世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/01 14:06
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  • I am happy when I speak to her/him but find their accent difficult to understand

  • It was nice to here from him/.her but I would have preferred time on my own

If you enjoy speaking to a friend or someone you know you can say 'you are happy' or 'it's nice' to speak to them by adding 'their accent is dfficult to undertand' or 'I would have preferred time on my own' explains why it was a pain as well
友達あるいは知り合いと話すのが楽しいなら、'I am happy' や 'it's nice' と言えます。 'their accent is dfficult to undertand'(なまりがうまく理解できない)または 'I would have preferred time on my own'(自分の時間が欲しかった)は、なぜそれが面倒でもあったのかを説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I am happy to talk to her though her accent is so hard to understand.

  • It made me feel good that he called me to have a chat, but to tell you the truth I was dying to watch my favorite TV program.

  • I was pleased to have her over, but honestly, I would have preferred chilling out on my own.

Other examples: It was great that he came to visit me in the hospital, but he should have called or texted before showing up I was glad to be able to see her off at the airport, but in fact it would have been better to have just called to say a goodbye. I have a terrible empty feeling within me now.
他の例文 It was great that he came to visit me in the hospital, but he should have called or texted before showing up 病院に彼がお見舞いに来てくれて 本当に良かったんだけど、 来る前に電話をするかメールをしてくれれば 良かったんだけど。 I was glad to be able to see her off at the airport, but in fact it would have been better to have just called to say a goodbye. 彼女を空港で見送れて嬉しかったけど、 本当は電話で「さよなら」という方が 良かったんだけど。 I have a terrible empty feeling within me now. 私は今心に穴が空いたような気分だ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • It's a bittersweet experience

  • I like it when he calls me but I feel it's a bit stressful trying to follow his conversation

  • I have neither the time nor inclination for conversations - but I appreciate the communication

Well, with so many reasons that you do not enjoy these conversations, it seems quite amazing that you do feel happy when you receive a call. Bittersweet = arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain. "Henry had many bittersweet memories of his time in London," The truth of the matter seems to be that you: "...have neither the time nor inclination for conversations - but appreciate the communication.
あなたは会話を 楽しめない理由が多くあるので 電話があると嬉しく感じることは とても驚くべきことのように思えます。 Bittersweet = 悲しみや苦痛を伴う喜びの感情を 引き起こすこと 例文 "Henry had many bittersweet memories of his time in London," ヘンリーはロンドンにいた時多くの ほろ苦い思い出がある。 事の真実はほろ苦いようだ。 例文 "you have neither the time nor inclination for conversations - but appreciate the communication. あなたは会話をする時間もないし、 したいとも思わない。 でも連絡をしてくれたこと はありがたいと思っている。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I love it when he calls but I have a hard time understanding him.

  • I like when she calls but I would rather sleep and she is difficult to understand.

  • I like it when you call me but can we make it at a better time?

I love it when he calls but I have a hard time understanding him. I like when she calls but I would rather sleep and she is difficult to understand. I like it when you call me but can we make it at a better time? Thank you for thinking of me but can we do this tomorrow at an earlier time? I need to get some sleep. It's good of you to call me and I am glad to hear from you but can I get a raincheck? A raincheck means to reschedule to another time. If you go to an event and it gets rained out then the facility will often give you a free ticket or raincheck so you can come a different day.
I love it when he calls but I have a hard time understanding him. (彼が電話してくれるとうれしいけど、話がなかなか理解できない) I like when she calls but I would rather sleep and she is difficult to understand. (彼女が電話してくれるとうれしいけど、寝たいし話がうまく理解できない) I like it when you call me but can we make it at a better time? (電話してくれるとうれしいけど、もう少し違う時間にできない?) Thank you for thinking of me but can we do this tomorrow at an earlier time? I need to get some sleep. (私のこと考えていてくれてうれしいけど、明日のもう少し早い時間にしない?ちょっと寝たいんだ) It's good of you to call me and I am glad to hear from you but can I get a raincheck? (電話してくれてうれしいけど、また別の日にできるかな) "A raincheck" は「延期する」という意味です。何かのイベントに行ってそれが雨で中止になると、施設から、また別の日に来られるように "raincheck"(雨天順延券)をもらえることが多いです。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • He/she is such a great friend but he/she calls me at odd hours and speaks in an accent that makes it difficult for me to understand what he/she says.

  • I feel happy whenever he/she calls me but I soon get bored by his/her jokes which I can't understand because of his/her accent.

Some friends like calling at 'odd hours' when you are tired and would like to sleep. Such friends could be feeling lonely wherever they are and want to talk to somebody regardless of the time. However, you reluctantly hear them out. Some accents can make it difficult for a listener to understand what the speaker is saying. However, if the friend also likes to crack some jokes, you might want to try and make out what he/she is saying and therefore carry on listening. Such friends talk for long periods and can bore you to hell. However, if one of your friends is of this type, you may say: He/she is such a great friend but he/she calls me at odd hours and speaks in an accent that makes it difficult for me to understand what he/she says. or I feel happy whenever he/she calls me but I soon get bored by his/her jokes which I can't understand because of his/her accent.
疲れて寝ようとしているときなど、変な時間に電話をかけてくる人はいますね。さみしくて誰かと話したくなるのかもしれません。あなたは渋々最後まで話を聞くわけですね。 訛りの強い人だと言っていることが分からないことがあります。ただ、相手がジョークも言う人だと、それを聞き逃さないように一生懸命耳を傾けなければいけないですね。 そういう人は話が長いですから退屈で仕方がないでしょう。 もしあなたの友達にこのような人がいるなら、次のように言えます。 He/she is such a great friend but he/she calls me at odd hours and speaks in an accent that makes it difficult for me to understand what he/she says. (彼/彼女とはすごくいい友達だけど、変な時間に電話をかけてきて、強い訛りで話すから何を言っているのかなかなか聞き取れない) I feel happy whenever he/she calls me but I soon get bored by his/her jokes which I can't understand because of his/her accent. (彼/彼女が電話をくれるとうれしいけど、冗談を言われても訛りが強くて理解できないからすぐに退屈を感じてしまう)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • This is a bittersweet experience.

  • I love conversing with those I love but sometimes I am too tired to do so.

  • Sometimes I keep my phone far from myself because I am too tired for phone calls.

The day is always busy and we find we need more rest. Catching up with friends or those we care about is great and it makes us happy, although, there are times when you feel very tired and talking over the phone is more of a strain than a joy.
毎日やることはたくさんありますし、疲れのないときというのはなかなかありませんね。 友達や家族と電話で話すのは楽しいですが、疲れているとそれが喜びではなく苦痛に感じることもあります。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I have mixed feelings about our conversations

  • It's a tricky situation with my friend because...

  • Our friendship has its ups and downs

*I have mixed feelings about our conversations = This means that you have both good and bad feelings about the conversations you have. Sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's the opposite! *It's a tricky situation with my friend because... = in this context 'tricky' means difficult and not straight forward. If you are in a tricky situation it means that you're not sure what to do. *Our friendship has its ups and downs = ups means good and downs mean bad so its a mixed friendship that is both good and bad at times. You could also say... * Sometimes its so difficult to understand him on the phone * It's a love/hate relationship ( we get on equally bad and good) * I love speaking to him but sometimes he's a pain in the a** ( you can say this just as a joke) :) I hope this is helpful! Enjoy learning English here! : -)
*I have mixed feelings about our conversations(彼/彼女と会話するのは複雑な気持ちです) = これは、その人と会話をすることについてうれしい気持ちとそうでない気持ちどちらも持っているという意味です。楽しいときもあればそうでないときもあるということ。 *It's a tricky situation with my friend because...(友達とは難しい状況です、どうしてかというと...) = ここでは 'tricky' は「難しくて複雑な」という意味です。"a tricky situation" は、どう対処すればいいかよく分からないときをいいます。 *Our friendship has its ups and downs(私たちの友情には浮き沈みがある) = "ups" は「良いこと」、"downs" は「悪いこと」です。ですからこれは、良いときも悪いときもある複雑な友人関係をいいます。 次のように言うこともできます。 * Sometimes its so difficult to understand him on the phone(時々、電話で彼の言っていることがわからないことがある) * It's a love/hate relationship(愛憎関係です) ※ うまく行くときとうまく行かないときが半々。 * I love speaking to him but sometimes he's a pain in the a**(彼と話すのは好きだけど、時々面倒くさい) ※ これはジョークとして使えます。 参考になれば幸いです! ここで英語の勉強を楽しんでくださいね!!
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • I really enjoy speaking with you but sometimes it can be an inconvenience

  • I Love to speak with you but often i struggle to understand and engage as I am tired from work

"I really enjoy speaking with you but sometimes it can be an inconvenience" stating that you do like to speak with this person but it can be hard work, 'Inconvenience' is the difficulty or trouble experienced ex. "leaving fro work at rush hour is such an inconvenience because it makes me later for work!". 'To struggle' is describe as having trouble with something and enduring some pain or discomfort.
"I really enjoy speaking with you but sometimes it can be an inconvenience"(あなたと話すのはすごく楽しいけど、時々迷惑なことがある) = その人と話すのは好きだけど、それを難しく感じることもあると伝えています。'Inconvenience' は「不便」や「迷惑」の意味です。 "Leaving for work at rush hour is such an inconvenience because it makes me later for work!" (ラッシュアワーだと仕事に遅れるから、すごく迷惑) = 'To struggle' は「~するのに苦労する」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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