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2017/11/04 11:05
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  • Complete despair.

  • Absolute despair

  • Lost all hope of winning.

The word 'complete' functions both as a verb and as an adjective. As an adjective, it has several meanings, but, in this context, it means thorough; entire; total; undivided, not compromised, or unmodified'. The word 'despair' functions both as a verb and as a noun. In this instance, it has been used as a noun. So, you may say: The team is in complete despair or The fans are in complete despair because their team has lost by a landslide. The adjective 'absolute' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'complete; outright'. 'Absolute' and 'complete' are interchangeable in this regard. So, you may say: The fans are in complete despair because their team has lost by a landslide. You may also say the team has lost all hope of winning or The fans have lost all hope of their team ever turning the game around.
'complete' という語は、動詞と形容詞として機能します。形容詞としてはいくつか意味がありますが、この文では”徹底して、完全に、全体では、分裂していない、妥協しない、修正していない”という意味です。 "despair"という語には、動詞と名詞の機能があります。この場合は名詞として使われています。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 The team is in complete despair チームは完全勝利を諦めている。 又は The fans are in complete despair because their team has lost by a landslide. チームが完敗したので、ファンは本当にがっかりしている。 又こう言うこともできます。 例文 The team has lost all hope of winning チームは勝利への希望を失っている。 The fans have lost all hope of their team ever turning the game around. ファンは、チームが試合をひっくり返すのではという希望を完全に失っている。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • They are on the brink of giving up...they look so dejected.

  • It looks like they are losing interest in the game!

  • There is no umph in their game anymore! They are giving up!

They are on the verge of calling it a day! They are just not trying anymore! It's like they have admitted defeat.
例文 They are on the verge of calling it a day! 彼らは諦める瀬戸際にいます。 They are just not trying anymore! It's like they have admitted defeat. これ以上頑張ろうとしていません。 既に負けを認めているようです。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • The losing team's morale has been completely crushed.

  • The losing has entered complete hopelessness.

On the first sentence, the word "morale" indicates the feeling of confidence and enthusiasm that comes when playing in a competitive game. The word "crushed", indicates that the same enthusiasm has been destroyed by the difference in points. On the second sentence, the word "hopelessness" indicates a great feeling of anguish or despair, a state of mind that the losing team has entered due to the unfavorable game score.
一つ目の例文に、”Morale"という言葉ありますが、これは「士気」という意味で、競争の激しい試合などに伴うチーム全体のヤル気や熱意を表します。”Crushed"は「押しつぶされた」という意味で、大差によってチームのやる気が失われたことを表します。 二つ目の例文に、”Hopelessness"という言葉がありますが、これは「絶望」という意味です。どうあがいても勝ち目がなく、敗北感を味わう、という意味になります。
Ruben DMM英会話講師
  • Lost confidence

  • Lost ambition

▪Lost confidence Confidence= the feeling that one can have faith in or rely on something ▪Lost ambition Ambition= a strong desire to do or achieve something Example sentences a. When the team was running behind they lost confidence in winning and started giving up. b. The team lost ambition when they could see that they are running behind on the score board.
▪Lost confidence なくした自信 Confidence= 何かを信頼し、頼る感情 ▪Lost ambition なくした野心 Ambition= 何かをしたり、達成する 強い欲求 例文 a. When the team was running behind they lost confidence in winning and started giving up. チームが負けていると、勝つ自信がなくなり、 諦め始めています。 b. The team lost ambition when they could see that they are running behind on the score board. スコアボードで負けていることが 分かると、そのチームは勝とうと いう気持ちが無くなっている。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • They've given up the ghost

To give up the ghost - this means to 'die' literally, but the meaning of this is often applied to other situations. for example, if a machine or television or computer gives up the ghost, it stops working: "Our old TV finally gave up the ghost while we were watching Downton Abbey." ​This phrase also means to stop trying to do something because you know that you will not succeed: "All I'd cherished from early childhood had been denied me, so I simply gave up the ghost."
To give up the ghost これは文字どおりに訳すと「死ぬ」を意味しますが、他の状況で使うことができます。 例えば、機械やテレビやコンピューターが動かなくなることです。 "Our old TV finally gave up the ghost while we were watching Downton Abbey." 「 Downton Abbey」を観ているときに、古いテレビがとうとう動かなくなった。 このフレーズは成功しないとかわったので、やめることを意味します。 "All I'd cherished from early childhood had been denied me, so I simply gave up the ghost." 子供のころから大事にしてきた全てが否定されたので、すぐに諦めました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Loss of motivation

  • Lose all hope of winning

If you have a loss of motivated it means you don't try as hard to do something maybe because you have no chance of winning/doing well When talking about sport/games then you could say you have 'Lost all hope of winning'
”Loss of motivation"は、勝てるチャンスがないため、「ヤル気が失せる」という意味です。 スポーツやゲームについて話しているときは、”Lose all hope of winning"「全く勝ち目がない」という表現も使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • They are a defeated team.

  • They don't have the will to win anymore.

  • This game is a blowout!

When a team is losing, but before the game is over, they can be described as defeated. This is when they lack the spirit to even try to win. The "will to win" is a team's feeling to try their hardest to win the game. When a team is losing badly and they have given up, they are said to lack the "will to win". Sentence #3 is a little different. This sentence does not describe one of the teams, but instead describes the game. If a game is a blowout, one team is way ahead and the other has usually given up. Just using the word "blowout" will imply that the losing team has given up.
試合はまだ終わっていないけど負けているチームは、"defeated"と表せます。これは、勝とうとする気持ちを失っているときに使います。 "will to win"は、勝とうとする気持ちを言います。大差で負けていて諦めてしまったチームは、"will to win"(勝とうとする気持ち)がないと表せます。 3番目の文は少し違います。この文はチームではなく試合について言っています。"blowout"は、一方のチームが大差でリードしている試合を言います。大抵、もう一方は既に既に諦めてしまっています。"blowout"を使うだけで、負けているチームが既に諦めているというニュアンスになります。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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