世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/10/07 12:36
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  • A) She is always on her phone.

  • B) She's on her phone 24/7

A) She is always on her phone. *Always-at all times; on all occasions. Example-"the sun always rises in the east" B) She's on her phone 24/7 *24/7-twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; all the time. Example-"you can't let things get you down when you're on call 24/7" *She's - she is Example - She's my sister I hope this helps :-)
A) She is always on her phone. *Always-[常に](、[どんなときでも]( 例-"the sun always rises in the east" 太陽は常に東から登る。 B) She's on her phone 24/7 *24/7-24時間、週7日、常に 例-"you can't let things get you down when you're on call 24/7" 待機中はいつ連絡がくるかわからないので、気を沈ませてはいけない。 *She's - she is Example - She's my sister 彼女は私の妹/姉です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • He is always on his smartphone.

  • His phone is glued to his hand.

  • He is obsessed with his phone.

In order to say that someone is always touching their phone, you can say: He is always on his smartphone. The common way of describing touching your phone in native English is to say: 'on your phone.' You can 'play on your phone' You can also say: His phone is glued to his hand. If something is 'glued to your hand,' This means the phone is always in his hand. You can also say: He is obsessed with his phone. To be obsessed with something means to be infatuated or always with it. I hope that helps!
いっつも携帯ばかりいじっている人のことをこう表現できます。 He is always on his smartphone. ネイティブの間では自分の携帯をいじっている人のことをon your phoneを使って表現します。 'play on your phone' [携帯](で遊ぶ また、こうも言えます。 His phone is glued to his hand. 'glued to your hand,' とは、ノリでくっついてしまったかのように、いつも彼の手には携帯があることを指します。 また、こうも言えます。 He is obsessed with his phone. To be obsessed with something とは、何かにとりつかれている、[夢中になっている](、という意味です。 I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • They cannot keep their hands off their phone.

  • He/She is always fidgeting with their phone.

1.They cannot keep their hands off their phone. If you cannot keep your hands off something it means you keep on touching/handling it. For example: "I'm going to put these cookies here. You keep your hands off them." 2.He/She is always fidgeting with their phone. - It means they are constantly touching their phone maybe to check if there is any new messages.
1.They cannot keep their hands off their phone. one cannot keep one's hands off something とは、ずっとそれを操作している、手から離れない、という意味です。 例 "I'm going to put these cookies here. You keep your hands off them." クッキーはこっちに置いておくね。クッキーから離れなさい。 2.He/She is always fidgeting with their phone.- これは新着メールを確認でもしているのでしょう、常に携帯を触っていることを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • he's married to his phone

When someone spends a lot of time doing something or with someone we often say they are married to it. A person can be married to their job if they work long hours and have little home life or as in this case married to their phone because they are constantly with it.
ずっと何かをしているだとか、ずっとある人と一緒にいるというときは、"They are married to~"と言います。もし長い時間働いて家にいる時間が短い時は"be married to their job"と言いますし、ずっと携帯電話をいじっているときは"be married to their phone"と言います。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • He/She is always on his phone.

  • That phone is glued to his/her hand.

"He/She is always on his phone. " This explains that he/she is always using their phone. "That phone is glued to his/her hand." This explains that the person always has the phone in their hand.
"He/She is always on his phone." これは、彼/彼女がいっつも携帯電話を使っている、という意味です。 "That phone is glued to his/her hand." これはその人がいっつも携帯電話を話さないという意味です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I can't stop playing with my phone

To say that you can't stop playing with your phone, does not literally mean that you are playing games on your phone, but that you are doing other things on it such as texting, browsing the internet, using apps etc.
"I can't stop playing with my phone."(スマホをずっと触っています。) "play"(遊ぶ、ゲームをする)という言葉を使っていますが、「スマホでゲームをして遊んでいる」ということだけでなく、メッセージのやり取り、ネットを見る、アプリを使う、などを含め「スマホで何かしらをずっとしている」という意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • She is constantly on her phone!

  • I'm addicted to my smartphone.

If you say someone is "constantly" doing something, it means they are doing it all of the time. So in this case you could say "She is constantly on her phone!". We also use the word "addicted" to humorously say we like doing something a lot or do something too much. So you could say "I'm addicted to my smartphone." to express that you use your phone a lot.
誰かが "constantly"(常に)何かをしているという事は、その人はいつもやっている、という意味になります。 ですので、この場合、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 "She is constantly on her phone!" (彼女はいつも携帯を使っている!) また"addicted"(中毒になっている)を使ってユーモアに誰かが何かをずっとやっていることを言い表すことも出来ます。 ですので、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例】 "I'm addicted to my smartphone." (私はスマホ中毒です) これによって、あなたはいつもスマホを触っていることを表現することが出来ます。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • He can't stop fiddling with his phone

  • He's constantly handling his phone in an irritating way

  • He drives me crazy with his nonstop phone fidgeting!

The first example sentence just states the facts from your perspective. The second and third sentences also convey how this habit is getting on your nerves.
1つ目の回答は、単純に「彼がずっと携帯をいじっている」という状態を述べているだけです。 2つ目、3つ目の回答は相手のその行動が自分をいら立たせている、という事も伝える文章になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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