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映画を観る 号泣しない 気をつける 全て簡単なセンテンスなのに、くっつけようとすると全く分からなくなります。 よろしくお願いします。
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2017/11/07 15:28
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  • Be careful, it'll pull on your heart strings!

  • Be careful, it's a real tear-jerker.

  • That film made me cry so badly.

A. I'm going to see Up in the theatres today, so excited! B. I loved that movie, but it made me cry so badly. A. I heard that too. B. Yeah, that movie will pull on your heart strings!
(英文) A. I'm going to see Up in the theatres today, so excited! B. I loved that movie, but it made me cry so badly. A. I heard that too. B. Yeah, that movie will pull on your heart strings! (和訳) A. 今日は映画館でUpを観るんだ。本当に楽しみ! B.その映画すごく良くて号泣した。 A. 私もそれ聞いた。 B. うん、感動ものだよ!
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • This film is very emotional! Get your tissues ready

  • This film will get the tears flowing

  • This film is moving so be prepared to cry!

This film is very emotional! Get your tissues ready- Emotional meaning the film makes the watcher feel certain things. Get your tissues ready can be used in a jokey, informal way This film will get the tears flowing- This means that because it is such a sad/moving movie it will make you cry This film is moving so be prepared to cry!- A moving movie is one that is emotional.
This film is very emotional! Get your tissues ready - Emotionalはこの映画が観ている人に特定の感情を与えることを意味しています。 Get your tissues readyはジョークのようなくだけた表現として使えるでしょう。 This film will get the tears flowing -これはあなたを泣かせるほど悲しいまたは感動させる映画であるということを意味しています。 This film is moving so be prepared to cry! - A moving movie とは感傷的な映画のことです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I bet you start crying during the first scene!

  • This film is a real tear-jerker

  • This film will tug your heart strings!

The question here is not entirely clear as, in the UK, nobody would suggest that someone be careful 'not to cry' while watching a film. In fact, crying during a sentimental film may be considered to be a normal reaction to a well related production. There is no shame nor negative impression involved if someone cries at the cinema. Tear-jerker = a sentimental story, film, or song, calculated to evoke sadness or sympathy. To tug one's heart strings = It was once though that the heart was connected by tendons that supported one's heart. If one of the strings was 'tugged' by an emotional upheaval, then that resulted in you having the deepest feelings; the strongest affections: to tug at one's heartstrings.
ここでの質問は完全に明確ではありませんが、イギリスでは、だれも映画を観ているときに泣かないように気を付けるようにとは言わないでしょう。 実のところ、哀しい映画を観ているときに泣くことはよくできている作品への普通の反応だと考えられるでしょう。 Tear-jerker = 哀愁のある物語、映画や曲、悲しみや同情を呼び起こすように計算されたもの。 To tug one's heart strings = かつて心は心臓を支える腱でつながれていたと考えられていました。もし強い感情でその糸の一本が 'tugged'されたら、あなたに強い感情をもたらすでしょう。 the strongest affections: to tug at one's heartstrings.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Don't cry too much, you will miss the best parts!

  • This is an emotional movie, be prepared to cry!

"Don't cry too much, you will miss the best parts" You could tell someone this if you know they cry during movies. If they cry a lot they may miss an important part of the story. "This is an emotional movie, be prepared to cry!" If you want someone to know the story is emotional before they begin watching. Emotional - shows emotion, causes you to feel emotion, etc.
"Don't cry too much, you will miss the best parts" 泣ける映画だと知っているのであれば、上記のようなフレーズで「あまり号泣すると大事なシーンを見逃すよ」と注意を促すことができますね。 とても感動的な映画であるなら次の文のように「泣く覚悟で」と教えてあげましょう。 "This is an emotional movie, be prepared to cry!" Emotional - 感情を表す、感動させるなどの意味。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful its a tearful movie.

  • You might need a box of tissues when watching this movie.

"Be careful it's a tearful movie." This explains that it is a sad movie and you might cry. "You might need a box of tissues when watching this movie." This is another common English way of explaining people often cry when watching this movie.
"Be careful it's a tearful movie."という例文について この文は、これは悲しい映画なので泣いてしまうかもしれないと伝える文です。 "You might need a box of tissues when watching this movie."という例文について これは、この映画を見るとほとんどの人が泣いてしまうということを言う上記とは別の一般的な英語表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful, it's a real tear jerker

  • The film is very emotional, get the tissues ready

Some movies are very emotional and make you want to cry a popular phrase for this is a 'tear jerker' meaning you might cry when watching it, by saying 'get the tissues ready' you are explaining that it might make them cry when watching it
すごく感動的で涙を誘うような映画もありますね。'tear jerker' はその意味の一般的なフレーズです。'tear jerker' は「泣ける映画」という意味です。 'Get the tissues ready'(ティッシュを用意しておきなよ)と言って、「見ると泣けるかもしれないよ」と伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Try not to cry

  • This ones a real tear-jerker

"Try not to cry" Is a common statement, said in a jokingly way when you know someone may cry, It can also be re-phrased and used "Try not to laugh" for when someone is going to laugh when you show them something funny. "This ones a real tear-jerker" "Tear-jerker" is an expression used which refers to something that can make you emotional and cry.
"Try not to cry"(泣かないようにね)は、よく使われる表現です。相手が泣きそうだなと思うときに冗談っぽく言います。また、何か面白いものを見せるとき、相手が笑いそうなら、これは "Try not to laugh"(笑わないでね)と言い換えることができます。 "This one's a real tear-jerker"(これは本当に泣ける) "Tear-jerker" は涙を誘う感動的な映画などを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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