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2016/01/21 17:19
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  • priority seats

日本の電車などでは priority seats のように表現されていますね。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • courtesy seating area

別の言い方を。 courtesyは礼儀正しいとか儀礼的という意味がありますが、 ご老人や体の不自由な方、妊婦さんなどを優先させるエリアっていうことで (彼らに席を譲るのは礼儀正しい行為ともいえますしね) courtesy seating areaでもいいと思います。 courtesyはちょっと話がずれますが courtesy callとなると表敬訪問というか ご挨拶に伺いたいというときに使われる単語になります。
Ranken 経済英語スクール代表・経営コンサルタント・システムエンジニア
  • Seats for people with disabilities or the elderly.

  • A priority seat.

  • A disabled seat.

'A priority seat' is the politically correct term these days - to include people such as mothers with young children or pregnant women and ill people. Informally in the UK, people quite usually just say, "The disabled seat" though, of course, it is not the seat itself that is disabled!
A priority seat は政治的にも正しい(差別的ではない)言葉として認識されている。お子様連れのお母さんや妊婦さん、病気の人も含めて、利用できます。 イギリスではカジュアルにthe disabled seatと言うことがよくありますが、椅子がdisabledというわけではもちろんございません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Priority seats

  • Courtesy seats

Priority This implies that disabled people, the elderly and pregnant women get first preference for those specific seats Courtesy seats These are seats that should be given to disabled people, the elderly and pregnant women as a sign of politeness ______________________________________________________________ Example A: There was a mean man on the bus this morning B: What did he do? A: He refused to give up a courtesy seat to a pregnant woman
Priority 優先 身体障碍者やお年寄り、妊婦など特定の席に優先的に座ることができるひと Courtesy seats 優先席 礼儀として、身体障碍者やお年寄り、妊婦に優先的に与えられるべき席 ______________________________________________________________ 例 A: There was a mean man on the bus this morning今朝、バスに感じ悪い男性がいたんだ B: What did he do?彼は何をしたの? A: He refused to give up a courtesy seat to a pregnant woman彼は妊婦に席を譲らなかったんだよ
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Priority seating

Priority seats have been designated in public transport vehicles such as buses and trains, to allow elderly, disabled, pregnant women and the injured to ride public transport and be able to access seats easily to provide them some comfort on their journey.
priority seats'(優先席)はバスや電車などの公共交通機関で指定されています。高齢者、障害者、妊娠している女性、怪我をしている人が公共交通機関で、優先的に座席に座ることができ、乗車中に快適に過ごせることができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Priority seating

  • Disabled seating

Disabled seatig may refer to seats for people with physical disabilities. The term priority seating could refer to the disabled, pregnant women or even the elderly.
「Disabled seat」は体の不自由な人のための席を意味する表現です。 「priority seating」は妊婦や老人のための席を意味する表現です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • priority seat

  • restricted seating

  • access seat

We don't say disabled seat - the seat is not disabled. The person who is using it has priority seating. The seat is restricted for use by the elderly or people with disabilities. It is an access seat - they usually have wider access for people with crutches, a walking stick etc. Hope this helps Jane :)
「disabled seat」とは言いません。 「The seat is not disabled」は優先席を示す時に使うことができる表現です。 「The seat is restricted」とは、お年寄りや体の不自由な人のために使います。 It is an access seat 車椅子や杖をついている人々など幅広く使う表現です。 皆様のお役に立てると幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • reserved for the elderly

  • priority for people with wheelchairs

  • priority seats for buggies or prams

usually on buses or trains, the seats closest to the exit are reserved for the elderly or those with disabilities or for those with children. they are placed here for ease of access, and it is polite to move if a person of this nature boards the bus to allow them to get in and out as easily as possible.
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • handicap seating

  • seating for elderly and handicap

There are lots of areas set aside for those who are handicap and elderly. There are parking spots and seating in the airport, bus, and trains. Even in most bathrooms, there are special toilet seats for those who need additional assistance. In some instances, elderly and handicapped people are boarded before others on airplanes, trains, and busses.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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