鉛筆削り=pencil sharpener
アメリカの小学校では教室の壁に鉛筆削りが設置されています。勝手に授業中に歩き回るわけにいかないので、授業中に鉛筆を削る必要がでた場合は、みんなちゃんと手を挙げて先生に"May I sharpen my pencil?"と許可をとったものです。
A penknife is a small pocket knife that folds up. It was originally used to sharpen the feathers of a bird to make quills, the original ink pens. These days in the UK, knives for sharpening pencils are rarely used due to the danger aspect of carrying implements that can cause harm - especially for children.
Sharpener' is a noun used to refer to a tool or instrument that is used to make something sharper.
It can sharpen items such as knives and pencils.
A pencil sharpener is a device specifically used for sharpening pencils.
Note that it is sufficient to simply call the device a sharpener.
A: What are you looking for?
B: My sharpener
A: What do you need?
B: I need a pencil sharpener.
Sharpener は、ものを鋭くする器機の呼称です。
A pencil sharpener は、鉛筆を削るもの、
sharpener というだけでも、事足ります。
A: What are you looking for? →何を探しているの?
B: My sharpener →自分の鉛筆削りを探してるの。
A: What do you need? →なにが必要なの?
B: I need a pencil sharpener. →鉛筆削りが必要なのよ。
pencil sharpener = a device for sharpening pencils
"May I borrow your pencil sharpener please?"
"Where is my pencil sharpener?"
"I need to sharpen my pencil!"
pencil sharpener = 鉛筆を削る装置のこと
"May I borrow your pencil sharpener please?"
"Where is my pencil sharpener?"
"I need to sharpen my pencil!"
a device for sharpening a pencil by rotating it against a cutting edge.
Example - My pencil is really blunt do you mind if i use your sharpener ?
May i use your sharpener please?
I hope this helps:-)
Example - My pencil is really blunt do you mind if i use your sharpener ?私の鉛筆は鈍い、あなたの鉛筆削使ってもいい?May i use your sharpener please?あなたの鉛筆削使ってもいい?
「鉛筆削り」は英語で pencil sharpener と言います。
「鉛筆を削る」は sharpen a pencil となります。
・Where is the pencil sharpener?
・I don't have a pencil sharpener.