世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/21 13:32
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  • Let's hold the event on whichever day more people can come.

  • Let's hold it on either Monday or Tuesday, whichever day will have a better turnout.

「turnout」とは、「人出」という意味です。 We had a good turnout for our party. パーティーに人出が結構大勢だった。 Turnout was poor due to the rain. 雨のせいで、人出が芳しくなかった。 「whichever」は「どれか」「どっちか」という意味です。
Tim Young 主催
  • I think it's best if we hold the event on Monday/Tuesday when everyone is available.

I think it's best if we hold the event on Monday/Tuesday when everyone is available. I think it's best- This means that you feel like it will be a sensible decision if you hold the event on Monday/Tuesday. available- Instead of saying "can come/participate" we can say "available". To be available means that you able to come and you don't have other commitments.
(英文)I think it's best if we hold the event on Monday/Tuesday when everyone is available. (訳)みんな予定がないみたいなのでイベントを月曜日か火曜日にするのが最適だと思います。 I think it's best- これは月曜日か火曜日が一番最適という意味です。 available-"can come/participate"のかわりに"available"といえます。 To be availableは用事があるないため予定がなくて行けるという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • We should schedule it for a day when most people are available.

  • I think we should pick the date that is the most convenient to everyone.

  • I think we should choose the date according to everyone's availability.

I think we should - is more a of a suggestive tone We should - more of an authoritative tone schedule = shorter way to say "pick the date" a day when more people are available = "the day that is most convenient to everyone" or "the day when most people are available"
I think we should (~すべきだと思います) 何かを提案する時の言い方です。 We should(~するべきです) 少し高圧的な提案をする時の言い方です。 schdule= "pick the date"(日にちを決める)の短い言い方です。 A day when more people are available = "the day that is most convenient to everyone"(みんなに都合の良い日)又は "the day when most people are available"(みんなの空いている日)と言う意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Monday or Tuesday would be the days most convenient for parents.

  • The first two days of the week when most parents are available would be ideal.

"Well, there are a number of options for the school sports day and I'd like ti hear your opinions about which two days would be the best, bearing in mind all the factors such as parents' availablity, school commitments, etc." "The first two days of the week when most parents are available would be ideal."
"Well, there are a number of options for the school sports day and I'd like ti hear your opinions about which two days would be the best, bearing in mind all the factors such as parents' availablity, school commitments, etc." "The first two days of the week when most parents are available would be ideal." 「スポーツデイの候補の日程があるのですが、保護者の事や学校が委託されていることなどのことを考えたうえで、どの日程がいいと思うか意見を聞きたいです」 「ほとんどの保護者が週の初めの月曜日と火曜日に都合がよいです」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The most VIABLE day

  • Monday or Tuesday are the most viable days for events...people are available then!

Viable means: workable, feasible, practical, applicable, manageable, operable;-D So in this case that is exactly what we are seaching for! "Monday or Tuesday are the most viable days for events...people are available then!
「viable」は「実行可能な(workable, feasible, practical, applicable, manageable, operable)」という意味です。 この場面にピッタリです! "Monday or Tuesday are the most viable days for events...people are available then! (月曜か火曜がイベントにはいいですね...空いてる人が多いですから)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • We should have/hold the event on Monday or Tuesday when more people can join in/participate

  • I think we should hold the event on Monday or Tuesday when more people can come

  • I think we should hold the event on Monday or Tuesday when more people can participate

To talking about the amount of people that can come to an event we can say they 'join in', 'participate' or 'to come' To think is your opinion, we should means something you should do All of these sentences would be good examples of how to express this
複数の人々がイベントに「参加する」場合、”Join in”、”Participate"、”To come"などの動詞を使って表します。 ”To think"(思う)は、貴方の意見を述べるときに使います。 ”We should"は、○○をした方が良い、という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Let's hold the event on Monday or Tuesday, when more people can come

  • Monday or Tuesday seem the most popular choices, we should hold it then.

Let's - You are making a suggestion and asking the other person to contribute their opinion. Let's is a shortened way of saying Let us. We should - This is offering your opinion of what should happen, but you're not asking for feedback. Popular choices - these are the dates that most people have chosen, they are the most popular ''More people can come on these dates, so it would make sense to hold the event then'' ''Shall we choose Monday or Tuesday for the event, as we should get the best turn out'' Turn out - attendance
”Let's (Let usの短縮形)”は、相手の同意を求めるときに使います。 ”We should"(○○した方が良い)は、相手のフィードバックを求めるのではなく、自分達が「こうすべき」または「そうした方が賢明」という意見を述べるときに使います。 ”Popular choices"は、多数の人が望む選択肢、を意味します。 ●”More people can come on these dates, so it would make sense to hold the event then." (多くの人がこの日に来れるから、その日にイベントを開催するのが道理にかなっている。) ●"Shall we choose Monday or Tuesday for the event as we should get the best turnout." (イベントは、一番出席率が高い月曜日か火曜日にしましょうか?) Turnout➔出席率
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I'm thinking of having the event on Monday/Tuesday because more people will be able to attend on that day.

  • I am considering hosting the event on Monday/Tuesday. That's when most people should be available to come.

When you want to explain that you want to hold an event on a particular day because more people should be able to attend; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I'm thinking of having the event on Monday/Tuesday because more people will be able to attend on that day. -I am considering hosting the event on Monday/Tuesday. That's when most people should be available to come.
より多くの人が参加できるので、月曜日/火曜日にイベントを開催したいと伝える言い方です: -I'm thinking of having the event on Monday/Tuesday because more people will be able to attend on that day. (より多くの人が参加できるので、月曜日/火曜日にイベントを開催しようかと考えています) -I am considering hosting the event on Monday/Tuesday. That's when most people should be available to come. (月曜日/火曜日にイベントを開催することを検討しています。月曜日/火曜日なら、大半の人が来れるはずです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Monday or Tuesday will work best for the people attending.

  • In order for more people to come I think Monday or Tuesday will work out best.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express to your listener that you think more people will be able to attend an event if it is held on a Monday or Tuesday. In the second sentence you will see the term work out. This term means successful or go well. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例はどちらも、月曜日か火曜日にイベントを開催した方が大勢の人が参加できると伝える言い方です。 二つ目の例には、"work out"という表現が使われています。"work out"は「成功する、うまくいく」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われる表現なので、覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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