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例 駅や空港などで「新宿までのバスチケットはどこで買ったらいいですか?」と尋ねる時。 Where can I get tickets for my bus to Shinjuku?で合ってますか? また他に言い方がありますか?
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2017/11/02 00:59
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  • Do you know where the ticket office is is please?

  • Is there a ticket machine round here?

  • Where do you buy tickets around here?

Around here/round here = in this area. You could ask someone in the station: "Do you know where the ticket office is is please?" or, in the case of there obviously being no office, as in an unmanned station, you could ask: "Is there a ticket machine round here?" A slightly more open question would be: "Where do you buy tickets around here?"
Around here/round here = この辺りで 駅で人に尋ねることができます。 例文 "Do you know where the ticket office is is please?" 切符売り場がどこか教えて頂けますか? 又は事務所がない場合や 無人駅の場合、こう尋ねる ことができます。 例文 "Is there a ticket machine round here?" この辺りに券売機はありますか? もう少し自由に答えられる 質問であれば 例文 "Where do you buy tickets around here?" この辺りでどこで切符を買えますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please let me know where I can buy a bus ticket to Shinjuku?

  • I'm a bit lost here. Can you tell me where the ticket counter is?

  • Where is the ticket counter please? I'd like to buy a ticket to Shinjuku.

I'd like to buy a ticket to Shinjuku but I don't know where the counter is. Can you help me please?
例文 I'd like to buy a ticket to Shinjuku but I don't know where the counter is. 新宿までの切符が買いたいのですが、 切符売り場がどこか分かりません。 Can you help me please? 教えて頂けますか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Where can I buy a bus ticket to...?

  • Where are bus tickets to.... sold?

  • Where can I purchase a bus ticket to...?

You can use the verb, "get", "purchase" or "buy" when you want to ask "Where can I buy a bus ticket to...?", because they will all have the same meaning, which is to pay for a bus ticket to your destination.
"Where can I buy a bus ticket to...?"(...までのバスのチケットはどこで買えますか?)と聞きたい時は、get、purchase、またはbuyという動詞が使えます。 get、purchase、buy は、すべて同じ意味です。目的地までのバスのチケット代を支払うことを表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I buy a bus ticket to Shinjuku?

  • How can I get bus tickets to Shinjuku?

  • Where is the ticket booth to Shinjuku?

3つ目の例で、”A ticket booth”ではなく”The ticket booth”と表現するのは、「新宿行きの切符が買える、ここから一番近くのチケット売り場を教えて欲しい」という気持ちがあるから。特定の1つのものを言及する時は、定冠詞の”The”が付きます。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • Could you tell me where to buy a bus ticket to Shinjuku please?

  • Can you tell me where to get a bus ticket to Shinjuku please?

  • How can i get a bus ticket for Shunjuku please?

All these are a nice polite way to ask how to get a bus ticket for Shinjuku. There are different words you can use `get', `purchase' or `buy' are all good examples. To get something means to receive it whereas to purchase or buy means to use money to obtain the item so for example " I would like to buy/purchase a bus ticket to Shinjuku please ".
三例とも、新宿までのバスの切符をどのように買ったらいいか尋ねる、丁寧な表現です。いろいろな単語が使えます。get、purchase、buyは良い例です。 get somethingとは、受け取るという意味です。purchase、またはbuyは、買うという意味です。 従って、下記のように言えます。 I would like to buy/purchase a bus ticket to Shinjuku please. 新宿までのバスの切符を買いたいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the ticket booth?

  • Where is the ticket counter?

  • Where can I buy a bus ticket?

The place where you can buy tickets for public transportation, movies, concerts, etc is called a ticket booth and/or ticket counter. In some countries, they also use the expression "ticket desk". You can simply ask, "Where can I find the ticket booth", "where is the ticket counter", "where can I buy a bus ticket", or "where are the bus tickets sold?"
公共交通機関や映画、コンサートなどのチケットを買うことができる場所のことは、"ticket booth"や"ticket counter"と呼ばれます。"ticket desk"と呼んでいる国もあります。 次ように聞くことができます。 "Where can I find the ticket booth?"(チケットブースはどこですか) "Where is the ticket counter?"(チケットカウンターはどこですか) "Where can I buy a bus ticket?"(バスのチケットはどこで買えますか) "Where are the bus tickets sold?"(バスのチケットはどこで売っていますか)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the bus ticket office?

  • Where can I buy a bus ticket to Shinjuku?

You could simply say ‘where is the bus ticket office’. However, be sure to say ‘bus ticket office’ not just ‘ticket office’ as there might also be a separate office for train tickets and you don’t want to be stuck in the wrong queue! You could also say, ‘where can I buy a bus ticket to....’ which is more general and doesn’t assume that there is an office in the building.
シンプルに、 ‘Where is the bus ticket office?’ 「バスの切符売り場はどこですか」 と言えます。「ticket office」ではなく、ちゃんと「bus ticket office」と言ってください。電車の切符売り場が別にあって、違う列に並んでしまうかもしれません! ほかに、 ‘Where can I buy a bus ticket to....’ 「~への切符はどこで買えますか」 とも言えます。こちらの方がざっくりした聞き方で、切符売り場があることを前提にしていません。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I get a ticket for a bus to Shinjuku?

  • Please show me where I can get a bus ticket to Shinjuku.

  • Do you know where I can get a bus ticket to Shinjuku?

When you want to ask someone where you can buy a bus ticket to Shinjuku; then you may ask in the following ways: -Where can I get a ticket for a bus to Shinjuku? -Please show me where I can get a bus ticket to Shinjuku. -Do you know where I can get a bus ticket to Shinjuku?
新宿までのバスのチケットがどこで買えるのか尋ねる場合、次のように聞くことが出来ます。 【例文】 -Where can I get a ticket for a bus to Shinjuku? (新宿行のバスの切符はどこで買えますか?) -Please show me where I can get a bus ticket to Shinjuku. (新宿行のバスの切符がどこで買えるか教えて頂けますか) -Do you know where I can get a bus ticket to Shinjuku? (新宿行のバスの切符がどこで買えるか知っていますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know where Shinjuku bus tickets are sold by any chance?

  • Where do people get tickets for buses that go to Shinjuku?

  • Please let me know where I can buy a ticket for a bus bound for Shinjuku.

When inquiring about a specific thing from somebody, you can end with the phrase 'by any chance', which basically means 'possibly'. So instead of putting 'by any chance' at the end of the sentence, you can include 'possibly' within the sentence and ask: 'Do you possibly know'? You can also use the adjective 'bound' in place of 'go to'. The adjective 'bound' in this context means 'going towards a specific place'. So, you may enquire as follows: Do you know where Shinjuku bus tickets are sold by any chance? or Where do people get tickets for buses that go to Shinjuku? or Please let me know where I can buy a ticket for a bus bound for Shinjuku.
特定の事柄について尋ねる場合、文末に 'by any chance'(ひょっとして)というフレーズを使うことができます。これは基本的に 'possibly' の意味です。ですから、'by any chance' を文末に置く代わりに 'possibly' を使って 'Do you possibly know?' と尋ねることもできます。 また、'go to' の代わりに形容詞の 'bound' を使うこともできます。'bound' はここでは「~に向かう/~行きの」の意味です。 次のように尋ねることができます。 Do you know where Shinjuku bus tickets are sold by any chance?(新宿行きのバスの切符をどこで買えるかご存じですか) Where do people get tickets for buses that go to Shinjuku?(新宿行きのバスの切符はどこで買えますか) Please let me know where I can buy a ticket for a bus bound for Shinjuku.(新宿行きのバスの切符をどこで買えるか教えてください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Do you know where the ticket office is

  • Where can I purchase a ticket?

"Do you know where the ticket office is" The ticket office is usually the desk/office where you are able to buy bus/train tickets, normally located in big bus stops. To 'Purchase' something is a formal way of referencing to 'buy' something'
"Do you know where the ticket office is"(切符売り場がどこかご存じですか) "Ticket office" は、バス/電車の切符を買うことのできるカウンター/事務所をいいます。普通は大きなバス停にあります。 'Purchase' は 'Buy'(買う)のフォーマルな言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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