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運動会の振り替えで息子の学校がお休みだということを伝えたいのですが He is off today.では伝わりきれない気がします。どのように言えば良いでしょうか?
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2017/11/10 18:31
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  • My son is not going to school today because they had a sports day over the weekend and the school gave them the day off.

  • No school for my son today. This is a replacement day for the weekend when they had a sports day.

▪ My son is not going to school today because they had a sports day over the weekend and the school gave them the day off. This is saying that the school is giving the children back the sports day that was over the weekend. For example - Saturday was suppose to be off but then it was sports day now they have Monday off. ▪ No school for my son today. This is a replacement day for the weekend when they had a sports day. Replacement = thing that takes the place of another Example 1 Friend: Hey, is you son not going to school today? You: No school for my son today. This is a replacement day for the weekend when they had a sports day.
・My son is not going to school today because they had a sports day over the weekend and the school gave them the day off. これは、学校が週末にあった運動会の使った子供たちの休日を返すということです。 例えば-Saturday was suppose to be off but then it was sports day now they have Monday off. (土曜日は通常お休みですが、運動会だったので、今週は月曜が休みです。) ・No school for my son today. This is a replacement day for the weekend when they had a sports day. Replacement = 替わりとなるもの 例1 Friend: Hey, is you son not going to school today? (友達:ねえ、あなたの息子さん、今日学校に行かないんですか?) You: No school for my son today. This is a replacement day for the weekend when they had a sports day. (あなた:週末にあった運動会の代休で今日は、学校はないんです)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My son had to be in school for Sports Day last Saturday, so he has a day off in lieu today.

  • My son has an alternative holiday today as he had to participate in his school Sports Day on Saturday last week.

  • My son is having a compensatory holiday today as he had to attend the school Sports day on Saturday last week.

Explanation: 'A day off in lieu' is a day in compensation for another day where the person had to work, or a child had to attend school. It can also be called an 'alternative holiday' or a 'compensatory holiday.'
説明: 'A day off in lieu' とは、出勤日では無い日に仕事をした、または通学日以外に子供が学校に 行かなければならなかった日の代休として与えられる休日のことです。 'alternative holiday' や 'compensatory holiday.'とも呼ばれます。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Since there were sports day this weekend, students took a compensation day off.

*Since there were sports day this weekend, students took a compensation day off. Compensation day off is usually used in the workplace. For example when someone works on a day they are not supposed to and then take a day off to make up for it.Therefore in this case the students were not supposed to go to school during the weekend hence they get an off day during the week to make up for it.
*Since there were sports day this weekend, students took a compensation day off. Compensation day offは、通常、職場で使用する用語です。 例えば、出勤日では無い日に働いた場合、それを補うため他の日に代休をとります。 よってこの場合も、生徒たちは週末に学校に行く日ではありませんので、それを補うため他の日が運動会の振替休日となります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Students at my son's school have a day off today as there was a sports day at the weekend

  • As there was a sports day at the weekend, the school is closed today

  • The school is closed today as recompense for losing the weekend due to sports day

If there was a sports day at the school and all the staff and students attended over the weekend, then an alternative day or days may be permitted as recompense for losing the traditional weekend break. Recompense - make amends to someone for loss or harm suffered; compensate. "Offenders should recompense their victims."
週末の間に学校で運動会があって、学校の全ての職員や生徒が運動会に参加したのであれば、週末の休みがなくなった代わりに、1日または数日休みになるかもしれませんね。 Recompenseは、無くなったもの、被害を受けたものを修正する、報いるという意味です。 例文 "Offenders should recompense their victims." 加害者たちは、被害者たちを報いるべきだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • make up for

  • My son has the day off today to makeup for losing one weekend.

"to make up for" - this means to recompense for something that didn't happen, etc. A. Sorry for my absence. I'll make up for any time I missed from school. B. Yes, you will. You will have to attend after school classes every day this week. A. OK, so long as I can make up the time in order to not fall behind, I am happy to do so.
"to make up for" - 何を補うために行動すること。 (英文) A. Sorry for my absence. I'll make up for any time I missed from school. B. Yes, you will. You will have to attend after school classes every day this week. A. OK, so long as I can make up the time in order to not fall behind, I am happy to do so. (訳) A. 欠席していて申し訳ございません。欠席していた授業を補うために時間を費やします。 B. そうですね。あなたは今週放課後毎日授業を受けなければなりません。 A. はい、欠席していた授業を補うことができるのであれば喜んで行きます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My son had to attend a sports day for school on the weekend, so he has today off instead.

  • The school allowed my son to take the day off because he attended a sports day on the weekend.

1) My son had to attend a sports day for school on the weekend, so he has today off instead. (instead mean as replacement) 2) The school allowed my son to take the day off because he attended a sports day on the weekend. (allowed it to give permission)
1) My son had to attend a sports day for school on the weekend, so he has today off instead. (instead mean as replacement)  私の息子は、週末学校の運動会に出なければいけなかったので、今日は代休です。(insteadとは、代わりにという意味です) 2) The school allowed my son to take the day off because he attended a sports day on the weekend. (allowed it to give permission)  私の息子は、週末運動会に出たので、学校は休みをとることを許可した。(allowedとは許可するという意味です)
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • My son's school gave him the day off today since they had to go in for a sports day this past weekend.

  • My son stayed home from school today, they held a sporting event over the weekend and as a result of that decided to give the kids the day off.

  • My son's school had a sporting event this past weekend and gave him today off to make up for the kids having to go in to school on a weekend day.

All of these sentences will tell someone that your son is not in school today because the school he is attending gave all the kids off due to a sporting event over the weekend.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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