世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/17 14:00
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  • A married Couple

The most common way to describe two people who are married to each other is to say: Married couple. All the married couples had name tags. Sometimes two people may be together but no married, that would be called: A couple. They had been a couple for years. It can also be called: An item. They were an item. This is an informal way of saying that two people are going out with each other (boyfriend and girlfriend or fiance's). It normally means they are not married yet. I hope that helps!
- Married couple. 一般的には夫婦ならMarried coupleと言います。 married = 結婚している couple = カップル (以下、参考として) - A couple [結婚](していない場合は、A couple です。 - An item. インフォーマルな言い方ですが、結婚していない場合の別の言い方です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • A married couple.

  • Husband and wife.

A couple that are legally married can be referred to as husband and wife. However, if two people live together and are not married they are called a common-law couple. It is also quite common for people who have been living together for a number of years without being legally married to refer to each other as "husband" and "wife"
- husband and wife 夫婦(法的に[結婚](しているカップル)なら husband and wife と言います。 - common-law couple. 結婚せずに一緒に[住んでいる](カップルはcommon-law couple と言います。 結婚せずに一緒に住むカップルはとても多いです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Husband and wife

  • Two people, united in matrimony

  • Two people experiencing wedlock together

"Are the couple living next door married, do you know?" "I'm not totally sure, but I think they are husband and wife. I thought I heard the postman call her, "Mrs Taylor." "Well she could be divorced and using the name from her previous husband!" "Anything is possible, but my guess is that they are united in holy matrimony." United in holy matrimony = this is an excerpt from the Church of England marriage ceremony. Wedlock = the state of being married.
会話例: "Are the couple living next door married, do you know?" (隣の夫婦は結婚してるかどうか、知っていますか?) "I'm not totally sure, but I think they are husband and wife. I thought I heard the postman call her, "Mrs Taylor." (絶対とは言えないけれども、彼らは夫と妻(夫婦)だと思う。 郵便配達員が彼女に「テイラー夫人」と呼んでいるのが聞いた気がします。) "Well she could be divorced and using the name from her previous husband!" (まあ、離婚して、前の夫の名前を使うこともできますけどね!) "Anything is possible, but my guess is that they are united in holy matrimony." (どんな可能性もあるとは思いますが、彼らは結婚していると思います。) United in holy matrimony(聖なる婚姻)=これはイギリスの教会で挙げられる結婚式の事です。 Wedlock =結婚している状態。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • a married pair/ a married couple

  • an item

  • husband and wife

An item - we sometimes refer to a couple as just one single item because they are so "attached by the hip" that they are practically one person. You can also say that they are "husband and wife."
An item -カップルをひとつの物とみなして、しばしば、カップルの事をこのように呼びます。 彼らはとっても "attached by the hip"(ずっと一緒にいる) 特にお互い一人の人とずっと一緒にいるからです。 また"husband and wife"(旦那さんと奥さん)と言う事も出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • They are married, they are in a relationship, there a couple

  • couple, married, seeing each other

example "They are seeing each other" or "They are in a relationship" or "They are married" if they are officially married legally. you could also say together, seeing each other, hitched, dating
"They are seeing each other" 彼らは、デートしているんだ。  "They are in a relationship"  彼らは付き合っています。 もし正式に婚姻関係にあるときは、"They are married"「彼らは結婚している」と言うことができます。  together(一緒になる), seeing each other(デートしている), hitched(結婚する), dating(デートしている)という言葉も使うことができます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Married couple

*Married couple - Couple generally means two. Marriage is between two people. By saying married couple it simply means those two are married. Example Sentence:  We are offering a discount to married couples only.
Married couple - Coupleとは、普通2人を意味します。結婚も2人の間で成り立つものです。married coupleと言うことで、その2人が結婚している夫婦であることを意味します。 例:  We are offering a discount to married couples only. 夫婦のみ割引致します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • married couple

  • couple

  • husband and wife

「夫婦」は英語で「married couple」というのが一般的です。 「Couple」は「二人組」という意味です。 「Married」は「結婚している」という意味の形容詞です。 This event is for married couples. この行事は夫婦向けです。 They are so close; are they a married couple? とても親しそうに見えますが、夫婦ですか。 「Married」を言わずに「couple」だけでも大丈夫なときがあります。 もちろん、「married」を言わないと、夫婦だけではなくて、付き合っているカップルのことを指していることにもなります。 This tour is especially popular with couples. このツアーはカップルに特に人気です。 They seem to spend a lot of time together; are they a couple? たくさんの時間を一緒に過ごすようですが、二人って付き合っているの? 他に「husband and wife」との言い方があります。 「Husband」は「夫」で、「wife」は「妻」という意味です。 They got married last summer, so they are husband and wife. 去年の夏結婚しましたので、夫婦です。
  • Married couple

  • Husband and wife

夫婦はmarried coupleといいます Married - 結婚してる Couple - カップル Husband and wife もあります Husband - 夫 Wife - 婦 あそこの夫婦は喧嘩してる That married couple are fighting That husband and wife are fighting
  • Married couple.

  • Husband and Wife.

Married couple - This is most commonly used to described two people that are married. Husband and Wife - This means a Man and Women who are married.
Married couple - 結婚したカップルを表す最も一般的な言い方です。 Husband and Wife - これは「結婚した男女」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Married couple

  • Husband and wife

"Married couple" "Husband and wife" There is not much difference between these two statements. Often when referring to the couple you refer to them as a married couple, ex. "Do you think they look like a married couple?". For 'Husband and wife' This normally is used in the context of referring to the husband and wife individually, ex. "The Husband likes the wedding cake but the Wife didn't seem to like the cake".
"Married couple" "Husband and wife" この二つに大きな違いはありません。 結婚した夫婦は、しばしば "Married couple" と呼ばれます。 例えば: "Do you think they look like a married couple?" (あの二人は夫婦だと思う?) "Husband and wife" は普通夫と妻を分けて言うときに使われます。 例えば: "The Husband likes the wedding cake but the Wife didn't seem to like the cake". (旦那さんはそのウエディングケーキが気に入っているけど、奥さんは好きじゃなかったみたい)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • A married couple

  • a husband and wife

There are two common ways of explaing that a man and a woman are married: 1) A married couple or 2) A husband and wife The only difference is that a husband and wife is specific to the couple's sex (male and female) , while a married couple does not specifically tell us whether the couple is a man and woman. A married couple is assumed to be a man and woman, however.
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • husband and wife

  • a married couple

Husband and wife と married couple は一番適切な言い方ですが、テレビ番組とか記事でよく使われている言い方です。もちろん日常会話にも使えます。 They make a lovely couple, don't they? 彼らは素晴らしい夫婦だよな。 The husband and wife had a strict home life. 夫婦は厳しい生活をしていた。
  • A married couple.

  • Husband and wife.

You two are such an adorable couple. Thank you. We are married. Wow, the most beautiful married couple I have ever seen. Thanks. Husband and wide, amazing. It is. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • They just became husband and wife last weekend.

  • They are the most friendliest married couple I ever met.

  • For over thirty years, they are still a married couple.

夫婦 married couple, husband and wife 彼らは先週末、夫婦になりました。 They just became husband and wife last weekend. 彼らは私が今まで会った中で最も友好的な夫婦です。 They are the most friendliest married couple I ever met. 30年以上の間、彼らはまだ夫婦です。 For over thirty years, they are still a married couple.
  • a married couple

「夫婦」は英語で a married couple と言います。 married は「結婚している」という意味になります。 ちなみに「夫」は husband、「妻」は wife となります。 例: The married couple have been together for 20 years. その夫婦は20年間一緒にいます。
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