世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/03 22:04
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  • Here's a photo I took abroad.

  • Here's a photo I took in (place).

SNSでの投稿であれば、Here's a ... とすればいいでしょう(他の言い方もいろいろできますが)。「海外で撮った写真」は、a photo (picture) I took abroad です。abroad は「外国で」という意味ですが、せっかくなので具体的にどこで撮ったのか示すほうがいいと思います。ですので、例えば、a picture I took in New York などとすればいいですよ。
Yutaka K やわらか英語コーチ
  • I took this while globe-trotting

  • Here's a photo for my friends back in Japan

  • I took this photo in Paris

Well, you can state where you are so everyone knows you are not in Japan! How about: "I'm in Paris - look at me!" That is the obvious suggestion? Or you may say you are out of the country or travelling the world or something similar. "I took this photo of me near a humped back whale while globe-trotting!"
そうですね、あなたは自分がどこにいるのかを言うことが出来ます。そうすれば、皆はあなたが日本にいないことが分かります。 ”私はパリにいます。私を見て”のように言えば、あなたがどこにいるかはっきりと分かります。 国外にいる、世界を旅しているというようなことを言うこともできます。 例文 "I took this photo of me near a humped back whale while globe-trotting!" 世界各国を旅している時に、コブのある背中の近くでこの写真を撮りました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Here is a photo that I took while I was travelling"

  • "This photo was taken abroad"

  • "Here is a photo from my overseas travels"

If you wanted to upload a photo that you took abroad to social media and you want to explain that it was taken abroad, you could say any of the following: "Here is a photo that I took while I was travelling", "This photo was taken abroad" or "Here is a photo from my overseas travels".
海外で撮った写真をSNSに上げるなら、次のように説明できます。 "Here is a photo that I took while I was travelling"(これは旅行で撮った写真です) "This photo was taken abroad"(この写真は海外で撮りました) "Here is a photo from my overseas travels"(これは海外旅行の時の写真です)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • This photo was taken abroad.

  • This photo was taken over seas.

  • This photo was taken outside of Japan.

"Abroad" and "Overseas" are both terms used to explain that it was taken is a different country. "This photo was taken outside of Japan." This explains that the photo was not taken in Japan.
"Abroad" と "Overseas" は両方共 写真が海外で撮られたことを説明 するために使う語です。 例文 "This photo was taken outside of Japan. この写真は日本の外で 撮られた。 この文は、その写真が日本で 撮られたのではないことを 説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Some of my holiday snaps

  • My ........... adventure

  • My favourite photo from my time abroad

"Some of my holiday snaps"- Or you could say " One of my favourite holiday snaps" - Snaps means photos. "My Fijian Adventure" - This lets people know exactly where you were when you went on holiday. A different phrase could be " My overseas adventure" "Snaps from my time abroad" " A throwback to my time abroad" - Throwback is referring to something that happened a while ago, but you are sharing it now.
"Some of my holiday snaps"(数枚の休日に撮った写真) 又はこう言えます。" One of my favourite holiday snaps"(お気に入りの休日の写真の1枚) - Snapsは写真という意味です。 "My Fijian Adventure" フィジーへの旅行 この表現は、休日にどこに行ったのかを正確に伝えています。 別の言い方は " My overseas adventure"(私の海外旅行)です。 "Snaps from my time abroad" 海外旅行の写真 " A throwback to my time abroad" 海外旅行への後戻り Throwbackは、少し前に起こったことを表していますが、今それを他の人と共有しています。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I'll post the pictures on SNS that I took overseas.

1) 「overseas」=「海外」です。 普通の会話であれば、「どこの国で撮った」と国を明記するかとは思うんもですが、ただ「海外で」とだけ表現したければ、overseasです。 「post」は「投稿する」という意味です。 この文の場合、「SNS」と表現すると違和感があるため、その部分にTwitterやFacebookを入れて使います。
Akihito Mizukoshi トロント在住ライター
  • This is a photo I took abroad (outide of Japan)

  • Some photos from (name the country)

Remember in the second sentence to stress from which country, so people will understand you took in while being abroad
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I took this photo abroad.

  • I took this photo when I traveled to (name the foreign country)

  • This photo was taken during my holiday at (international destination)

Example sentences: I took this photograph during my recent trip to Hawaii. This photo was taken by me when I traveled to Hawaii recently. This is a picture I took when traveling abroad. This photo was taken at a foreign country.
例文 I took this photograph during my recent trip to Hawaii. 最近ハワイに旅行に行っている時にこの写真を撮った。 This photo was taken by me when I traveled to Hawaii recently. 最近ハワイに行った時に、私がこの写真を撮った。 This is a picture I took when traveling abroad. この写真は、海外旅行した時に私が撮ったものです。 This photo was taken at a foreign country. この写真は外国で撮りました。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Holiday photos

  • Photos of my foreign travel

We call these "holiday photos" if they were taken during a vacation abroad. If you travel for work and also take photos you could call them "photos of my foreign travel"
バケーションや海外などで撮った、それらを "holiday photos"(休暇写真)と言います。 仕事などで海外へ行って撮った写真は "photos of my foreign travel"(海外旅行写真)と言います。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • This is a photo from (insert name of country)

Instead of saying this is a photo taken in a foreign country, it is more preferable to state where the photo was taken. For example: "This is a photo I took in the USA." "This is a photo of the Statue of Liberty in the USA" "This photo was taken in the USA"
外国で撮った写真という代わりに、どこで撮った写真が言う方がもっと好まれます。 【例】 "This is a photo I took in the USA." (アメリカで私が撮った写真) "This is a photo of the Statue of Liberty in the USA" (アメリカで撮った自由の女神の写真) "This photo was taken in the USA" (アメリカで撮った写真)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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