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2017/11/05 03:24
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  • I wish I could get paid to sleep.

  • If people got paid to sleep ,I'd be rich!

"I wish I could get paid to sleep." This is the simplest way to express your wish to be paid for your ability to sleep. If people got paid to sleep ,I'd be rich! This statement means that you are declaring your love for sleeping and are suggesting that if there was a possibility to get paid for sleeping you would excel and would earn a lot of money.
例文 "I wish I could get paid to sleep." 寝るだけでお金が貰えればなぁ。 この文は、寝るだけでお金が貰えると良い ということを表現する一番シンプルな表現です。 例文 If people got paid to sleep ,I'd be rich! 寝るだけでお金が貰えるのなら、 お金持ちになれるのになぁ。 この表現は、寝ることが大好きで、 寝るだけでお金が貰える可能性があるのなら、 他の人より得意なので大金を稼げるということを 表しています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could get paid for sleeping.

  • I wouldn't mind to get paid for sleeping.

*I wish I could get paid for sleeping. This means you hope it was possible to get a salary from sleeping because you really enjoying sleeping as compared to your actual job. *I wouldn't mind to get paid for sleeping. If you mind doing something it means that it is not a problem to you. For example: "I don't mind if someone smokes in my presence." It means that it doesn't affect you or it is not a problem to you.
*I wish I could get paid for sleeping. これはあなたが実際の仕事と比べて眠ることをとても楽しんでいるので、眠ることで給料が手に入れば良いのにと願っていることを意味しています。 *I wouldn't mind to get paid for sleeping. mind doing something = 「何かを嫌がる」 これはあなたにそれが何の問題もないということを意味しています。 例: "I don't mind if someone smokes in my presence." 誰かが私のいるところでタバコを吸っても問題ではないよ。 これは、それがあなたに何の影響も与えないか、あなたにとって問題ではないということを表している。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I need a cash cow that earns money while I'm sleeping!

  • I wish I had a silent money-making machine!

Definition of cash cow 1 :a consistently profitable business, property, or product whose profits are used to finance a company's investments in other areas 2 :one regarded or exploited as a reliable source of money "A popular singer ws deemed a cash cow for the record label." On the internet there are many business opportuntities offered to people that claim to generate money very easily with minimal supervision.. These are sometimes referred to as, 'Silent money-making machines.'
cash cow(ドル箱)の定義 1 :常に収益性の高いビジネス、不動産、製品で、その収益は他の分野での企業の投資の源泉として使われます。 2 :安定した資金源として見なされている又は利用されている物 例文 "A popular singer was deemed a cash cow for the record label." 人気のある歌手は、レコード会社にとってドル箱と見なされていた。 インターネットでは、人々には商機が多くあり、最小限の管理で極めて容易にお金が稼げると言われています。 これらは、'Silent money-making machines.'(沈黙の金を産む機械)として表現されることもあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If only sleep would pay off!

  • I wish I could earn a living by sleeping.

  • How I wish I was paid for every hour of sleep.

To wish' means to want or hope that something will happen, although it isn't likely to happen. 'How I wish' expresses that the person wishes very much or hopes for something very much. Again, what the person wishes or hopes for may not ever happen. 'If only' is also used to express a wish or a hope.
To wish'は、起こりそうにないけれど、何かが起こって欲しいと望んでいるということです。 'How I wish'は、人が何かを熱望していることを表しています。繰り返しになりますが、人々が望んでいる(wish,hope)ことはおそらく起こらないでしょう。 'If only' も願望や望みを表現する時に使います。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I wish I was paid to sleep.

  • If sleeping was a job, I'd be promoted.

The first phrase "I wish I was paid to sleep" expresses a desire to earn money from sleeping. The second phrase "If sleeping was a job, I'd be promoted" creates an imaginary situation that tells the person that if you could get hired to sleep, you would be very good at it. This is more of a Joke/colloquial way of saying that you want to earn money from sleeping. I hope this helps
1つ目のフレーズ "I wish I was paid to sleep”は、寝ていることでお金が稼げたら良いのにという願望を表現します。 2つ目のフレーズ "If sleeping was a job, I'd be promoted." こちらは寝ることが仕事だったらば、自分はとても上手くできるだろうという想像上のシチュエーションを言っています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I could get paid to sleep.

  • I wish sleeping earned me money.

"I wish I could get paid to sleep. " This explains that you would like to get paid to just sleep all day. "I wish sleeping earned me money." This explains to the person that you wish you could get paid for sleeping.
例文 "I wish I could get paid to sleep. " 寝ているだけでお金が貰えればなぁ 一日中ただ寝ているだけでお金を貰いたいと思っていると説明しています。 例文 "I wish sleeping earned me money." 寝ているだけでお金が稼げれば良いのですが 寝るだけでお金が貰えれば良いのにと人に説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I wish to make money whilst dreaming.

  • I wish I could get paid to sleep all day.

  • Getting paid to sleep all day would be my ideal job.

You can use any of the sentences to express what you are trying to say. You can also say it in a funny way: "It sure would be nice to make money while sleeping." The listener will know what you are saying and will probably end up agreeing with you. The expression "to make money while you sleep" is often also used in native English to attract potential investors for businesses or to get people to sign up for your niche product or sales ideas. *niche product - particular type of product
これらどの文でもあなたの言いたいことを伝えることができます。 次のような面白い言い方もできます。 "It sure would be nice to make money while sleeping."(寝ながらお金が稼げたらいいのに) "to make money while you sleep" は、事業への投資を募るときや、商品の宣伝文句としてよく使われます。 *niche product - 特定の種類の商品
Anqia DMM英会話講師
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