世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/03 23:34
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  • Could you go as quickly as possible please?

  • I really need to get there in a hurry!

  • Please hurry up!

It will help your situation if you ask the taxi driver politely to take you from A to B as quickly as possible: "Could you go as quickly as possible please?" You could explain your predicament: "I really need to get there in a hurry!" Or, if there is a real emergency, you could explain the details: "Please hurry up - I'm having a baby!"
もしタクシー運転手になるべく速くAからBに連れて行って欲しいと丁寧に頼むのであれば、以下の表現がお役に立つでしょう。 例文 "Could you go as quickly as possible please?" 出来るだけ速く行って頂けますか? 自分の困っている状況を説明することも出来ます。 例文 "I really need to get there in a hurry!" 本当に急いでそこに着く必要があるのです。 又は本当に緊急事態の時は、詳細を説明することができます。 例文 "Please hurry up - I'm having a baby!" すみませんが、急いで下さい。赤ちゃんが生まれそうです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • As quick as you can please.

  • Please can you go as fast as you can.

"As quick as you can please." This politely asks the driver to get you there as fast as he can. "Please, can you go as fast as you can." This politely asks the driver to drive as quick but as safely as he can.
例文 "As quick as you can please." できるだけ急いで下さい。 この文は、運転手に目的地に なるべく早く着くように丁寧に 頼んでいます。 "Please, can you go as fast as you can." できるだけ速く行って頂けますか? この文は、運転手にできるだけ速く そして安全に運転するように 頼んでいます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can you drive a bit faster please.

  • Can you hurry a bit please.

  • Can you speed up a bit please.

Also, Can you drive a bit quickly as I am running late. Could you hasten up a bit please. I am late for work. Can you drive as fast as you possibly can as I'm late for work. Can you accelerate please as I am really late for work. Can you rev up a bit please, I am awfully late for work.
他には 例文 Can you drive a bit quickly as I am running late. 遅れているのですこし急いで頂けますか? Could you hasten up a bit please. I am late for work. 少し急いで頂けますか?仕事に遅れています。 Can you drive as fast as you possibly can as I'm late for work. 仕事に遅れているので、できるだけ速く運転して頂けますか? Can you accelerate please as I am really late for work. 実際に仕事に遅れてるので、少しスピードを上げて頂けますか? Can you rev up a bit please, I am awfully late for work. 少しスピードを上げて頂けますか?かなり仕事に遅れています。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Is there anyway you could drive a little faster?

  • I am really running late, I hope I make my appointment

  • Could you go a little faster please?

I think making the driver aware that you may be late should indicate to them that you want them to speed up! But if that doesn't work here are some polite phrases that should help! " I have somewhere I need to be, and I don't want to be late, could you go a little faster please" " Can you please go a little faster? I don't want to miss my appointment!" " I have a meeting soon, I hope I won't miss it!"
運転手に遅れるかもしれないということを意識させれば、あなたがスピードを上げて欲しいと思っていることが分かるはずです。 しかしそれでも上手く行かない場合は、役に立つ丁寧なフレーズがあります。 例文 " I have somewhere I need to be, and I don't want to be late, could you go a little faster please" 行かないといけないところがあって、遅れたくないです。もう少し速く運転して頂けますか? " Can you please go a little faster? I don't want to miss my appointment!" もう少し速く運転して頂けますか? 約束に遅れたくないです。 " I have a meeting soon, I hope I won't miss it!" すぐに会議に出ないといけないのです。会議に遅れたくないんです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Could you please go a little faster? I am running late.

  • I am running a bit late. Could you go a tad faster please?

"Could you please go a little faster? I am running late." will explain to the driver that you wish them to go faster because you are late for something.
"Could you please go a little faster? I am running late." (少し急いで頂けますか?遅れそうなので) ↑遅れているので、急いで欲しいと伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please get there as fast as you can?

  • I'm late! Could you hurry up please?

  • Please take the fastest route! I'm running late!

Always ask your taxi driver in a polite manner and they will oblige you right away. This is a common situation that they face everyday and so they would know what to do when you ask them. By using the words "hurry" and "I'm late" it emphasizes your urgency to get there. You could also ask them to take the fastest route to decrease the time. Hope this helps!
タクシー運転手に礼儀正しくお願いすれば、貴方の要望にすぐに応えてくれるでしょう。普段から、この手の状況に慣れているので、タクシー運転手は対応の仕方を心得ていると思います。"Hurry"(速く)や "I'm late"(遅れている)という言葉を使うことで、緊急性を強調します。目的地まで一番速く着く道順で行ってください、とお願いすることも出来ます。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Please speed up because I am running late.

  • Please drive faster because I am late for the meeting.

When someone is late for a meeting, the trend is to put pressure on the taxi driver to 'speed up'. In this context, to 'speed up' means to drive faster. Usually, it's usually never the fault of the driver. Usually, it's the passenger's fault because he/she will have started late from home. So, one will always ask the taxi driver to 'drive faster'. So, you may say: Please speed up because I am running late. or Please drive faster because I am late for the meeting.
会議に遅れている時は、タクシーの運転手にスピードを上げる(speed up)ように言う人が多いです。speed upはここでは運転速度を上げることです。これは普通は運転手の責任ではありません。家を出るのが遅かった乗客の責任です。従って、タクシーの運転手にもっと速く運転する(drive faster)ように頼みます。 下記のように言えるでしょう。 Please speed up because I am running late. 遅れているのでスピードを上げてください。 Please drive faster because I am late for the meeting. 会議に遅れているのでもっと速く運転してください。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Could you please go as quickly as you can?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Could you please go as quickly as you can? 可能な限り急いでいただけますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 go quickly で「急ぐ」となります。 また、I'm in a hurry と言えば「私は急いでいます」となります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Can you hurry a bit please?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Can you hurry a bit please?」 =もう少し急いでもらえますか? (例文)Can you hurry a bit please? I'm in a rush. (訳)もう少し急いでもらえますか?急いでいます。 単語: rush 急ぐ お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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