世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/18 12:48
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  • My son is at least a head taller than anyone else in his class

"I'm quite worried about my daughter, Amy! She seems to have stopped growing. She grew normally up to the age of 8 and now, two years later, she is just about the same height. I'm sure it's not normal!" "Oh, don't worry! My son was shorter than everyone until he reached 13, then he grew rapidly in the space of 6 months. Now, he's at least a head taller than anyone else in his class."
会話例: "I'm quite worried about my daughter, Amy! (私は娘のことを心配しています。エイミー!) She seems to have stopped growing. (8歳までは彼女は普通に成長しました) She grew normally up to the age of 8 and now, two years later, she is just about the same height. (8歳までは普通に成長しました、2年経った今、彼女はまだ同じ背の高さです。) I'm sure it's not normal! (普通じゃないと確信しています。) "Oh, don't worry! (心配しないで) My son was shorter than everyone until he reached 13, then he grew rapidly in the space of 6 months. (私の息子は13歳になるまで誰よりも背が低かったのですが、6ヶ月の間に急速に成長しました。) Now, he's at least a head taller than anyone else in his class. (今は彼のクラスの誰よりも頭一つ分高くなっています。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • She/He is a head taller than everyone in her/his class.

  • She/He is a head taller than her/his friends.

  • His/her friends only reach her shoulders.

To explain that your child is taller than everyone in her class by a head, you can say: She/He is a head taller than everyone in her/his class. A head taller - This means taller by 'a head'. You can also say: His/her friends only reach her shoulders. To only reach someones shoulders means they are taller by 'a head' I hope that helps!
自分の子供がクラスのみんなよりも高いことをhead(頭)をつかって説明するのなら、 こんな風に表現する事ができます: She/He is a head taller than everyone in her/his class. (彼女/彼は頭一つ分クラスのみんなよりも背が高いです) A head taller -頭一つ分大きいという意味です。 またこんな風に表現する事も出来ます: His/her friends only reach her shoulders. (彼/彼女の友達は彼女の肩までしかとどきません) To only reach someones shoulders -誰かの肩までしか届かない事。 これも頭一つ分高いという事を表現しています。 お役に立ちますように。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • You are the tallest kid in your class by far!

One head can be a unit of measurement, there are many different ways in which you can explain to your child that they are the tallest in the class. By using the phrase “by far” you are telling your child that there is a significant difference between their height and the rest of the class. It’s like explaining on a road map that the next town is FAR away. There is a great distance between you and the next town.
One head(頭ひとつ分)は大きさを測る際に単位になるでしょうが、クラス内で最も高いことを子供に説明する方法はさまざまです。 by far(飛び抜けて)というフレーズを使用することによって、自分の子供が他のクラスメイトと身長差があることを伝えています。 この言い方は隣町が遠く(far)離れていることを地図上で説明するのと似ています。 例) There is a great distance between you and the next town (あなたがいる所と隣町は長い距離があります。)
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • My child is one head taller than his/her friends

  • My child is the tallest his/her class

▪My child is one head taller than his/her friends This explains that your child is slightly taller than the other kid. ▪My child is the tallest his/her class This explains that your child is the tallest in the class. Taller than everyone.
▪My child is one head taller than his/her friends (私の子供はお友達より頭一つ背が高いです) これの説明はあなたのお子さんは他の子供より少し背が高いですという意味になります。 ▪My child is the tallest his/her class (私の子供はクラスで一番背が高いです) これは、あなたの子供がクラスの中で一番背が高いですと言う意味です。"Taller than everyone"(誰よりも背が高い)ということです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My child is a head taller than everyone else in his class.

  • My son is far taller than the rest of his classmates

A head taller is not an exact measurement but generally means that someone is much taller than the other person. Far taller means much taller than the other person.
"head taller"とは厳密に測定する方法ではありませんが、普通誰かが他の人より頭一つ背が高いという意味です。 "far taller"とは、他に人よりもはるかに背が高いという意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • He/she is taller than his/her friends by one head.

  • My child is one head taller than his friends.

1. He/she is taller than his/her friends by one head. 2. My child is one head taller than his friends. Both these statements are different ways of saying that your child is slightly taller than his friends.
1. He/she is taller than his/her friends by one head. (彼/彼女はお友達より頭一つ背が高いんです) 2. My child is one head taller than his friends. (うちの子は頭一つお友達より背が高いんです) どちらの表現もあなたの子供はお友達より少し背が高いという表現になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • He/She is a foot taller than everyone in his/her class.

  • He/She is the tallest in his/her class.

  • He/She is a head taller than everyone else.

My son is taller than the rest of his classmates. My daughter is the tallest in her class. We usually don't measure in 'heads'. :) We would usually use inches, centimeters, or feet.
My son is taller than the rest of his classmates. (私の息子は、他のクラスメイトよりも背が高いです。) My daughter is the tallest in her class. (私の息子はクラスで一番背が高いです。) 普通の場合、「頭」で背を測ることはしません。インチ、センチメートル、フィートを使います。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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