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フリマなどでたくさん購入するときに、「たくさん購入したので少しまとめ割引きとかしてもらえますか?」はなんて言いますか? 失礼のないような丁寧な言い方を教えてください^ ^
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2017/10/23 15:12
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  • Do you give discounts on volume/large orders?

  • Do you offer any volume discounts?

Hiroshi Motai アハ!モーメンツ代表   「なるほど!」にこだわる ビジネス英語トレーナー
  • Is there a discount for purchasing bulk items?

  • I would like to purchase bulk, is there a discount for this?

  • Do you happen to offer discounts for purchasing bulk?

There are several ways to word a sentence for this question. Many stores offer bulk discounts so it is not rude to ask this usually. One way to say this is, " Is there a discount for purchasing bulk items?. You can always follow any question with a thank-you if you are concerned with politeness. Another way is to say, "I would like to purchase bulk, is there a discount for this? Thank you so much! Or say, "Do you happen to offer discounts for purchasing bulk?"
この質問に回答する方法は幾つかあります。多くの店では大口でたくさん買うと割引してくれるので、通常このように聞くことは 失礼ではありません。これを言う一つの方法は、次のとおりです。 "Is there a discount for purchasing bulk items?" (大口で買うとディスカウントがありますか) もし礼儀正しさを気にするのであれば、語尾に「ありがとう」と添えることができます。 "I would like to purchase bulk, is there a discount for this? Thank you so much! (大口で買いたいのですが、これは割引がありますか。ありがとうございます。) "Do you happen to offer discounts for purchasing bulk?" (大口で買う場合割引はありますか。)
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get a discount?

  • Can I have a discount?

  • Do a qualify for a discount seen as I am buying so much.

"Can I get a discount?" This asks the person if they can give you a discount. "Can I have a discount?" This is another way of asking someone if you can have a discount on what you are buying. "Do a qualify for a discount seen as I am buying so much." This politely asks the person if they can give you a discount because you are buying a lot.
“Can I get a discount?” (割引してもらえますか?) これは割引がもらえるか相手に聞いています。 “Can I have a discount?” (割引してもらえますか?) これは、相手にあなたが買うものに対して、 割引が効くか聞く方法です。 “Do a qualify for a discount seen as I am buying so much.” (こんなにもたくさん買っているので、割引してください。) これは丁寧に、あなたがたくさん買っているので、 割引をしてくれるかを聞いています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. What bulk discount can you offer?

  • 2. Any chance of a quantity discount?

  • 3. Would there be a discount of some kind for s large order?

Explanation:- Sentence 3 is the most formal and polite. Sentence 2 is a tentative question whereas question 1 is more confident in that there is an assumption of a discount. Sample sentence:- "Would you be able to offer a bulk discount?"
解説:3番目のフレーズがもっともフォーマルで礼儀正しいものです。2番目のフレーズは仮説的な質問で、3番目のものは割引を前提としたものです。 例文: "Would you be able to offer a bulk discount?" (たくさん買ったら、割り引いてくれますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to know how I can qualify for discounts here.

  • Do you offer discounts for buying in bulk?

  • What discounts do you offer for buying in bulk?

I would like to know how I can qualify for discounts here. Do you offer discounts for buying in bulk? What discounts do you offer for buying in bulk? I am interested in a long term business arrangement where I will be purchasing bulk items. What discounts do you offer? I am interested in the discounts you offer to purchasers who buy in bulk.
I would like to know how I can qualify for discounts here.(ここではどうすれば割引を受けられますか) Do you offer discounts for buying in bulk?(まとめ買いをしたら割引を受けられますか) What discounts do you offer for buying in bulk?(まとめ買いをしたらどういった割引を受けられますか) I am interested in a long term business arrangement where I will be purchasing bulk items. What discounts do you offer?(バルク品を長期契約で購入することを検討しています。どういった割引を受けられますか) I am interested in the discounts you offer to purchasers who buy in bulk.(まとめ買いをしたらどういった割引を受けられますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Do you offer money off if I buy a lot?

  • Do you subsidise the payment if I buy in bulk?

By asking if someone gives money off "If I buy a lot." Is the exact same as asking for a discount but In this manner it could be considered less rude than asking for a discount straight away. You can also say "Do you subsidise the payment if I buy in bulk?." This is more formal however it can still be used in day to day life.
"Do you offer money off if I buy a lot?"(まとめ買いしたら安くなりますか)は、値引きしてくれるかどうか尋ねていますが、直接的に 'discount' を求めるよりもこのように言った方が丁寧かもしれません。 ほかに、"Do you subsidise the payment if I buy in bulk?"(まとめ買いしたら安くなりますか)と言うこともできます。これはフォーマルな言い方ですが、日常会話でも使えます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • What discount can you offer on large/bulk purchases?

  • Is there any discount for buying in bulk?

  • Do you offer a discount for such a large purchase?

Bulk - a large amount of the same thing. E.g. I buy shampoo in bulk as it saves me $40 a month! There are many different ways to ask for a discount. Here are just a few: What discount can you offer on large/bulk purchases? - This is assuming that there will be a discount. It's confident and maybe a little bold. :) Is there any discount for buying in bulk? - This is simply just asking IF there is a discount.
Bulk - 同種のたくさんの物 例: I buy shampoo in bulk as it saves me $40 a month! (シャンプーはまとめ買いしています。月に40ドルの節約になるので) 値引きを求める言い方はたくさんあります。 例えば: What discount can you offer on large/bulk purchases?(まとめ買いしたらどのくらい値引きしてもらえますか) = これは値引きをしてくれる前提で話しています。自信に満ちていて、少しずうずうしいかもしれません。 Is there any discount for buying in bulk?(まとめ買いしたら値引きしてもらえますか) = これはシンプルに値引きをしてくれるかどうか尋ねています。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Do you offer discounts for bulk purchases?

  • Do you offer discounts for purchases made in bulk?

  • Is is possible to get a discount for buying in bulk?

When we buy in bulk it means we buy many of the same items at once. This is helpful to both the client and the store itself. The client is usually offered a discount when purchasing in bulk and the store gets to sell a chunk of its products in one go. We can use any of the above sentences to ask for a discount. Synonyms for discount: price deduction price cut
"Buying in bulk" は、一度に同種の物を大量に買うことをいいます。これは店にとっても客にとってもメリットがあります。 客はまとめて購入することで割引を受けられることが多いです。 一方、お店は一度にたくさんの量を売ることができます。 値引きを求めるときには上記の文が使えます。 "Discount"(値引き)の同義語: price deduction price cut
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Can we do a deal on a bulk purchase?

  • What's the best price on (quantity) units?

  • Do you offer any discounts for buying in volume?

Can we do a deal on a bulk purchase? 'Do a deal' is to negotiate & come to an agreement. This is insinuating that you want to batter & you can also put forward a price. A: "Can we do a deal on a bulk purchase? I was thinking $1000 for 30 units if that's reasonable?"- B: "Make it $1100 & we've got a deal". What's the best price on (quantity) units? By adding the 'quantity', you are saying how many. The 'best price' is also open to negotiation. A: "What's the best price on 20 units?" B: That would be $600" A: "Make it 21 & we will shake hands on it." Do you offer any discounts for buying in volume? This is enquiring rather than negotiating. It's a simple question & more often than not, it will be followed with "How much did you want to buy?". A: "Do you offer any discounts for buying in volume?" B: "How much were you looking at? I'm sure we can come to some arrangement!".
Can we do a deal on a bulk purchase? = 'Do a deal' は「交渉して合意に達する」という意味です。これには「価格を提案したい」というニュアンスがあります。 A: "Can we do a deal on a bulk purchase? I was thinking $1000 for 30 units if that's reasonable?" B: "Make it $1100 & we've got a deal". ↓ A: まとめ買いしたら安くなりますか。30個で1000ドルというのはどうですか。 B: 30個で1100ドルならいいですよ。 What's the best price on (quantity) units? = 'quantity' には数量が入ります。'best price' も交渉次第です。 A: "What's the best price on 20 units?" B: That would be $600" A: "Make it 21 & we will shake hands on it." ↓ A: 20個買ったらいくらになりますか。 B: 600ドルでしょうね。 A: 600ドルで21個にしてください、そうしたら交渉成立です。 Do you offer any discounts for buying in volume? = これは交渉というよりも質問です。たいていこれには "How much did you want to buy?"(どのくらい買いたいのですか)という質問が続きます。 A: "Do you offer any discounts for buying in volume?" B: "How much were you looking at? I'm sure we can come to some arrangement!" ↓ A: まとめ買いしたら安くなりますか。 B: 量はどのくらいですか。きっと何かしら話はまとまると思います。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Do you give a discount on bulk buys?

  • Do you offer a bulk discount?

"Do you give a discount on bulk buys?" To give a 'discount' is the term used to offer a reduction is cost. 'Bulk buy' is the term used when you buy many things, often the same product. 'Bulk discount' again is used when describing 'Bulk buying' and you receive a discount or a reduction in price.
"Do you give a discount on bulk buys?"(まとめ買いをしたら値引きしてもらえますか) 'Give a discount' は「値引きする」という意味です。 'Bulk buy' は「〔しばしば同じ商品を〕大量に買うこと」をいいます。 'Bulk discount' は、まとめ買いしたときに受けられる割引をいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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