立ったまま = standing up
座ったまま = sitting down (他の文脈では 'seated' を使える時もあります。)
I want to pee standing up. = 立ったままオシッコしたい
I don't want to pee sitting down. = 座ったままオシッコしたくない
"~ sitting down" is the most natural way to say it, but you can also say use the word "while."
For example, in Japan, many foreigners don't like using Japanese-style toilets because they don't like to go to the bathroom while squatting.
ここでは "~ sitting down" が最も自然な言い方ですが、 "while" という単語も使うことができます。
In Japan, many foreigners don't like using Japanese-style toilets because they don't like to go to the bathroom while squatting.