世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




事務所で使わなくなった机。 母が使わなくなったものを貰いました。 使わなくなった食器がたくさんある。 など。 よろしくお願いします。
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2017/11/05 00:04
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  • a disused desk in the office

  • I have a second-hand car from my mother

  • I have many disused plates

"disused" is the most accurate word for describing an item that is no longer used but has been used in the past. If you refer to an item as being "unused" it can be interpreted in 2 ways: 1. an item that is no longer used 2. an item that has never been used therefore it can be unclear to say that you have an "unused desk" as it could mean either which have very different meanings. If an item is "second-hand" it means that the item has had a previous owner. This sentence implies that the previous owner no longer uses it.
"disused"は過去には使われていたがもはや使われなくなったものを示す最も正確な単語です。 もしあなたが何かを"unused" として表現した場合、2つの方法で訳されるでしょう。 1. もはや使われていないもの 2. 一度も使われていないもの したがって、あなたが"unused desk"を持っているということはとても異なる意味を表すことができるので、とても不明確な言い方になるでしょう。 もし何かが"second-hand"であれば、 it means that the item has had a previous owner. This sentence implies that the previous owner no longer uses it.
Beke DMM英語講師
  • unused goods

  • old items

  • junk goods**

If the items are still in useable condition, you can use 'unused goods' or 'old items'. **use 'junk goods' for items that are broken and not useable.
もしそれがまだ使える状態なのであれば、 'unused goods' や 'old items'を使うことができます。 **'junk goods'を壊れたものや使えないものを表現するのに使いましょう。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • There are things/stuff in my cupboard that I no longer use.

  • I have some stuff that I don't use anymore.

  • I got something from my mother she doesn't use anymore.

「もう使っていない〜」は"Something I don't use anymore." "Something I no longer use."を使って表せます。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • My mom have a lot of unused furniture in her office.

  • My dad gave me his old car.

  • I am selling some second-hand items.

▪ My mom have a lot of unused furniture in her office. unused = furniture that are not being used. This means that your mom has stuff in her office that is just standing around and not being used. ▪ My dad gave me his old car. Old car = used car that he is not using anymore. ▪ I am selling some second-hand items. second-hand items is items that is not new anymore more. It is items that has been used and is no long needed and that's why you are selling them.
▪ My mom have a lot of unused furniture in her office. unused = 使われていない家具のこと。 これは、あなたのお母さんの職場に、ただそこにあるだけで使われていないものがあるということを意味しています。 ▪ My dad gave me his old car. Old car = もう使われていない中古の車のこと。 ▪ I am selling some second-hand items. second-hand itemsとは、もう新しくないもののこと。 それは使われていたもので、今はもう必要とされておらず、そのため売ろうとしているもののことを意味しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • an item that is not in use anymore

  • An unwanted item.

  • An unused item

If you used an item before but you do not use it anymore for any reason, the item is unwanted or not in use anymore. You can also say that the item is unused. An unused item would also mean an item that was given to you, but has never been used by you. If you do not use an item because it is old-fashioned or out out of date, then you can call the item 'obsolete' For example: the typewriter became obsolete with the invention of the computer. This desk is not used by us anymore.
もしあなたが何かを以前は使っていたがなんらかの理由があり使わなくなったのであれば、それは今は必要なく、もはや使われていないということになります。 また、それはunusedであるということもできます。 . An unused item はまた、あなたがもらったもので、一度も使われなかったもののことも意味します。 もしあなたがそれを古臭かったり、時代遅れだから使わないのであれば、それを'obsolete'と呼ぶこともできます。 例: the typewriter became obsolete with the invention of the computer. This desk is not used by us anymore.
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Redundant

  • Discarded

  • Surplus to requirements

Surplus to requirements - to be no longer needed: "Many very experienced workers have been told they are surplus to requirements." redundant - not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous, unnecessary, not required, inessential, unessential, needless, unneeded, uncalled for, dispensable, disposable, expendable, unwanted, useless "Converting into a bingo hall is not an appropriate use for a redundant church." To discard something - get rid of something as no longer useful or desirable, dispose of, throw away, throw out "Hilary bundled up the clothes she had discarded"
Surplus to requirements - もはや必要とされない: 例:"Many very experienced workers have been told they are surplus to requirements." (非常に多くの経験豊富な労働者が人手過剰であることを言い渡された) redundant - もう必要でない、または有用でないこと;余分な、不必要な、不要な、なくても済むもの、 無駄な、無用の、使い捨ての、消耗品、いわれのない、役に立たない。 例:"Converting into a bingo hall is not an appropriate use for a redundant church." (使われなくなった教会をビンゴゲームホールとして使用するのは適切ではない) To discard something -不要となったもの、望まなくなったものを取り除くこと、処分する、放棄する、投げ出す。 例:"Hilary bundled up the clothes she had discarded" (ヒラリーは彼女が処分した服を束ねた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't use these much anymore.

  • I got this item from my mother second-hand, but I don't use it often.

  • This item doesn't see much use anymore.

We can use the first example as the most general by saying that it's something that we "don't use anymore." We can also say that an item is, "second-hand," meaning that someone gave it to us or donated it to us. We can use the expression, "see much use anymore," as a way to say that the item isn't used anymore but at one point it was used a lot more.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Redundant...

  • Most of my older recording equipment is totally redundant these days...

Redundant means: unnecessary, not required, dispensable, disposable, expendable, unwanted, useless;-D So it fits this word search perfectly;-D "Most of my older recording equipment is totally redundant these days..."
"Redundant"(余分)とは必要がなく、必須ではない、なくて済む、消耗品、 使い捨てのいらない物と言う意味になります ;-D ですので、この言葉は完璧にフィットしますね ;-D 【例】 "Most of my older recording equipment is totally redundant these days..." (ほとんどの私の録音機器は最近では使われなくなりました)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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