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本音をさらけ出す、はshow real feeling とかでいいのでしょうか?
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2016/09/06 17:39
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  • Occasionally you have to show your true feelings, or else your stress will build up.

  • You have to let out your true feelings once in a while, or else you'll go crazy.

「real feelings」とは悪くないですが、「true feelings」の方がよく使われています。 ストレスがたまったら、ちょっと滑稽に言って「you'll go crazy」(狂ってしまう)と英語で言います。
Tim Young 主催
  • Sometimes you have to let off some steam so you don't get stressed out.

  • I think you need to vent about what's really bothering you.

  • It's OK to let off some steam once in a while.

Sometimes you have to let off some steam so you don't get stressed out. I think you need to vent about what's really bothering you. It's OK to let off some steam once in a while. It's not healthy to hold everything in so go ahead and vent about what's bothering you. We often using "blowing off steam" or "venting" to express stating your true feelings when you just need to get something off your chest or off of your mind. What you really feel and know you shouldn't say it but sometimes you just need to. It also lets the person know it is safe and they won't be judged for what they say.
Sometimes you have to let off some steam so you don't get stressed out.(たまにはストレスをためないようにうっぷんを吐き出さないと) I think you need to vent about what's really bothering you.(自分の本当に悩んでいることをはき出さないと駄目だと思う) It's OK to let off some steam once in a while.(たまにはうっぷんを吐き出してもいいでしょうよ) It's not healthy to hold everything in so go ahead and vent about what's bothering you.(全て自分の中にため込むのは体に良くないから、悩みは吐き出した方がいい) "blowing off steam" または "venting" は、「自分の本当の気持ちを打ち明ける」というときによく使われます。自分の本当の気持ちだけど言うべきでないと黙っていること、時にはそれを吐き出さないといけないということです。また、これには「それによってあなたのことを悪く思ったりはしないから安心して話して欲しい」という意味もあります。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • It is important to express yourself to avoid being stressed out.

  • A little emotion won't hurt, as it's good to relieve stress every once in a while.

"It is important to express yourself to avoid being stressed out." Here you are telling a person that in order to avoid (stop) being stressed out, they need to express themselves. "A little emotion won't hurt, as it's good to relieve stress every once in a while." This is a more comforting approach, and it just lets your friend know that it's okay to express their emotions so that they are not always stressed out.
"It is important to express yourself to avoid being stressed out."(ストレスがたまらないように自分の気持ちを表に出すことが大切) - ストレスがたまらないように自分の気持ちを表に出すことが大事と伝えています。 "A little emotion won't hurt, as it's good to relieve stress every once in a while."(少しくらいは感情を表に出してもいい。たまにストレスを発散するのはいいこと) - これは相手を励ますような言い方で、単に「ストレスがたまらないよう、たまに感情を表に出してもいい」と伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • It's healthier to express your true feelings or stress will build up and affect your health

  • It's important to show your true feelings or stress will build up and affect you badly

When you want to explain that it's important to show your true feelings or stress will build up; then you may do so in the following ways: -It's healthier to express your true feelings or stress will build up and affect your health -It's important to show your true feelings or stress will build up and affect you badly
「本音をさらけ出すことは大切、でないとストレスがたまってしまう」は、次のように言えます。 -It's healthier to express your true feelings or stress will build up and affect your health (本当の気持ちをさらけ出した方が健康に良い。でないとストレスがたまって健康を害する) -It's important to show your true feelings or stress will build up and affect you badly (本当の気持ちをさらけ出すことは大切。でないとストレスがたまって健康に良くない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes it's good to express your true feelings, or stress will build up.

  • Stress will affect you if you don't show your true feelings.

An easy way to explain that it's important to show your true feelings, or stress will build up is: "Stress will affect you if you don't show your true feelings." "Sometimes it's good to express your true feelings, or stress will build up."
「自分の本音をさらけ出さないと、ストレスがたまってしまう」の簡単な言い方です: "Stress will affect you if you don't show your true feelings." (本音をさらけ出さないと、ストレスがたまってしまう) "Sometimes it's good to express your true feelings, or stress will build up." (時には本音をさらけ出すことも大切です、でないとストレスがたまってしまいます)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Stress will definitely build up if you bottle up your anger about something.

  • It's always better to verbalize your feelings otherwise stress will get the better of you.

The phrasal verb to 'bottle up' means to keep a feeling inside one and not mentioning it to anyone. This can definitely lead to stress. It often happens if someone is angry with a person that he/she would not like to annoy. To avoid being stressed out, it's always better to 'verbalize' your feelings. 'Verbalizing ' one's feelings means talking to someone about them. In order to relieve yourself of the stress, you can tell someone about what you have 'bottled up'. The phrase 'get the better of' means to overwhelm in this context. So, you may advise someone as follows: Stress will definitely build up if you bottle up your anger about something. or It's always better to verbalize your feelings otherwise stress will get the better of you.
句動詞の 'bottle up' は、感情を心にしまい込んで人に言わないことをいいます。これは、怒らせたくない相手に腹を立てているときによく起こります。 ストレスをためないように、感情は言葉にした方がいいです。'verbalizing one's feelings' は「感情を言葉にする」ことをいいます。心にため込んでいたものを人に話すことでストレスを解消できます。 'get the better of' はここでは「参らせる」という意味です。 次のようにアドバイスできます。 Stress will definitely build up if you bottle up your anger about something. (怒りを抑え込んでいるとストレスがたまりますよ) It's always better to verbalize your feelings otherwise stress will get the better of you. (感情は言葉にした方がいいですよ。でないと、ストレスに負けてしまいます)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It's good to let off steam every now and then

  • It's important to let out your feeling or you will get stressed out

  • To avoid being stressed out you should get things off your chest

Sometimes we don't always say what we want to as we don;t want to hurt peoples feelings but this can cause us to become stressed so it is best to say and let our feelings out obviously always in a nice way to avoid hurting peoples feelings a casual term for this is to 'let off steam' to get things off your chest means to say what you are thinking
誰も人の気持ちを傷つけたくありませんから、言いたいことを言わずに我慢することがありますね。ただ、これはストレスの原因になります。ですから、自分の気持ちは表に出した方がいいです、もちろん人の心を傷つけない形で、です。 この意味のカジュアルな表現に 'let off steam'(ストレスを解消する)があります。 'to get things off your chest' は「思っていることを話す」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes it's necessary to fully express yourself, not bottle it up

  • If you always bite your tongue, you'll probably die of a heart attack!

  • Just let it all out - you'll sleep better!

One of the above three examples may be appropriate for any given situation - but the context is really important of course. Are you speaking to your boss or a close friend? Is this person suicidal or just having a general moan about things? How strongly do you want to make your advice?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's important to always be honest, otherwise life can become stressful.

  • Things can be stressful if you aren't up front about them from the start.

  • Expressing our true emotions will prevent stress from building up.

Here are a few examples of ways to explain this: "It's important to always be honest, otherwise life can become stressful." This means that if we aren't honest about our intentions and feelings, then situations in life can eventually cause us stress. "Things can be stressful if you aren't up front about them from the start." This means that things in life become stressful if we don't express our true feelings and intentions when they occur. "Expressing our true emotions will prevent stress from building up." This means that if we express ourselves and how we truly feel, we will be less likely to feel stress because of them. I hope this helps. :)
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Don't bottle up your emotions or stress will quickly builid up.

  • Express how you truly feel to keep your mind at ease.

One can say 'bottling up emotions' to mean holding in how you truly feel. If we do this with important feelings, it can weigh us down and cause us a lot of stress. We want to 'keep our mind at ease' by allowing our deepest desires and important feelings to be expressed.
Justin R DMM英会話講師
  • Pent up emotions can cause a great deal of stress.

  • Bottling up your feelings is bad for you.

1. Pent up emotions can cause a great deal of stress. "Pent up emotions" are feelings that are bottled up inside you and that you have not expressed. Sometimes we hold back and do not reveal how we truly feel for fear of hurting the person who has caused these emotions in the first place. Often this can lead to a great deal of stress that will cause you to eventually explode in anger. This can be prevented if you talk about your feelings earlier on when you are calmer and your partner/relative/friend/colleague will then be more receptive to what you are saying. 2. Bottling up your feelings is bad for you. The expression, "bottling up your feelings" means that you are hiding your true feelings and keeping it secret. This is not a good thing and can cause you to feel extremely stressed. The end result is that you will eventually let it all out when you can no longer cope with the stress.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • It is better to let out your feelings, so stress doesn't build up.

  • It is important to let everything out, and not to keep anything in.

  • Let it out, don't bottle it up, that is not good for you.

It is better to let out your feelings, so stress doesn't build up. It is important to let everything out, and not to keep anything in. Let it out, don't bottle it up, that is not good for you. When you want to tell someone to let their emotions out and not to keep them all inside, then you can use one of these three sentences. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Don't bottle up your feelings and emotions, it's healthy to let it out, otherwise your stress will build up.

When you use the phrase "bottle up" it means to keep something inside, or to not let something out. When it comes to feelings and emotions, it's important to let these out and express them, it's a very healthy thing for your mental and emotional health.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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