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2017/09/20 10:38
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  • Due date

  • Expected date of delivery (EDD)

The day that a baby is expected to be born is the due date. When expressing the due date you can say: I am due on the 3rd of September My baby is due in September. When saying the date you would say 'on' but when mentioning only the month, you would say 'in.' What date are you due? When is your baby due? In hospitals, the doctor would write EDD in the maternity notes which stands for expected date of delivery. I hope that helps!
[赤ちゃん](が[生まれる](と予測される日のことを、 due date といいます。 予定日を表すとき、こう言うことができます。 I am due on the 3rd of September. My baby is due in September. 日付のことを言うときには on 、月のことを言うときには in を使います。 (いつが予定日ですか?) What date are you due? When is your baby due? 病院では、母子手帳にEDD( Expected Date of Delivery: 出産予定日)を書き込むでしょう。 due date という英語表現自体は「締め切り」などの意味で使われることもあります。 When is the due date for the report? レポートの締め切りはいつですか? 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • due date

Due date is the day when a woman is expected to give birth. For example: "She started having contractions two weeks before her due date."
Due date とは、女性の[出産](予定日を表します。 例 :"She started having contractions two weeks before her due date." 出産による収縮が予定日のニ週間前に始まった。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The happy day

  • The expected day of giving birth

  • The due date

People may ask a pregnant woman: 'When's the happy day?' Meaning when will the baby be born. Another common query is: 'When's the baby due?' Or, 'When do you expect to give birth?'
妊娠している女性に 'When's the happy day?'と聞くことがあります。意味はいつ赤ちゃんが生まれるかという意味です。 他のよく使われる質問は次の通りです。 'When's the baby due?' (予定日はいつですか?) 'When do you expect to give birth?' (いつ生まれる予定ですか)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My baby's due date is the (date/month/year).

  • I am expected to give birth in (september).

  • I'm currently (how many months)months pregnant, My expected due date is ( date/month/year)

These are some ways you may say when your baby's expected date is. For example: First sentence is used often where you see (mm/dd/year) you put here the date of arrival of the baby. (or you may also just say the month and year eg: september 2017) Second sentence you could say this also if you would just like to say only the month you are expecting to have a baby. With the third sentence if you would like to give more detail you can say this and where it says (how many months) you may say something like " I'm currently 3 months pregnant, My expected due date is (Date/month/year).
赤ちゃんの予定日の言い方は色々あります。 一つ目は、赤ちゃんの予定日を書く場所が (mm/dd/year)このようににあるときによく使われますね。 また、月と年をこのようにいうこともできます。例:September 2017. 二つ目の文は月をいう時だけに使います。 三つ目の文はより詳細に言いたいとき、何ヶ月目なのかを答えるときなどにも使えます。 例 " I'm currently 3 months pregnant, My expected due date is (Date/month/year). 今は妊娠3ヶ月で、私の予定日は、...です。
Marina P DMM英語講師
  • due date

example "the baby is due any minute". or "the due date is around February time". or "i am due to give birth next week some time". Due date is the term given to the expected date of birth.
例文 "The baby is due any minute". 赤ちゃんの予定日はもうすぐだ "The due date is around February time". 予定日は2月頃だ "I am due to give birth next week some time". 来週あたりが予定日だ Due dateは、出産予定日を表す語です。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • When is the baby due?

  • What is the baby's birth date?

  • Day of birth

When is the baby due? Due= (adjective) When something is expected, planned or scheduled for for a certain time Example: The project is due on the third of December. = The project must be completed by the third of December. Birthdate: (Noun) The date on which a person is or was born. Example: What is your birthdate? Answer: The 13th of January.
"When is the baby due?" (生まれる予定日はいつですか) Due= (形容詞) 何かが特定の時に期待、計画、あるいは予定されること。 例: The project is due on the third of December. (そのプロジェクトの期限は12月3日です。) = そのプロジェクトは12月3日までに終わらないといけません。 Birthdate: (名詞) 人が生まれるあるいは生まれた日を意味します。 例: What is your birthdate? (誕生日はいつですか)  The 13th of January. (1月13日です。)
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • The anticipated delivery date for my baby "24th April"

>The anticipated delivery date for my baby "24th April" *anticipate=regard as probable; expect or predict. ............................ This means that the due is the "24th April" .,.,...,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.
>The anticipated delivery date for my baby "24th April" 赤ちゃんの予定日は4月24日です。 *anticipate=予期、予想される。. ............................ これは、予定日が24日です、という表現です。 .,.,...,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You refer to it as the day that the baby is due.

  • You can also express it as the day when the baby is expected.

"Due" means when something is expected to take place. It is used when expressing when a pregnant woman is expected to give birth. Examples: "My baby is due on the twenty-fifth of May." "I'm expecting my baby at the end of next month." "When is the baby due?"
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • due date

  • expected date of delivery

  • expected date of arrival

expected date of arrival - the date you expect the baby to arrive. expected date of delivery - the day you expect the baby to be delivered the easiest way to explain this to somebody is to use the phrase "due date"
Jackk DMM英会話講師
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