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2017/09/19 11:54
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  • I had a nightmare

  • I had a bad dream

  • I had a scary dream

When you had an unpleasant dream in the night, you can say: I had a nightmare 'I had' - Past tense. When speaking about dreams in the past tense you would say 'I had' Nightmare is the word used for a bad dream. You can also say: I had a bad dream A bad dream is another way of saying nightmare. I had a scary dream A scary dream is another way of saying nightmare. I hope that helps!
夜に不快な夢を見た時、こう言うように言うことができます。 I had a nightmare 'I had' 過去形。過去に見た夢を話すときは 'I had'を使います。 Nightmare は悪夢という意味です。 このようにいうこともできます。 I had a bad dream A bad dream と nightmareは同義です。 I had a scary dream A scary dream と nightmareは同義です。 <ボキャブラリー> nightmare = 悪夢 bad dream = 悪い夢、悪夢 scary dream = 怖い夢、悪夢 I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I had a nightmare.

I had a nightmare. 怖い夢を見た。 怖い夢は dream ではなく、nightmare と言います。 また夢は日本語では「見る」ものですが、英語では "had a dream/nightmare" と言います。
  • I had a nightmare

Remember we cannot say "I saw a scary dream" we say "I had a scary dream." "I had a nightmare." is correct. Since it something that has happened already we use the past tense.
"I saw a scary dream"とは言いません "I had a scary dream."と言う事を覚えておきましょう。 "I had a nightmare."も正しい表現です。 すでに過去に起こった事なので、過去形を使いましょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I woke up in the middle of the night because of the nightmare I had.

  • I woke up in the middle of the night because of the scary dream I had.

  • I woke up in the middle of the night because of the bad dream I had.

>I woke up in the middle of the night because of the nightmare I had. ........... >I woke up in the middle of the night because of the scary dream I had. ..................... >I woke up in the middle of the night because of the bad dream I had. ******************************* *any of the above sentences are adequate for the situation. All sentences clearly indicate that yo had a bad dreams and it woke you up in the middle of the night. .............***............***.............***............
>I woke up in the middle of the night because of the nightmare I had. ........... >I woke up in the middle of the night because of the scary dream I had. ..................... >I woke up in the middle of the night because of the bad dream I had. ******************************* *上記の文章はどれでもこのシチュエーションで使えます。全ての文章は、悪夢を見たから真夜中に起きてしまった、という意味の文章です。 .............***............***.............***............
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I had a nightmare that woke me up.

  • I had a frightening dream that woke me up.

  • I woke up from a very scary dream

The noun 'nightmare' means 'a frightening or unpleasant dream'. It is very usual for someone to wake up from an unpleasant dream. It is quite strange that people get scared even in their sleep. You may say: I had a nightmare that woke me up. You may also say: I had a frightening dream that woke me up. The adjective 'frightening' in this case is derived from the verb to 'frighten', which means 'to make afraid or fearful; throw into a fright; terrify; scare'. So, you may say: I had a frightening dream that woke me up. In the last sentence, you have started with 'I woke up from' and proceeded to say 'a very scary dream'. The adjective 'scary' in this context means 'frightening; causing fear'. So you may say: I woke up from a very scary dream.
名詞'nightmare'は 'a frightening or unpleasant dream'(恐ろしい、喜ばしくない夢)を意味します。 人にとって、喜ばしくない夢で眼が覚めるのは普通のことです。 人々が寝ているのに怖がるのはとても不思議です。 例: I had a nightmare that woke me up. ー悪夢を見て、眼が覚めた。 他の例: I had a frightening dream that woke me up. ー恐ろしい夢を見て、眼が覚めた。 形容詞'frightening'はこの場合 'frighten'に由来していて、それは'to make afraid or fearful; throw into a fright; terrify; scare'(怖がらせる、恐ろしい)という意味を表します。 例: I had a frightening dream that woke me up. ー恐ろしい夢を見て眼が覚めた。 最後の文で、'I woke up from'という表現から始めて、'a very scary dream'と進めています。 形容詞'scary' はこの文脈では’frightening; causing fear'(こわがらせるもの)を意味します。 例: I woke up from a very scary dream. ー恐ろしい夢で眼が覚めた。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I had a nightmare!

  • Night terrors!

  • A horrible dream.

"I had a nightmare!"- Nightmare is a fantastic word. In this context it would be a noun as in "I had a nightmare last night!" you can also use it as a simile/comparison as in "It was a nightmare getting home from work tonight; so much traffic!" The most common word. "Night terrors!"- Normally you would use this in the third person as in "She kept having night terrors after the accident." (not obligatory though). "A horrible dream." - Standard and casual, you can spark a conversation with a friend by saying "I had a horrible dream last night." Then you may go into describing it.
"I had a nightmare!" (悪夢を見ました!) - "Nightmare"(悪夢)とはファンタスティックな言葉ですよね。 この表現では次のように名詞として使われています。 "I had a nightmare last night!" (昨夜、悪夢を見ました!) また次のように比喩や類似として使う事も出来ます。 "It was a nightmare getting home from work tonight; so much traffic!" (今日家に帰るのは悪夢みたいだったよ、ひどい交通渋滞!) 一番よく使われる言葉です。 "Night terrors!" (真夜中の恐怖! -通常これを使って、第三者を次のように表現することが出来ます。 "She kept having night terrors after the accident." (not obligatory though). (事故の後、彼女は真夜中の恐怖を感じています)((お決まりではないですがね)) "A horrible dream." (ひどい夢) - 標準的でカジュアルな表現です。 次のように友達との会話の口火を切ることが出来ます。 "I had a horrible dream last night." (昨夜ひどい夢を見たよ) そして、詳細を説明することが出来ます。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I had a nightmare last night.

  • I had a bad dream.

  • I had a scary dream.

"I had a bad dream." says that you had a dream that you did not enjoy, scary, & disturbing.
I had a bad dream. (怖い夢を見ました) これは、楽しくなく、怖くて、動揺するような夢を見た、 と言う意味になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Last night, I had a nightmare.

  • I had a very scary nightmare.

  • Every evening I get very bad nightmare's, they are extremely scary.

"I had a nightmare" means that the person had a very bad and scary dream. It made them feel fearful, frightened to go back to sleep, afraid of the darkness at night.
"I had a nightmare" とは、悪夢や怖い夢を見たという意味です。もう一度眠るのが怖かったり、暗闇が怖かったりするかもしれません。
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • I had a nightmare

  • I have a very bad dream

  • I had a scary dream

A bad dream is usually called a nightmare, but it is acceptable to call it a bad/scary dream. For example, you can say: -Last night, I woke up crying because I had a bad dream -I hate nightmares because I cannot go back to sleep after having one. -The scary dream I had the other night freaked me out so much that I did not want to sleep the next day.
悪い夢はnightmareと言います。しかし、bad dream(悪い夢)もしくはscarydream(怖い夢)とも言うことができます。例えば以下のように言うことができます。 -Last night, I woke up crying because I had a bad dream 昨晩悪い夢を見て、起きたら泣いていました。 -I hate nightmares because I cannot go back to sleep after having one. 怖い夢を見ると、その後眠ることができないので、怖い夢は嫌いです。 -The scary dream I had the other night freaked me out so much that I did not want to sleep the next day. 先日見た怖い夢がとても怖くて次の日眠りにつきたくありませんでした。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • He woke up after a terrible nightmare.

  • He woke up from a very bad dream.

A terrible nightmare and a very bad dream can be used interchangeably. They both mean that the person was very afraid and anxious while in this sleep state and was very happy upon waking to discover that it was all just a dream.
悪夢のことをA terrible nightmareやa very bad dreamと言います。 これらは、どちらも同じように使うことができます。どちらも悪夢に怖い思いをしたり、不安に感じていたけれど、起きたらただの夢だったことにほっとすることを表します。  
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I had a nightmare

  • I had a bad dream

The word 'nightmare' is a word that describes a bad or scary dream. So if you wake up after a scary dream you have just 'had a nightmare'. We can also use the phrases bad dream or scary dream too.
 'nightmare'は、怖い夢のことを意味する言葉です。怖い夢を見て目が覚めたときには、 'had a nightmare'(悪夢を見た)ということができます。また、 bad dream やscary dreamも使うことができます。
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • I had a bad dream.

  • I had a nightmare that woke me up.

  • I was woken up by a scary dream.

A 'nightmare' or a 'night terror' is another word to describe a bad or scary dream. We can describe being woken up by this scary dream by saying we 'woke up in a cold sweat'. This is an idiom to describe a feeling of fear that causes us to awaken from our sleep.
「悪夢」「怖い夢」は 'nightmare' や 'night terror' でも表すことができます。 「怖い夢で目が覚める」は 'woke up in a cold sweat'(冷や汗をかいて目覚める)と表すことができます。これは、恐怖で目が覚めることを表すイディオムです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I had a nightmare

  • I had a scary dream

  • I had a dream than scared the wits out of me.

If you want to express that you had a bad dream, you can use nay of these expressions:- 1. I had a nightmare A ''nightmare'' is another word bor bad dream. 2. I had a scary dream. 3. I had a dream that scared the wits out of me. The expression 'scared the wits out of me" is an informal expression to mean to be very afraid.
「悪い夢を見た」は次のように言えます。 1. I had a nightmare(悪い夢を見ました) 'nightmare' は 'bad dream'(悪い夢)の別の言い方です。 2. I had a scary dream.(怖い夢を見ました) 3. I had a dream that scared the wits out of me.(とても怖い夢を見ました) 'scared the wits out of me' は「ひどく怖がらせる」という意味の表現です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I had nightmares all night.

  • I had a really scary/bad dream.

If you would like to know what you can call a scary dream at night, you can say "I had nightmares all night." or "I had a really scary/bad dream.". The word "nightmare" is the most accurate word for a bad dream.
夜寝ていて怖い夢を見ることをどう言うか知りたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "I had nightmares all night."(一晩中悪夢にうなされた) "I had a really scary/bad dream."(すごく怖い夢/悪い夢を見た) "nightmare" が「悪い夢」の最も的確な表現です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I had a bad dream.

  • I had a nightmare.

I had a bad dream. 悪い夢を見ました。 I had a nightmare. 悪夢を見ました。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 nightmare と言うと「悪夢」という意味になります。 例: I woke up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare. 悪夢を見たので夜中に起きてしまいました。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • I had a scary dream.

  • I had a nightmare.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I had a scary dream. 「私は怖い夢を見た」 I had a nightmare. 「私は悪夢を見た」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I had a bad dream

  • I had a nightmare

  • frightening dream

I had a bad dream example sentence: I was forced to wake up in the middle of the night I had a bad dream. I had a nightmare example sentence: It felt strange waking up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare for the first time. frightening dream example sentence: I woke up in the middle of the night because I experienced a frightening dream.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • I had a bad dream.

  • I had a a scary dream

  • I had a nightmare.

We can refer to a dream as either, "bad," or," scary," to express that it wasn't good or was something that caused us to wake up in fear. The term, "nightmare," is the official word for a dream that was bad or scary.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I had a nightmare.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I had a nightmare.」 (意味)怖い夢を見た。 <例文>I had a nightmare and woke up at 3am. I couldn't go back to sleep. <訳>怖い夢を見て3時に目が覚めました。その後、眠れなくなりました。 参考になれば幸いです。
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