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2017/09/28 20:32
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  • I saw this item available at another store at a cheaper price.

  • This item was cheaper at another store.

If you want to bargain prices for an item that was cheaper at another store, we would say the following to the store staff: - "I saw this item available at another store at a cheaper price." or - "This item was cheaper at another store." For talking about prices we say either the price is 'expensive" ( a big price ) or 'cheap' ( a small price ).
もし他のお店の価格と比べて値下げ交渉をしたい場合、次のように店員さんに言います。 【例文】 - "I saw this item available at another store at a cheaper price." (他のお店ではもっと安い値段で売ってました) - "This item was cheaper at another store." (この商品は他のお店ではもっと安かったです) 値段の話をする時は 'expensive" (高価)又は'cheap' (安価)と言います。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • It was cheaper in another store.

「もっと安い」は、「比較して他より安い」ということなので、比較級の cheaper(より安い) を使います。 「他の」は、another を使います。 another は、an + other からきているので、同じ種類のものが他に復習あった時、その中の1つ(単数)を指す時に用います。 例えば、お店で、服やジュエリーなどを見ている時に、同じ種類の別のものを見たい時に、次のように言うことができます。 Could you show me another? (別のものを見せていただけませんか?) another の後ろには、必ず単数名詞がくるので、「他のお店」は、another store あるいは、another shop になります。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Mutsumi 英語講師
  • This item's price was lower at a different store.

  • Would you be able to do a price match?

Some stores have a price matching policy that allows them to match the lower price. You can use "Would you be able to do a price match?" or "Do you have a price matching policy?" to find out if they have one. Then, you would just have to show them a paper advertisement or an online advertisement with the lower priced item to get the price match. Also, you use the words 'low' and 'high' to describe price.
店によっては、自社の価格を他店の安い価格に合わせて値引きしてくれます。値引きが可能かどうか確認するために"Would you be able to do a price match?"(プライスマッチをして頂けますか?)又は"Do you have a price matching policy?"(プライスマッチをしてもらえますか)という表現を使うことが出来ます。 そして値引きをしてもらうために、安い価格が出ている紙の広告又はネット広告を店員に見せなければいけません。 又価格を表すのに'low' と'high' という語を使います。
Jaqueline DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any flexibility on the price as I saw it cheaper in another shop?

The politest way of negotiating a price is asking if it is 'flexible'. This is asking whether there is any movement in the price, and essentially asking if they will sell it for a smaller amount of money. To be more persuasive you could add onto the end "I saw it cheaper in another shop" but you may want to back this up with what shop it was and how much it cost in there.
値段交渉の仕方としては、それが 'flexible'(変更可能)であるかどうか尋ねるのが最も丁寧です。 これは、値段が変更可能であるかどうか、要するに、より安い価格で売ってくれるかどうかを尋ねています。 より説得力が増すよう、最後に "I saw it cheaper in another shop"(他の店でもっと安かった)と加えてもいいです。ただ、その場合「どこどこの店でいくらだった」ときちんと証拠を示した方がいいかもしれません。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • This item is more expensive here than at the other store.

  • This item was selling for a cheaper price than this at the other store.

If the product is being sold at a higher price in this store than it is being sold for at the other store, it means that it is more expensive in this store than at the other store. Grammatically, you are using comparative degrees. It may be cheap in this store, but it is cheaper at the other store. The word cheaper in this case is the comparative degree of the adjective 'cheap'. The superlative degree is 'cheapest. However, if you use the adjective 'expensive', which means 'costing more than anticipated', the .comparative degree is 'more expensive' and the superlative degree is 'most expensive'. Someone might say: This is the most expensive shop in this area. So you may say to the sales person: This item is more expensive here than at the other store. or This item was selling for a cheaper price than this at the other store.
この店で販売されている商品が、他の店の販売価格より高いのであれば、他の店より、この店の方がexpensive(高価)ということになります。文法的には比較級を使います。この店もcheap(安い)かもしれないが、他の店ではcheaper(もっと安い)ということです。cheaperという語はcheapの比較級です。最上級はcheapestです。 しかし思っていたより値段が高かったという意味のexpensiveという形容詞を使う場合は、比較級のmore expensiveと最上級のmost expensiveを用います。こう言う人もいるかもしれません。 例文 This is the most expensive shop in this area. この地域で最も値段が高い店だ ですから店員にこういうことが出来ます。 例文 This item is more expensive here than at the other store. この商品はあの店より値段が高い This item was selling for a cheaper price than this at the other store. この商品は、他の店ではもっと安い値段で販売されている
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "It was cheaper at another store"

  • "This item was cheaper at another store"

  • "Would you be able to do a price match?"

If you were shopping and you saw that a certain product was on sale for a cheaper price at a different shop, you could say one of the following: "It was cheaper at another store", "This item was cheaper at another store" or "Would you be able to do a price match?". This alerts whomever you are speaking to that you could get this item at a lower price if you went elsewhere.
買い物をしていて、ある商品が他の店でもっと安い値段で売られていることに気が付いたら、次のように言えます。 "It was cheaper at another store"(それは別の店でもっと安かったです) "This item was cheaper at another store"(この商品は別の店でもっと安かったです) または、 "Would you be able to do a price match?"(プライスマッチはしてもらえますか) これは、他の店ではもっと安い値段でそれを買うことができると相手を警告します。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I found it cheaper at another store.

  • I was able to find it less expensive at another store.

"I found it cheaper at another store," means that you were able to get for a better price at another store than the store you previously bought it at. "I was able to find it less expensive at another store," means something similar to the other sentences but it can be an alternative way to say "finding something cheaper." It's always nice to have alternative words to use when trying to say something so, "cheaper," "less expensive," "not as costly," are all good ways to say something that doesn't cost a lot of money.
"I found it cheaper at another store"(他の店でもっと安かったです)は、別の店でもっと安い値段でそれを買うことができたという意味です。 "I was able to find it less expensive at another store"(他の店ではもっと安かったです)は、もう一つの文と似ていますが、"finding something cheaper"(もっと安い)の別の言い方です。 何かを伝えようとするときには、単語の選択肢は多い方がいいです。 "cheaper" "less expensive" "not as costly"、これらはどれも値段が安いことを表します。
Lyndsey DMM英会話講師
  • This was cheaper at (store).

  • I found this to be cheaper at a different shop.

To tell the shop staff that a certain product was cheaper at a different shop, you can say: "This was cheaper at (store)." "I found this to be cheaper at a different shop."
店員に「(ある商品が)別の店ではもっと安かった」と伝えるなら、次のように言えます。 "This was cheaper at (store)." 「(店)ではもっと安かった」 "I found this to be cheaper at a different shop." 「これは別の店でもっと安かった」
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Did you know I can buy exactly the same product for 25% less in the high street?

  • This product has an unreal price tag! It's available at half this price in the market

When shopping, you want to negotiate the price. You want to tell the shop staff that a certain product iss on sale for a lower price at a different shop. Above are some suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It cost much less at (store).

  • It is more expensive here than at (store).

  • (Store) is selling this for a lower price.

When we want to negotiate a price for an item, we can 'haggle'. 'Haggling' is a verb used to describe the action of you and the person selling an item working out a price and coming to an agreement, By informing the shopkeeper that an item they are selling has a lower price at a different store, we are letting them know that they could lose our business and they may need to lower their prices.
「値下げ交渉をする」は、'haggle' で表すことができます。'haggle' は「値下げ交渉をする」という意味の動詞です。 ここでは、「他店ではもっと値段が安かった」と言って、店主に「他の店で買うかもしれない」「もっと安くならないか」と伝えています。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but this product was cheaper in another shop

  • I saw the same item in a different store for a lower price

- Good to start with saying "sorry, but" as a polite way to address something you have a problem with. - "item" can be used as another word for product.
- "Sorry, but" で始めるといいですね。これは、問題を切り出すときの丁寧な言い方です。 - "item" は "product"(製品/商品)の代わりに使うことができます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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