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2017/09/20 17:47
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  • Protoype

  • Sample

  • Template

When you have a product that you want to trial, the most common word is Prototype. He designed a successful prototype. It can also be called a sample, template or model. He made a model on the drawing board. She would need to test the template. The sample underwent the trial. I hope that helps!
お試しのための[商品](を持っているとき、いちばんよく使われる言葉が prototype です。 He designed a successful prototype.(彼はよく売れる試作品をデザインした。) それはまた sample や、template や、 model とも呼ばれることがあります。 He made a model on the drawing board. (彼は[製造](図上で試作品を作った。) She would need to test the template. (彼女は試作品をテストする必要があります。) The sample underwent the trial.(試作品はテストを受けた。) 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • trial product

  • sample product

  • prototype

試作品を[作る]( make trial product trialとは試しの意味で、productとは作品の意味です。つまり、trial productとは試作品のことです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • A trial run

  • A test product

  • A sample item

A trial run is when you may have a new product that you have not previously manufactured or distributed. The idea is to test the production process and view the finished product and perhaps do some consumer testing with the items produced. It may also be called a 'test production run.' The result is that some sample items are produced.
"trial run"とは新しい商品だけど前もって作った物でまだ流通されていない物の事を意味します。 これは製造過程や最終完成品などを、消費者が試してみたものを見てみることを言います。 これはまた 'test production run'(試作)とも言います。 この結果で見本商品が製造されます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A sample product.

  • A prototype.

  • A product made to test the market.

1. A sample product is one that is made as a sample. 2. A prototype is first or preliminary version of a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed. "the firm is testing a prototype of the weapon" 3. Sometimes companies will make product to test is there is sufficient customer demand for that product, that is testing the market.
1. A sample productはサンプルとして作られた製品です。 2. A prototypeは、 機器、車両の初期バージョンで、これを元に 製品が開発されます。 the firm is testing a prototype of the weapon その企業は、兵器のプロトタイプをテストしています。 3. 企業は該当製品の需要が十分にあるかどうか テストするために製品を制作しますが、そのことをtest the marketと言います。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • A specimen.

>A specimen. *an example of something regarded as typical of its class or group. Example a. A specimen paper of the new test b. These specimens are divided into several categories ...............***...............***...............***..........
>A specimen. *検体。標本。グループなどの代表的な例。 例 a. A specimen paper of the new test 新しいテストの例題集。 b. These specimens are divided into several categories こういった検体はいくつかのカテゴリーに分類される。 ...............***...............***...............***..........
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • trial product

a product that is used for a test/ to try out
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • Exploratory

  • pilot

Exploratory -to explore or investigate. Will needs to try the some exploratory research on the new device. Used more to discuss how an item works, than an item itself. Pilot - the first of a product, this would be an item or television show, etc. A pilot is issued to a limited audience to see if there is interest in the product.
Exploratory 研究、調査すること 新しい機器では、製品自体よりも、製品がどのように機能するかを話し合う際に一定の調査、研究をする必要があります。 Pilot - 初期型のの製品で、後に商品やテレビ番組等に出たりします。 pilotはその製品に関心があるかどうか調べるために、限られた人に提供されます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • prototype

  • He flew the prototype flying car proof of concept.

WHen we design somehting completely new...we need to build a fnished complete working model of the invention...this is for testing putposes. Long before it gets to market...This Prototype may change and evolve over develpoing the perfect product..."He flew the prototype flying car as proof of concept."
全く新しいものをデザインする時、新案の完成モデルを作る必要があります。これがテストの目的です。市場に出るかなり前に"Prototype" (試作品)は何度も変化と発展を繰り返し、完璧な製品になっていきます。 "He flew the prototype flying car as proof of concept." (コンセプトを証明するため、彼は空飛ぶ車の試作品を飛ばしました。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Prototype

  • Sample

「試作品」が英語で「prototype」か「sample」と言います。食品なら、「sample」の方がナチュラルですが、家具か機械などなら「prototype」の方が良いです。 例文: 試作でお菓子を作っていました ー We are making samples of sweets 試作品が完成する ー To complete a prototype product. 試作品を作るのにさらに時間をいただけませんか ー I would like more time to make the samples. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Sample

  • Prototype

  • Trial product

Any of the above three words can be used to describe something that is made as an experiment/test/trial. Examples; - I am launching a new product soon, but I first have to send it for a trial run. - As a way of marketing my new product, I have decided to give out free samples in stores.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • The prototype for the new rocket engine is a success.

  • Send me the plans for the prototype for final approval.

  • Research and development completed the first prototype.

試作品 trial product, prototype 新しいロケットエンジンの試作品は成功です。 The prototype for the new rocket engine is a success. 最終承認のために試作品の計画を送ってください。 Send me the plans for the prototype for final approval. 研究開発により最初の試作品が完成しました。 Research and development completed the first prototype.
  • prototype

  • sample

  • trial run item

usually something that is made in an experiment is called a prototype, but can also be called a sample or a trial run item. These items are usually not the finalized products, and are used to continue to perform experiments on, until the product is finalized
Estter DMM英会話講師
  • prototype

  • test product

  • sample product

A product made as a test is known as a few things: A prototype, a test product, or a sample product. The word 'prototype' is the easiest and most used example of a product that is not yet official but is still a test. Here are a few example sentences: 'Apple has made the new prototype for the newest iPhone'. 'I was selected to test the newest sample product from Nintendo'. 'We will bring our test product to show investors so that we can get money to finish it and bring it to market.'
Anders DMM英会話講師
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