世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 08:01
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  • You look really good these days!

  • I really like what's going on with you these days! You look so nice!

二つ目は、すごくフランクでカジュアルな言い方です。"What's going on" は「あなたの身に起きてること」という意味です。 これは、文化のニュアンスの話ですが、欧米では女性に向けて「綺麗になったね」というのはいいことですが、「痩せたから?」とか「恋してるの?」とかを後付けにいうのは失礼にあたります。単純に綺麗になったね、と伝えてあげるようにしましょう。
  • Hey, look at you!

  • You look beautiful!

Hey, look at you! カジュアルな感じで「わ!どうしたの!キレイ」 みたいなニュアンスで使えます。 ちなみに男性にも使えて、その場合は「カッコイイね」です。 You look beautiful! キレイだね。 です。beautifulのところにpretty, lovelyを入れてもいいですね。
  • You’re looking great these days!

  • You brush up well!

You’re looking great these days! – looking great really emphasises how good someone looks without saying beautiful. It can also be considered as a not so forward compliment. It is more casual which can be used in all types of situations – at work, with friends, family, etc. You brush up well! – idiom – meaning normally the persons appearance is average, when they make an effort they really look good. “Don’t you brush up well?!”
"You’re looking great these days! –- looking great という表現はbeautifulという言葉を使わずに、その人がどれだけ魅力的に見いえるかを強調できます。この表現はグイグイ押している感じがなく、カジュアルな言い方ですので、職場、友人、家族などあらゆる状況で使えます。 You brush up well! – - イディオム - 通常その人は、一般的な外観だとして、努力をすることでとても綺麗になった時 “Don’t you brush up well?!”(すごく磨きが掛ったんじゃない?!"")という事ができます。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • You look amazingly beautiful these days.

  • Oh my goodness! You look smashing these days

You can add the adverb 'amazingly' from the adjective 'amazing' which means 'causing great surprise or sudden wonder'. What you are exactly saying is that she is not just looking beautiful these days, but that her sudden beauty is causing great surprise. In the second sentence, You have first of all expressed surprise after seeing how beautiful she looks these days and say: Oh my goodness, and then proceed to say: You look smashing these days. You have used the adjective 'smashing' which in this context means 'extremely good, attractive, enjoyable, or pleasant'.
形容詞「amazing」の副詞形「amazingly」をつけると、それは「大きな驚きや突然の不思議」を意味します。 正確には、 'causing great surprise or sudden wonder' 「彼女は最近美しく見えていないが、彼女の突然の美しさは大きな驚きをもたらした」 と言っていることになります。 二つ目の文は、まずはじめに彼女の最近の美しさを目にした驚きを表し 「Oh my goodness」 と言い、その後 「You look smashing these days.」 と続けます。 ここで使った形容詞「smashing」はこの文脈では 「非常に良い、魅力的、楽しい、心地よい」という意味になります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • You're stunning these days!

  • You really scrub up well!

Stunning' is commonly used in the UK to describe a beautiful woman or handsome man. It comes from the word 'stun' which is to be become dazed and confused by something. Therefore, when you see someone that is very attractive you become 'stunned' by them. "You scrub up well" is a slang phrase used in the UK. It means that the person has put lots of effort into looking nice, usually through wearing nice clothes and hair and makeup. It can sometimes be considered a bit rude to say this, as it infers that the person did not look so good before they changed their clothes and hair, and put on makeup; but it is fine to say it to your close friends and family, if you share the same sense of humour.
Stunning'(驚くほど魅力的な)とは、美しい女性やハンサムな男性を言い表すイギリスでよく使われる表現です。 これは 'stun'(気絶する)と言う言葉から来ています。 何かによって目まいがしたり困惑したりするという意味になります。 ですので、とても魅力的な人を見たらあなたは 'stunned'(呆然と)してしまします。 "You scrub up well" (キレイにめかしこむ)とはイギリスで使われるスラングです。 これはきれいな洋服を着たり、髪を整えたり、お化粧をしてきれいに見せようと努力する、と言う意味になります。 これはお化粧する前や髪形、洋服を変える前の方がよかったという事を意味するので、時々少し失礼にあたります。 ですが、同じユーモアのセンスがある親しい友達や家族などには使っても大丈夫です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I love your new look.

  • The new look suit you very well.

  • Whatever you are doing to your look these days are good, keep it up.

>I love your new look. New look is a change of style. Dressing differently then before. Other type of make-up. And by saying "I love your new look" means that it is beautiful. >The new look suit you very well. *suit= 'verb in 3rd person' =enhance the features, figure, or character of (someone) >Whatever you are doing to your look these days are good, keep it up. This sentence means that the person must keep doing what he/she is doing because it looks very nice or that they look very beautiful.
I love your new look. 外見を変えると生活が変わります。着こなしを変えたり、メイクを変えたりなど。 「I love your new look」とは綺麗だねという意味を表現します。 The new look suit you very well. *suit=第3者に対して使う表現で、見た目や性格などを強調を意味します。 Whatever you are doing to your look these days are good, keep it up. とても似合っていて、美しく見えるので、そのまま続けるべきだという意味の表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You look great these days

  • You look beautiful these days

You can say : You look great these days You look beautiful these days Looking good Wow! You look great You look stunning
次のように言うことができます。 You look great these days あなたは最近素敵に見えます。 You look beautiful these days あなたは最近綺麗に見えます。 Looking good 格好いいですね。 Wow! You look great わあ!素敵ですね。 You look stunning あなたは美しいです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • You look stunning/beautiful/gorgeous.

  • You're looking amazing recently. What are you using?

  • You're drop dead gorgeous!

You look stunning - This is a nice compliment which is very common and there is normally no other comments after this except "thank you!" - "You look beautiful/stunning!" - "Thank you!" You're looking amazing recently. What are you using? - This is a good question normally females say to their friends to find out about what beauty products they are using. You can adapt the question into a key feature such as - "Your hair is looking amazing recently. What are you using?" - "It's this new conditioner I got. You should try it!" You're drop dead gorgeous! - This can be used as a joke or sarcasm. I believe it was a movie in the 80's.
You look stunning (あなたとてもキレだね) - これはよく使われる、とてもナイスな褒め言葉です。 普通 "thank you!" (ありがとう)以外の返答はありません。 【例】 "You look beautiful/stunning!" (あなたとてもきれいですね) "Thank you!" (ありがとう) You're looking amazing recently. What are you using? (あなた最近すごくきれいね!何を使ってるの?) - これは普通、女友達同士で使われるいい質問です。 お友達が何の化粧品を使っているか探り出す時に使われます。 これらを使って重要な特色を質問したりできます。 【例】 "Your hair is looking amazing recently. What are you using?" (あなたの髪最近とても素敵ね!何を使っているの?) "It's this new conditioner I got. You should try it!" (新しいコンディショナーよ。試してみて!) You're drop dead gorgeous! (君は目を奪うほど魅力的だよ!) -これは冗談や皮肉として使われます。 80年代に映画があったと思います。 Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) (わたしが美しくなった100の秘密)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • You look very beautiful these days.

  • You have been looking very beautiful recently.

If you want to let someone know that they have been looking beautiful recently, then you can say one of these two sentences. For example. Wow! Look at you! Thank you, I am trying. It shows. You have been looking very beautiful these days. Thank you so much. It means a lot. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • You've been looking really beautiful lately.

  • You look wonderful these days.

The statement "You've been looking really beautiful lately" can be used when you're expressing how you have been perceiving the individual you're talking to as of recently. The word "lately" is the synonym for the word "recently" which means "not too long ago". The statement "You look wonderful these days" can also be used when you wish to express to the individual that you perceive them as beautiful in recent times.
Dyami DMM英会話講師
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