How many concerts will you have in Tokyo next year? 来年東京で何回コンサートするの?
① I tried to look it up, but I couldn't find it.
② I googled it, but I couldn't find the answer.
③ I tried searching for it, but nothing came up.
I tried (してみた)
look 〜 up (〜を検索する)
search for 〜 (〜を探す)
google 〜 (〜をぐぐる)
I couldn't find it (見つけることができなかった)
I couldn't find the answer (答えを見つけることができなかった)
nothing came up(何も出なかった)
ちなみに「I tried」の後動名詞(~ing)でも不定詞(to ~)でも、どっちでもいいです。