The earliest we will be able to send a shipment from the factory is the ....
The items will be shipped from the factory on the... at the earliest.
shipment = 出荷
factory = 工場
items = 品物
at the earliest = 最短
なお、日付を英語で言う際は "on 曜日 the 日 of 月" か、"on 曜日、月、日th" です。曜日なしなら "on the 日 of 月”です。例えば "on Tuesday the 3rd of January" または "On the 3rd of January", または "Tuesday January 3rd"。
The earliest we will be able to send a shipment from the factory is the .. = 最短に出荷できるのは◯◯です。
The items will be shipped from the factory on the... at the earliest. = 工場から出荷する品物は◯◯の最短納期です。