世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/12 16:17
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  • You recovered to win from the brink of defeat

  • You came from behind to win

  • You overcame an unsteady start to finish strongly

In so many sports such as foorball, tennis or boxing, the excitement is so much greater for spectators if a team or individual which is in a losing position, recovers and fights back strongly. There are many stories of players and teams coming back 'from the brink of defeat.' Back from the brink of something - "A late goal pulled the team back from the brink of defeat." You may also talk about 'coming from behind,' if early setbacks make it difficult but a strong recovery is made.
サッカーやテニス、ボクシングのような様々なスポーツで、応援しているチームや選手が負けている状態から、点を獲得して確実に[逆転](したときは、本当にワクワクしますよね。 'from the brink of defeat'(負けの崖っぷちの状態)から、逆転する[選手](やチームの話はたくさんあります。 Back from the brink of ~は、以下のように使うことができます。 例文 "A late goal pulled the team back from the brink of defeat." 後半のゴールがチームを崖っぷちから逆転させた。 最初は負けていて苦戦しても逆転した場合は、'coming from behind'という表現を使うこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was a huge upset!

  • Such a huge comeback!

  • A victory from behind

a comeback - this is a victory that is won at the very last minute a huge upset- this is a victory that was largely unexpected. a victory from behind - a victory coming from behind in the leader board The Clippers were able to defeat the Golden in the biggest upset of the NBA season. They came from behind in the final minute of the game to defeat the Warriors by 2 points, in what is not one of the biggest comebacks in NBA history.
"a comeback" - 最後の最後に勝つ事 "a huge upset" -[想像もしていなかった意外](な[勝利]( "a victory from behind" - "the leader board"(スコアボード)の下位からの勝利 The Clippers were able to defeat the Golden in the biggest upset of the NBA season. They came from behind in the final minute of the game to defeat the Warriors by 2 points, in what is not one of the biggest comebacks in NBA history. クリッパーズはゴールデンに想像もしないほどの大勝利を収めました。 最後の瞬間に2ポイントを入れウォーリアーズを負かしました。 これはNBA史上に残る大逆転勝利です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • a comeback

A very easy word that means everything you want to say. "We had a comeback." This implies that you were losing at first but in the end you 'had a comeback' and won the game.
シンプルなフレーズですが、言いたいこと全てを表すことができる言葉です。 "We had a comeback."(私たちは逆転勝利した) 途中まで負けていたけど最後には"had a comeback"(逆転)して勝った、ということを伝えることができます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • A Comeback

In football, it often happens that a team may lose the first half, that is, the first forty-five minutes by, say, two goals and seem like they had no hope of recovering. However, during the second half, they came back into the game and scored two goals within the first twenty minutes, thereby making it a draw on the sixty-fifth minute of the game. As if this wasn't enough, they went on to make it three goals to two in the eighty-fifth minute and four goals to two in the eighty-eighth minute. They will have come back from behind to win the game in this case. This can be termed a 'comeback'. So, you may say: My favorite team came back from a first half 2-0 loss to win the game 4-2. That was an amazing comeback.
サッカーでよくありますが... 前半を終わって例えば、0-2で負けているチームが、その絶望的な状況から、後半の最初の20分間に2点を取って(試合全体の65分で)2-2に追いついて、そこからさらに、85分に3-2、88分に4-2。逆転勝利を収めるわけです。これは英語では「comeback」と言えます。 例えば: My favorite team came back from a first half 2-0 loss to win the game 4-2. That was an amazing comeback. (大好きなチームが、前半0-2からひっくり返して4-2で勝ちました。見事な逆転勝利でした。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Comeback

"Comeback" This one word will summarize everything you just asked. Anyone with sports knowledge regardless of the sport knows what this means. It is a very popular word with many.
「comeback」、この一言で表せます。スポーツがわかる人なら (それが何であっても) 意味を知っています。よく使われる言葉です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Comeback

  • Upset

When someone wins after they were losing at first, it is known as a "comeback". When someone wins who was not expected to win, it is known as an "upset".
形勢の悪かった方が、逆転して勝利することは、"comeback"(逆転)と呼ばれます。 事前に負けると予想されていた方が勝利した場合、これは "upset"(番狂わせ)と呼ばれます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Comeback

It is called a comeback. This is a victory in which the team or player has come from behind to win the game. It is a common well known word in English among sports fans. This happens on a regular basis in many sports such as Australian Rules Football when the team is losing the game but is able to come from behind to win the game.
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Had a rough start to the match but I came back and won the game.

  • My 1st few rounds was bad but I got back in the game and won the match.

▪ Had a rough start to the match but I came back and won the game. rough = hard; severe This is saying that you didn't have a good start to the match but you still won. ▪ My 1st few rounds was bad but I got back in the game and won the match. This means that in the beginning the game was tough and you lost a few rounds but you came back and still won Winning is winning, even it is by 1 point or by 10. You still won.
▪ Had a rough start to the match but I came back and won the game. rough = 大変な、深刻な こちらの文は、試合が良いスタートではなかったけれど、それでも勝てたという意味です。 ▪ My 1st few rounds was bad but I got back in the game and won the match. こちらの文は、試合の最初は大変で、何点か負けたけれども、逆転して勝ったという意味です。 1点差だとしても、10点差だとしても、勝ったということに変わりはありません。あなたの勝ちです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • come-from-behind victory

「逆転勝利」という名詞ならcome-from-behind victoryという表現が使えます(*^-^*) 「背後からやって来ての勝利」ということです。 例) We won a come-from-behind victory. 「私たちは逆転勝利をおさめた」
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