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みんなでランチに行くときにレストランのメニューを 見てて何にしたのか聞きたいとき
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2017/09/20 22:49
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  • Have you decided what you would like to order?

  • Are you ready to order?

When asking the above questions it is important that you are polite and friendly. The waiter can say "Are you ready to place your order?" as opposed to "Are you ready to order?" Make note of the difference.
上記の質問をする時は、丁寧にフレンドリーに言う事が大事です。 ウエイターは"Are you ready to place your order?"とは対照的に"Are you ready to order?"と聞くことが出来ます。 違いに注意しましょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Are you ready order?

  • Shall we order now?

  • Did you find something good?

You, or the waiter may ask: "Are you ready to order?" at any time. Perhaps a slightly friendlier way may be to make the suggestion: "Shall we order now?" as this is an inclusive invitation that you both place your order. Alternatively, you may ask your friend: "Did you find something good?" as an indirect way of seeing if they are ready to order.
あなたが、またはウェイターは"Are you ready to order? ときいてくるでしょう。おそらく、ちょっと親切なやり方で、"Shall we order now?"という提案をしてもいいでしょう また、あなたはあなたの友人に "Did you find something good?"と尋ねてみるのも良いかもしれません。彼らが注文する準備ができているかどうかを確認しましょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you ready to order?

  • Have you chosen your meal?

  • Do you know what you want to have?

When you want to ask someone if they have chosen what they want to order from a menu, you can ask: Are you ready to order? This is the most common phrase used to check. Many waiters will ask this question also. Have you chosen your meal? This is a polite way of asking your friend if they have picked what they want to eat. It is indirect. Do you know what you want to have? This is also an indirect way of asking your friend if they are ready to order their food. I hope that helps!
メニューからなにを頼むか決めたかどうかを聞くとき、こう言うことができます。 Are you ready to order? これは確認のために使われる最も一般的なフレーズです。ウェイターがこの質問を聞くことも多いです。 Have you chosen your meal? こちらは友人に何が食べたいかを聞く、丁寧な言い方です。間接的な聞き方ですね。 Do you know what you want to have? こちらもまた間接的な聞き方で、友人に食べ物を注文する準備ができたかどうかを尋ねています。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Shall we order?

  • Can we order now?

You can ask : 'Shall we order?' 'Can we order now?' 'Should we order?' 'Im ready to order, how about you?'
このように尋ねることができます。 'Shall we order?' 注文しましょうか? 'Can we order now?' 注文してもいいですか? 'Should we order?' 注文して良いですか? 'Im ready to order, how about you?' 注文の準備ができたけど、君は?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Are you ready to order?

  • What looks good to you?

In a casual lunch with friends, there's really no wrong way to ask "What are you going to order, have you decided yet?"
友人とのカジュアルなランチでは、こう言っても全く問題はありません。 例文 "What are you going to order, have you decided yet?" 何を注文するか、決まった?
Shanna A DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what you want to order?

  • Have you decided what you're having?

  • What are you going to get?

If you are with a group of friends this does not need to be formal. You can simply ask your friend what they are getting. "What are you going to get?'' or "What are you thinking of getting?'' If you are in a more formal setting or with friends you can use the following : Have you decided what you're having? Do you know what you want to order? Is everyone ready to order?
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Have you decided yet?

  • Are you ready to order?

to be ready to order - this is a simple and concise way to say that you have looked everything over and you are prepared to place your oder now. e.g. Thanks for the menu, I think I'm ready to order. Have you decided yet? - this is another way to ask "Are you ready to order?" Basically it is saying have you chosen what you want to order yet?
to be ready to order - 注文する準備が出来ている シンプルで簡潔な表現で、メニューを全部見て、今注文する準備が出来ていると言っています。 例文 Thanks for the menu, I think I'm ready to order. メニューをありがとうございます。注文の準備ができています。 Have you decided yet? - ご注文はお決まりですか? "Are you ready to order?"の別の言い方です。基本的に”注文したいものがもう決まりましたか”と言っています。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what to order?

  • Have you decided?

1)何を頼むか決まってる?という形。”決まっている(把握している)”を”自分自身で知っている”と言うのはすこし不思議かもしれませんが私の周りは一番この形を使っている気がします。 2)決めた?と言いたいときには幅広く使えます。
Nanami Chinatsu 国際文化交流活動家
  • Are you ready to order?

  • Do you know what you would like to eat?

Most of the time you will hear the waiter or waitress say "Are you ready to order?" but you can also say this to your friends. A more casual way to ask them is to say "Do you know what you would like to eat?" or "Do you know what you want to eat?"
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • There are a few variations on how to say this. You could say, " Have you decided what you want?"

  • "Do you know what you want?" "Have you made up your mind?" "Have you chosen yet?" etc

The key options include "decided", "know", "chosen". To "make up one's mind" means to come to a decision about something. A typical situation would be where you are with friends or family at a restaurant or cafe and you are looking at the menu to see what you want to eat and drink. For example, " I think I will have the fish. Have you made up your mind yet?"
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • have you decided what you want yet?

  • have you decided what you want yet?

you could either say "have you decided what you want yet?" or you could also say "have you decided what you want yet?" both of these are good sentences for asking somebody if they have decided on what they would like.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Have you decided to what you'd like to order?

  • What would you like to eat?

  • Have you made up your mind on what you'd like to order?

Sometimes when we go out to eat with friends, and you're ready to order, it's polite to ask the person you're with if they are ready to order. Here are some sentences you can do to ask that. 1. Have you decided what you'd like to order? Lisa " Have you decided what you'd like to order?" Paul " Hmm yes, I think I'll have the steak and potatoes." Lisa "Great! the beef spagetti looks good. I'll order that. " 2. What would you like to eat? Lisa " what would you like to eat?" Paul " I'm not sure yet, I haven't decided ." 3. Have you made up your mind on what you'd like to order? Paul " Have you made up your mind on what you'd like to order?" Lewis "I haven't decided yet, everything looks delicious!" 4. What have you choosen from the menu? Mandy "What have you choosen from the menu?" Shelly "I have choosen the creamy potoatoes and salad"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what you want?

  • Are you ready?

  • What are you going to order?

When at a restaurant and you are with friends if you want to know if your companions know what they want to order, you can ask general questions like these which can be used for many different situations: "What are you going to order?" or "Are you ready to order?"
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know what you want to order?

  • Have you decided yet?

When asking a friend if they have looked at the menu and know what they want to order, you can ask your friend: -Have you decided yet? -Do you know what you want to order?
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Are you ready to order?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Are you ready to order?」 (意味)何注文するか決めた? <例文>Are you ready to order?/ Yeah. I think I'll be getting the BLT sandwich. <訳>何注文するか決めた?/うん。多分BLTサンドにすると思う。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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