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2017/09/19 20:33
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  • I want to get stronger.

  • I want to gain more strength.

  • I want to enhance my strength.

As a martial arts athlete that wants to become stronger or better at martial arts, you can say: I want to get stronger. This is grammatically correct but not so commonly said by native speakers. I want to gain more strength. To gain - to get, to gather, to achieve, to win, You can say: I want to enhance my strength. To enhance - This means to make better, to improve. I hope that helps!
強くなりたい、格闘技を上達させたい格闘家として、このように言うことができます。 I want to get stronger. これは文法的に正しいですが、ネイティブスピーカーはあまり言わないです。 I want to gain more strength. gain - get, gather, achieve, winと同じように、得るという意味です。 また、このような言い方もあります。 I want to enhance my strength. enhance - これは強化する、上達させるという意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I want to be stronger.

  • I'd like to be stronger.

The difference between the two phrases is "want". Want shows a more significant desire than "like". When you say like, it is something you think about from time to time.
2つの表現の違いはwantです。 wantはlikeよりも強い欲求を表します。 likeという時は、時々考えるような物なのだということです。(欲求がそれ程強くない) 
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I want to be stronger

  • My goal is to get stronger.

1.I want to be stronger - This means that you would like get stronger 2.My goal is to get stronger. - This means that you are going to do what it takes to gain more strength.
1.I want to be stronger - この文はもっと強くなりたいという意味です。 2.My goal is to get stronger.- この文はもっと強くなるために必要なことを演る予定だという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I want to be stronger.

You can say : I want to be stronger. I would like to be stronger. I want to be the strongest.
You can say : こう言えます。 I want to be stronger. もっと強くなりたい。 I would like to be stronger. もっと強くなりたい。 I want to be the strongest. 一番強くなりたい。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I want to increase my strength.

  • I want to become train more to increase my strength.

  • I want to gain strength.

Another way to say this would be to say, I want to gain strength or increase my strength.
このことを言う別の言い方は、 I want to gain strength 力強くなりたい。 or increase my strength. 強さを増したい。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I want to become stronger.

  • I want to become more fit.

A martial arts fighter can use any of these sentences :- 1. I want to become stronger. 2. I want to become more fit.
武道や武術の選手はよく次の表現を使います。 1. I want to become stronger. (もっと強くなりたい) 2. I want to become more fit. (もっとつよくなりたい)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I really want to be stronger!

  • I intend to develop my strength!

  • I will become as strong as an ox!

You may state that you really want to be stronger, but that is a pretty bland statement in itself! You could show a little determination as in the sentence: "I intend to develop my strength!" or, you may prefer to adopt a personal mantra that will take you on this journey of self-improvement! "I will become as strong as an ox!" As strong as an ox = Possessing great physical strength. (Oxen were traditionally used as work animals.) You should get Bert to help you move all this furniture—he's strong as an ox. If you go to the gym every day, you too will be as strong as an ox.
本当に強くなりたいということは出来ますが、その言葉自体はとても当たり障りのない言い方ですね。このように言えばもう少し強い決意を表すことが出来ます。 例文 "I intend to develop my strength!" 筋力をつけようと思っている。 又は自己鍛錬をする上で自分の信条になる言葉を使う方が良いかもしれません。 例文 "I will become as strong as an ox!" とても強くなりたい。 As strong as an ox =肉体的な強さがある(Oxen(雄牛)は伝統的に労働力として使われていました。) 例文 You should get Bert to help you move all this furniture—he's strong as an ox. これらの家具を動かすのにバートに手伝ってもらえば良いよ。彼は本当に力が強いよ。 If you go to the gym every day, you too will be as strong as an ox. 毎日ジムに行けば、あなたも強くなれるよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to gain more strength.

  • I would like to be stronger at this sport.

  • I am keen on building up my strength.

Other ways to say this: I am eager to keep developing my strength. I am working really hard at becoming stronger and stronger. I want to practice more an become tougher. I want to toughen up even more. I want to gain more muscle strength.
他の表現 例文 I am eager to keep developing my strength. 強くなり続けたい。 I am working really hard at becoming stronger and stronger. もっと強くなるために本当に一生懸命頑張っている。 I want to practice more to become tougher. さらに強くなるためにもっと頑張りたい。 I want to toughen up even more. 今以上に鍛えたい。 I want to gain more muscle strength. もっと筋力をつけたい。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I want to toughen up using martial arts.

  • I want to train much harder and become stronger.

If you want to become stronger or more resilient, it would be advisable to undergo martial arts training. After this training, you will without doubt toughen up. If you want to toughen up, you must train 'much harder'. The adverb 'much' in this context, means 'a great deal'. The adjective 'harder' used here as part of the phrase 'much harder', is the comparative degree of the adjective 'hard' (superlative degree = hardest). So, you may say: I want to toughen up using martial arts. or I want to train much harder and become stronger.
もしもっと強く、打たれ強くなりたいのなら、 武道のトレーニングに耐えるのが賢明です。そのトレーニングの後には、強くなることでしょう。 もし強くなりたいなら。'much harder'(もっと一生懸命)トレーニングをしなくてはなりません。文中の副詞 'much' は、 'a great deal'つまりたくさんのという意味です。形容詞は、hardの比較級になります。 (最上級はhardest)   以下のように表現してみるといいでしょう。 I want to toughen up using martial arts. 武術で強くなりたい。  I want to train much harder and become stronger. もっと一生懸命練習して、強くなりたい。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I want to work out more.

  • I want to get some gains!

"I want to work out more." - This tells someone that you are looking to go to the gym more often to lift weights and do more strengthening activities. "I want to get some gains!" - This is a newer slang expression used in the US to tell someone that you want to gain muscle while working out. "Gains" is referred to as getting more strength and muscle.
"I want to work out more." (もっと鍛えたい) - ジムにもっと頻繁に行ってウェイトを上げたり、体を鍛えようと思っていることを伝えています。 "I want to get some gains!" (筋肉をつけたい) - これはアメリカで使われるまだ新しいスラングで、鍛えて筋肉をつけたいという意味です。 "Gains" は、力・筋肉をもっとつけることを表しています。
Leesha DMM英会話講師
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