take the highway'で高速に乗る/使うという意味になります。
そこにwill/be going toを加えることによって今回は高速を使うという意味をほのめかすことができます。
3)I take the highway home
「利用する」という意味イメージを持つ"take " を使い、
"I thake the highway" とし、「家に帰る」を意味する、"to get home " をくっつけ、
"I take the highway to get home." と表します^^
"I take the highway coming here." となります。
I am heading home via the highway...since I hate the back roads at night.
VIA (latin) the way...the road the channel. when we say Via the highway...
We simply mean ..."by way of the highway." Via is a very old word that is still very much relevant today!
"I am heading home via the highway since I hate the back roads at night."
"VIA (latin) the way, the road the channel"は道、道路、経路を経由してという意味です。 "Via the highway..."はシンプルに
"by way of the highway." (高速道路を通って)を意味します。"Via"はとても古い言葉で すが今でも使える言葉です。
"I am heading home via the highway...since I hate the back roads at night."
I have to go through the highway when I head home from work
When I go home, I have to drive on the highway
When you want to tell your friend that there is no way you can avoid using the highway when you go home from work/somewhere; then you may explain it in the following ways:
-I take the highway when I go home
-I have to go through the highway when I head home from work
-When I go home, I have to drive on the highway
I take the highway when I go home
I have to go through the highway when I head home from work
When I go home, I have to drive on the highway