If you get angry so easily, know one will want to play with you.
If you throw tantrums like that, know one will want to play with you.
If you throw tantrums like that, your friends won't like you.
「友達から嫌われるよ」は英語に直訳しますと "your freinds won't like you" 又は "your friends will hate you" 何ですが、何となく強すぎな言い方には感じます。
know one will want to play with you. (誰も遊んでくれない)の方がふさわしい言い方だと思います。
キレやすい は get angry easily で良いと思います。
tantrumも全然使っても良いんです!tantrumと一緒に行く動詞は throwです!