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PTAの行事で、子どもさんがまだ低学年で心配な場合など、親もその行事に付いてきでもいいですよと伝えたいです。 (ただ見守るだけ。ゲームに参加したり、お土産がもらえるわけではない)
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2017/10/25 18:57
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  • The parents can come with the child too.

  • The parents can follow the child to the event too.

「ついてくる」→「To come with, to follow」 「親」→「Parents」 「To follow」は一応意味的に「ついてくる」ですが、場合によって「付きまとう」というネガティブなニュアンスもあるので、ここは「To come with 」と使ったほうが安全です。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • Parents are allowed to accompany their kids to the event.

1. Parents are allowed to accompany their kids to the event. The word "accompany" means to go somewhere with someone. If the parent accompany their kids to the event, it means that they also attend the event with their kids.
1. Parents are allowed to accompany their kids to the event. (保護者は子供と一緒にこのイベントに参加することが出来ます) この"accompany"とは、一緒について行くという意味です。 もし、保護者が子供に"accompany"するという事は、保護者も一緒にイベントに参加するという意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Parents are welcome.

It is a simple phrase to explain that parents can come if they want to. There is no problem if they feel the need to accompany their children at the event. It is also direct in telling the parents who do not need permission to attend.
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • The parents are allowed to come too.

  • Parents are welcome too.

*The parents are allowed to come too. If you allowed to do something it means that you are given permission to it. In this case it means that the school have given the parents the go ahead to come with their children to the event. *Parents are welcome too. This means that your presence is desirable/appreciated. No one will have a problem if the parents are there too.
*The parents are allowed to come too. Allowedは何かをすることの許可を与えられたことを意味します。 この場合、学校側が子供の行事にに同行することを保護者に許可したという表現です。 *Parents are welcome too. これは、両親も来ることを歓迎されている。なんの問題もないと言う意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please come and see the children if you are concerned about them in this event

  • You are more than welcome to attend the event if you are worried about your child

More than welcome = You are more than welcome. 1. You are very welcome to be here. Please make yourself at home. You are more than welcome. 2. Your thanks are very gratefully accepted. A: Thank you so much. B: You are more than welcome. To worry about = to feel nervous and upset because you keep thinking about a problem that you have or could have in the future. To be concerned = to be worried, troubled, or anxious, worried, anxious, disturbed, perturbed, troubled, bothered, distressed, upset, disquieted, uneasy, ill at ease, apprehensive, agitated "The villagers are concerned about burglaries"
More than welcome = You are more than welcome. 大歓迎で 例文 1. You are very welcome to be here. あなたがここにいるのは大歓迎です。 Please make yourself at home. どうぞくつろいで下さい。 You are more than welcome. 大歓迎です。 2. Your thanks are very gratefully accepted. あなたの感謝の気持ちは、感謝の念を持って受け入れられました。 A: Thank you so much. どうもありがとうございます。 B: You are more than welcome. どういたしまして。 To worry about =現在ある、又は将来起こりうる問題について考え続けているので、神経質になり、やきもきしている To be concerned = 心配している、困っている、動揺している、悩んでいる、不安になっている、危惧している 例文 "The villagers are concerned about burglaries" 村人達は強盗を心配している。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Parents are welcome to join.

  • Parents are allowed to come.

1)「もし、両親/保護者を連れて来たかったらいいですよ。」と言いたい時に使います。 カジュアルでよく使う言い方です。 2)両親/保護者も同伴可能です。
Aiji CGアーティスト
  • Parents are alllowed to attend the event as well

  • Parents are allowed to accompany their children to the event

If something is possible to do then this is said to be 'allowed' if you are going to a party or event that is happening then you can say to 'attend' if you are going with somebody (your child) then this is called to 'accompany'
何かが可能であることは、'allowed'(許可された)で表せます。 パーティーやイベントに行くことは、'to attend'(出席する)で表せます。 誰か(子ども)と一緒に行くなら、それは 'to accompany'(ついて行く)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If you are concerned parents are allowed to come and see the kids

  • The parents are allowed to come with the kids if you have any worries.

"If you are concerned parents are allowed to come and see the kids" "concerned" is another term used when someone is scared, anxious or troubled about a particular situation. "The parents are allowed to come with the kids if you have any worries." a more casual way of expressing this situation, " allowed" is a term used when permission is granted for something ex. "You are now allowed to drive a car now you have passed your driving tests."
"If you are concerned parents are allowed to come and see the kids"(ご心配でしたら、親御さんもお子さんの様子を見に来ていただけます) = "concerned" は「不安な/心配な/悩んだ」の意味です。 "The parents are allowed to come with the kids if you have any worries."(心配でしたら、親御さんもお子さんと一緒にお越しいただけます) = よりカジュアルな言い方です。"allowed" は何かが許可されていることを表します。 例: "You are now allowed to drive a car now you have passed your driving tests."(運転免許試験に合格したので、もう車を運転することができます)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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