The top part of a room is call a ceiling.
"This room's ceiling is very low."
"The hotel has a high ceiling with a beautiful chandelier."
"I want to paint my bedroom's ceiling blue."
[ 例文 ]
"This room's ceiling is very low."
"The hotel has a high ceiling with a beautiful chandelier."
"I want to paint my bedroom's ceiling blue."
---> A ceiling is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.
The rooms were spacious, with tall windows and high ceilings.
The study was lined from floor to ceiling on every wall with bookcases.
All homes will have high ceilings and large windows.
Walls, floors, ceilings and furniture are all the same colour.
---> Ceilingとは最上部または部屋の中の屋根を形成する水平面のことです。
The rooms were spacious, with tall windows and high ceilings.
The study was lined from floor to ceiling on every wall with bookcases.
All homes will have high ceilings and large windows.
Walls, floors, ceilings and furniture are all the same colour.
Generally, the name for the interior top part of a room is 'the ceiling.' We use 'THE' because when you are in the room, there is only one ceiling. Because it is unique - and also familiar to us, we use the article 'the.'
In some older buildings or constructions such as churches, there may not be a flat, traditional ceiling, but the whole interior may be open right up to the interior of the roof. The roof supports are called 'rafters.'
"There were some pigeons in the rafters of the church."
A rafter is one of a series of sloped structural members that extend from the ridge or hip to the wall plate, downslope perimeter or eave, and that are designed to support the roof deck and its associated loads.
A beamed ceiling may be a low ceiling, but the supporting beams are visible. This is often a feature of old buildings in the UK.
一般的に、部屋の一番上のインテリアの名前は、'the ceiling'です。なぜ'THE'がつくかというと、あなたがその部屋にいて、天井はひとつしかないからです。そして、天井は、ユニークで私たちが慣れ親しんでいるものなので、この冠詞の'the'を使います。
教会のようなその他の建築物では、平らな伝統的な天井ではないかもしれませんが、インテリア全体が天井の近くにあるかもしれません。 天井を支える垂木は、'rafters'と呼ばれます。
"There were some pigeons in the rafters of the church."
beamed ceilingは、低い天井かもしれませんが、支持梁は見える状態です。これは、大抵、イギリスの古い建物の特徴です。
My boyfriend is so tall that his head almost reaches the ceiling.
A. I really like the crown molding around your ceiling.
B. You do?
A. Yes, it gives it a lot of character.
B. Thank you. Most people don't think to decorate the ceiling of their house, but I believe that good home design should start from the bottom all the way to the very top.
A. I really like the crown molding around your ceiling.
B. You do?
A. Yes, it gives it a lot of character.
B. Thank you. Most people don't think to decorate the ceiling of their house, but I believe that good home design should start from the bottom all the way to the very top.
There's a hole in the ceiling.
There's a spider on the ceiling.
天井は英語で ceilingと言います。
This house has high ceilings
a vaulted ceiling
This plant is so tall it touches the ceiling
This room’s ceiling is very high.
The ceiling in this restaurant is dirty.
There’s an insect on the ceiling.
We need to paint the ceiling.
「天井」= a ceiling
「部屋の天井は白いです」= My room's ceiling is white
「ガラスの天井」= glass ceiling
とは資質又は成果にかかわらずマイノリティ及び女性の組織内での昇進を妨げる見えないが打ち破れない障壁である。(Wikipedia 引用)
= A glass ceiling is an invisible but unbreakable barrier that prevents promotion of minorities or women regardless of their achievements or qualities.
言葉は違うけどsome peopleはroof (屋根)を言う。
That person is so tall that he can touch the ceiling.
The ceiling is white
This ceiling is quite’s pretty dangerous.
Many people like to have their ceilings painted white.
Tall people do not like buildings with low ceilings and doorways.
天井 ceiling
Some buildings have very high ceilings.
Many people like to have their ceilings painted white.
Tall people do not like buildings with low ceilings and doorways.