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積極的に泳いでえさを探すことは英語でどういうことですか? 待ち伏せすることは英語でどういう意味だろうか?
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2017/11/03 22:43
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  • The fish are fighting over the bait

  • The fish are searching for the bait

  • Waiting for the fish to take the bait

The fish are fighting over the bait- The fish are very interested in the food on the line and are fighting over it The fish are searching for the bait- The fish are actively seeking for the food Waiting for the fish to take the bait- The process of waiting for 'a bite' this means waiting for a fish to take the bait
例文 The fish are fighting over the bait- 魚はエサを求めて戦っている。 魚は瀕死のエサを獲ろうとしており、エサを求めて戦っているということです。 例文 The fish are searching for the bait 魚はエサを探してる。 魚は積極的にエサを探しているということです。 Waiting for the fish to take the bait 魚がエサを捕るのを待っている エサを待ち伏せしている過程は、魚がエサを捕るのを待っているというです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • The fish are rising to the bait

  • The fish are taking the bait

Probably a fish (if the fish knows) will try to avoid bait, rather than search for it. But fish in general will always be on the lookout and searching for for tasty morsels (that are not bait from fisherman trying to catch them!) However, when bait has been placed in the water and the fish respond, you may say: "The fish are rising to the bait!" or, "The fish are taking the bait." To take the bait = For a fish to nibble at bait on a hook. To rise to the bait = to respond to an allurement; to fall for an enticement or fall into a trap. This alludes to a fish coming up from deep water to seize bait.
おそらく魚は、(魚が知っているか不明だが)釣り餌を探すのではなく、むしろ釣り餌を避けようとします。 通常、魚はおいしいエサを探しています。(もちろん釣り人が竿に付けた餌ではありません!) しかし、餌の付いた釣り竿が水に垂らされ、魚がそれに喰いついたら、以下の様に言えるでしょう: "The fish are rising to the bait!" または、 "The fish are taking the bait." To take the bait = 魚が釣り針に付いた餌に喰い付く To rise to the bait = 魅力に反応する;誘惑に負ける、または罠に落ちる。 深い水底から釣り餌を求めて水面に上がって来る様を暗示しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The fish is hungrily swimming around.

  • The fish is impatiently waiting for its food

  • The fish is longingly waiting to be fed.

Hungrily (adverb) shows that the person/animal is in great need of food or desires to be fed now. Impatiently (adverb) shows that the person or animal cannot wait much longer and needs to have food. Longingly (adverb) also shows that the person or animal is longing for (greatly wanting or needing) to be fed.
Hungrily(副詞)は、人間/動物が今すぐに食糧を必要としていることを示します。 Impatiently(副詞)は、人/動物がこれ以上食べ物を待つことができない、すぐに食料が必要であることを表します。 Longingly(副詞)もまた、人/動物が(非常に強く)食べ物を欲していることを表現しています。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • The fish are swimming around looking for food.

  • The fish are waiting for the food to come to them.

"The fish are swimming around looking for food." This explains that the fish are always swimming around looking for food to eat. "The fish are waiting for the food to come to them." This explains that the fish are lazy and are waiting for the food to come to them.
"The fish are swimming around looking for food." (その魚は食べ物を探し回って泳いでいる) これはその魚はいつも餌を探して泳ぎ回っている、と言う説明になります。 "The fish are waiting for the food to come to them." (その魚は餌が自分の所へ来るのを待っている) これはその魚が怠け者で餌の方から魚の方へやってくるのを待っている、と言う説明になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • A part of fishing is waiting for the fish to take the bait.

  • I have the bait waiting for the fish to come and eat.

  • I think the fish are looking for the bait I put in the water.

A part of fishing is waiting for the fish to take the bait. I have the bait waiting for the fish to come and eat. I think the fish are looking for the bait I put in the water. The fish are swimming around the bait. The fish are looking for the bait and swimming all around it.
A part of fishing is waiting for the fish to take the bait. (魚釣りの一種に、えさをつつくのを待つものがあります。) I have the bait waiting for the fish to come and eat. (魚をおびき寄せて食べるのを待つ餌を持っています。) I think the fish are looking for the bait I put in the water. (水中に入れた餌を魚が探していると思います。) The fish are swimming around the bait. (魚が餌の周りを泳いでいます。) The fish are looking for the bait and swimming all around it. (魚が餌を求め、泳ぎ回っています。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Looking for the bait

  • searching for the bait

  • Waiting for the fish to catch the bait

"Looking for the bait" 'Bait' is often used to describe food that lures in fish and other animals. "searching for the bait" 'Searching' and 'looking' are very similar, to look and search for something is another word for find/finding. "Waiting for the fish to catch the bait" 'Catch the bait" is a term used once the animal has taken to bait.
"Looking for the bait"(餌を探している) 'Bait' とは、魚やその他の動物をおびき寄せる餌のことを指すのに使われます。 "searching for the bait"(餌を探している) 'Searching' と 'looking' はとてもよく似ていて、どちらも見つける、探すという意味です。 "Waiting for the fish to catch the bait"魚が餌にかかるのを待っている) 'Catch the bait"とは、動物が餌にかかることを表すのに使われるフレーズです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The fish are actively looking for bait.

  • The fish are fighting over the bait.

  • Waiting for the fish to take the bait.

The fish are fighting over the bait. - This is when a lot of fish are trying to eat the bait off your hook. Waiting for the fish to take the bait. - This is what you would say if you are fishing and waiting for the fish to nibble at the bait on your hook.
The fish are fighting over the bait. (魚は餌を求めて争う。) これは、たくさんの魚がかぎ針から餌をとろうとするときです。  Waiting for the fish to take the bait. (餌をとろうとする魚を待っている) これは、釣りをしていてかぎ針の餌を魚がつつくのを待っているときに使うフレーズです。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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